43. Toxic

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide Topic⚠️

Rye's Point of View

Audrey came to pick up Hunter a little before midnight. I took a shower and wrote how my day went on my journal, trying to keep myself awake for Jaden.

Once it's started to get extremely late I called him but there was no answer.

He forgot.

"Fucking hell." I muttered under my breathe before placing one of the pills on my tongue. I downed it with water and then looked at the empty pill bottle, I need to get more.

I went to sleep with a lot on my mind, by a lot I mean Jaden. How more unimportant can I be for him to forget me so easily? I was willing to wait as long as he needed and he didn't even remember?

The next day I just received a text from him saying sorry and that he fell asleep, which I ignored. I had to focus on my dancing and that's what I did.

Some days passed. Jaden and I have only texted, to make sure we're fine and to say I love you's, but we haven't seen each other in person. I've been unable to sleep correctly because I ran out of pills. It's starting to affect my dancing and my mood. I need to buy them from some one, I haven't had time to go to my doctor and get them prescribed.

Me: what are you doing?

Mads: hanging out with addi... why?

Me: Want to go on a mission?
Addi too

Mads: Sounds dangerous but sure!

Me: Meet me here 📍

Mads: Are you crazy???

Mads: fine

I'm already in the location I sent her; the party house. Jaden would murder me if he finds out I'm here but he doesn't need to know. This is for my own sanity and I'm sure as hell going to find the pills here.

Thirty minutes later the girls arrived and I get out of my car. It's a friday, the house is packed.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Mads asks me as we were walking to the front door. "I'm out of pills." I respond.

They didn't say anything back, only nodded.

Inside the house was crazier than expected but we went in anyways, holding hands so we wouldn't lose each other. I now need to find the tall freaky guy that looks like a vampire.

"It's you again." Oh well he found me first. "I was looking for you." I tell Chase and he laughs.

"Really? Last time you wanted to fight me." He says and the girl laughed, so did I. "I was having a bad night, sorry."

"Well, what brought you here? Jaden didn't mentioned you were coming."

Excuse me? Jaden?

"Jaden's here?" I ask him. "Oops... yeah." He smiles, showing his perfectly aligned teeth. "That's fucking funny." Mads shook her head.

"Who is he here with?"

"With the same people as always Dixie, Quinton-"

"Yeah yeah." I cut him off. "If we make it quick he won't know we were here." I tell the girl and they agreed.

"What do you want? I can't help you if you don't tell me."


"Follow me."

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