The bar

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A/N edit: I'm sorry if this isn't long hopefully it is! Enjoy! And I'm still bored 😑 but! I'm excited for the Hamilton movie to come out!! Literally know all the lines to every song and I've been in the fandom for a while 😂😂😂 I would also like it if you guys comment! Thanks!

Johns POV~

As we were driving in the car I was kinda uncomfortable as to what happened prior. Come on man! It was a one time thing! He probably thought you were a pillow...... I laughed silently to myself. But I couldn't help but think maybe that was no accident.....

We finally pulled up to the bar and we both got out of the car.

"Oh just to warn you..... this is no ordinary bar..... sometimes we do crazy bets and stuff so watch out!" I said laughing as we walked through the door.

"Bro! I'm all about crazy!!" Alex said laughing as we were trying to find Laf and herc.

After 2 minutes of searching we finally found them at this small little circular booth, and we sat right down.

"Heyyyy!!! Mon amis!!!!!! You finally made it! We were just about to order drinks!" Laf said as he gave us a hug.

"So what took you guys so long?" Hercules asked.

Ummmm..... well I had to wake Alex he was taking a quick nap!" I said while looking at the menu for a sec.

After 5 minutes of waiting a waitress came to our table. Thank god! I was in the mood for a drink.

"What kind of drinks can I get you boys started with?" The waitress said sweetly as she retrieved her pen and pad.

"Let's see....... I'll take 3 pints of Sam Adams!" I said while handing her my menu.

"I'll take 8 shots of vodka, him and I are going to share" Laf said while pointing to herc who handed their menus to the waitress.

"And for you?" She said as she looked at Alex.

"Ummmmm..... I'll take whatever Johns having...." Alex said while handing her his menu.

"Alright! I'll get those orders in! Oh! We have happy hour tonight from 9-12 pm! So feel free to order any more drinks!" She while taking our menus. Then she walked to the back of the bar.

"Soooo...... John was telling me you guys do bets! What kind of bets?" Alex asked giving a little smirk.

"Oh just crazy things, like, dares and all that shit....... like strip or whatever" herc said laughing a little.

After a minute of waiting the waitress finally came back with our drinks.

I chugged down the first one and was now working on the second one. I felt very drunk. I looked around and everyone was drunk. Well, almost everyone. Alex was a little drunk bit still had a little bit of sober still in him.

"Lets all do a dare!!~~" screamed Hercules while taking a shot.

"Ok!~" I said while smirking.

Laf spoke. "I dare you take one piece of clothing off~" Laf slurred while looking at herc.

"Ok~" herc replies. He took off his beanie.

"That was eaassyy~....... come on now!" I yelled then turned to Alex.

"I..... dare you tooooo~......" I was looking around the room until a idea popped in my head.

"To do seven minutes in heaven with............. Laf!~" I said pointing to Laf.

"Ok! Wait what's that?........." Alex looked really confused and concerned.

"Well..... you have to spend 7 minutes...... 7 minutes?—" I looked at Laf and he nodded. "Yeah 7 minutes in the bathroom together~ you don't have to do anything CRAZY!" I laughed.

"Ok... alright let's do it!" Alex's face changed from confused to now calm to now excited. This is going to be good. I chuckled a little bit.

As Laf and Alex went into the bathroom I started drinking a little bit more. I knew the consequences, but I didn't care.

"Hey herc~!" I slurred. I felt very dizzy at this point.

"Yeah~....." he slurred looking at me all drunk. I could tell he was about to pass out any minute. He kept bobbing his head to the side and down and he was blinking really slowly.

"Do you like Laf~........."

His face got all red and he looked directly at the bathroom to make sure that Laf wasn't coming back.

"Ummm...... yeah I do~" he laughed.

And just like that he was out. He passed out on the table spilling his drink. As soon as he passed out Laf and Alex we're back from the bathroom.

"WHOA!....... what happened mon ami?" Laf said as he sat up herc.

"What does it look like? He passed out" I said as I got up from my seat. We decided to head back to the dorm. I kept stumbling as I was trying to make it to my car.

Alex's POV~

As we getting close to the car I noticed that John kept stumbling, so I rushed to his side helping him walk.

As we got to the car I tried to unlock it.

"Hey john! Pass me your keys!" I said walking to him.

"No! I'm driving!" He said all angrily trying to keep the keys all to him self.

"Oh no you don't!" I said trying to grab the keys from his hands. I finally got the keys and helped John in the passenger seat. And then I started the car and we drove back to the dorms.

As we got to the dorms John stumbled into the room and plopped down on the couch. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I came back and plopped on the couch right next to him. I started feeling very sleepy and started to doze of. I woke up ten minutes later to John laying on my lap sleeping. His eyes shot wide open.

"Ahhhh! JESUS! What the hell? Are you ok?" I asked all surprised and confused.

John's POV~

I woke up to a bad feeling. It wasn't good. I saw that I was laying on Alex's lap.

"Oh no!" I felt my stomach to churn.

"What! What's wrong?" Alex said rushing to my side.

I gripped my stomach really hard and closing my eyes. Then I had flashbacks to all the Sam Adams that I drank. I could feel the beer coming up near my throat.

I pushed Alex away and I made a mad dash to the toilet. I got there just in time and spewed a lot junks. As I was puking my guys out Alex quickly saw what was happening and left the bathroom. Great! Now he thinks your disgusting! Ughhh. Alex came back with a glass of water and a aspirin. He sat down next to me and smiled sympathetically. And then I hurled once more. He flushed the toilet and shoved me the water and the aspirin.


"O-o ok!" I said shivering a bit as I layed my head against the tub.

"Take the aspirin and when you feel better come to the living room. Ok?"

"Ok......." I said sitting up a bit. I sat there for what felt like hours. I soon got up and made my way to the living room. I saw Alex asleep on the couch with a blanket. I read the time. It was currently 1:27 am. I made my way over to Alex to pull up the blanket on him.

He groaned and stirred and grabbed my wrist. He didn't let go of it and he soon pulled me onto the couch next to him. I took in his warmth as he snuggled a little bit closer to me. Shit. This is going to look so bad in the morning! But what hell im tired. I layed my hand on top of my chest.

"Good night Alex" I said as slowly drifted off to sleep.

That's it for this chapter! Stayed tuned! I am currently working on chapter 6? I think? I'm out peace ✌🏼

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