26. Judgemental

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Rye's Point of View

My day has consisted of thinking about Jazz cheating on Bryce and how I'm supposed to tell him what Jaden and I witnessed yesterday. I'm afraid that the problems between Bryce and I will intervene in his trust in me. She can easily manipulate him and make him believe that Jaden and I are lying. This could be the end of our friendship forever, and I don't think I'll ever recover if that happens.

"Here you go." Joshua hands me his child. "Are you liking your solo choreography?"

"No, I'm totally going to lose." I reply as I hugged the baby in my arms. Hunter gives me so much peace.

"I have a crazy idea, but-"

"Change my choreography behind everyone's back?" I blurt out and he laughs nodding his head. "That will disqualify you from going to nationals, but at least you'll be dancing something you like and probably win the competition." He says.

"Because the choreography is embarrassing, and it's New York, you need to look good."


"Anyway, I'll help you plan when I go pick up Hunter."


I'm now with Madison, I picked her up so we could go eat at the malls food court. I hadn't eat in a long time and we all know what happens when I don't eat...

"So, the thing I had to tell you."

"Oh right! What was it?" She asks taking a break from eating her salad. I'm also eating a salad, even though I usually eat junk food but I don't want to look bad in front of the only girl friend I have.

"Jazz is cheating on Bryce." I tell her with an evil smile on my face. Madison gasps and covers her mouth with both hands.

"What? How did you find out?"

I explain to her what happened yesterday and she was in shock the whole time, but she believes me.

"Do you think he'll believe you?" Even Madison questions Bryce's trust in me. "I ask myself the same thing."

Jafen: hey, im at the house

Jafen: jazz is here all over bryce and when he's not around she's a bitch to me

Jafen: your bestfriend is here to

Me: bestfriend?

Jafen: olivia

Me: oh you mean your girlfriend?

Jafen: i rather die

Me: is jazz seriously treating you
like shit?

Jafen: yeah

I showed Madison what Jaden texted me and we agreed to eat faster so we could get there as soon as possible. Not only I'm angry about the whole cheating situation, but now Jazz is being a smart ass with Jaden? I'm not letting that happen, I'm protective on what's mine.


"Olivia is there, I think I'm going to throw up." Madison says snapping me out of my thoughts. "She was mad Jazz and I hung out yesterday."

"And? She can't do anything to you." I tell her as I parked the car in front of the house.

I take Hunter out of his carseat and we went inside the house. Everyone is hanging out in the living room, as usual.

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