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The Power of a New Voice.


Reagans POV:

Finding Asher is an easier task said than done. After explaining to Collin who Asher was and getting a strict stay away from this boy speech, we finally set out to find him.

We looked everywhere. Thoroughly searching the school. My last stop to check was the gym.

I know it's a last resort, but what else can I do?

Walking into the gym, I looked around.

"ASHER!?!" I called. My voice echoed off the walls and I finally heard the scuffling of shoes.

Asher's head popped out from behind the bleachers. He came out slowly and I walked to him.

"There you are." I sighed once I finally reached him.

"What do you want?" He asked blue eyes, more green than blue, critiquing my every move.

"I want to explain what happened today." I said. "It's a really long story."

Asher shrugged and sat on the bleacher patting the spot next to him, "I've got time."

"Okay. Where do you want to start the beginning? Or what?" I asked sitting next to him.

"I guess we should start from the beginning." He said and I nodded.

"Okay. So as you saw I have special talents or superpowers so to speak." he nodded.

"Well I have the power of invisibility. I also found out this past summer that I can create invisible shields and any invisible object that comes to mind when I concentrate. I can also move things with a flick of my wrist."

"Explains today. Okay." he said.

"Yeah. My family has powers too. My sister Cassie has the power to make anyone do anything she wants with one look. She can also make you forget. She can also hear anything within a three mile radius. The summer of our sixteenth year we get control if all our powers. Well kind of. I still can't control it, but I'm getting there." he nodded again.

"My brother Collin has super strength. He has the strength of a thousand bulls pushing at one object. I find that really cool, but that's just me. My little sister Jodie has super speed. She can run as fast as the wind."

"Wow. Is there more?" he asked blue eyes wide. I nodded my head.

"My parents too. It's literally our whole family. My mom can read minds. So just don't think hard around her it could hurt her head and if you want my mom to like you, don't give her a headache." I said chuckling.

I got a smile out of Asher, but it disappeared like it never exsisted.

"Anyways, my dad can make anything appear with just a thought. It's kind of like my power. But mine's invisible." I said after an awkward pause.

Asher nodded slowly taking in the information thrown his way.

"Now that's pretty much it. I mean unless you have any questions." I said.

"Yeah I do." He said thinking for a moment. "For instance how is this possible? Why do your eyes glow? Who else knows?"

"Woah okay, umm...I don't know how this is possible. My whole family has powers. My grandmother and i share the same powers. So I guess it was just passed down or something. My grandmother died when I was four so I'm not really sure how to really control my powers. Only me and her have the exact same powers in the family. I don't know why. And truthfully I don't want to know why. She was an evil woman. She used her powers for destruction. I don't want to be destined to have the same fate as her so I try to control my powers." I shrugged.

"Do you know why she was that way?" Asher asked.

"No. And I don't want to find out. She was just evil and fuçking crazy. She hurt a lot of people. My mother included. I don't want to be that. I don't want my powers to go to my head." I confessed.

He nodded and touched my hand. It felt like I was electrocuted and heat flowed to the rest of my body. Gasping, I pulled my hand back and clutched it to my body.

"Okay so, my eyes glow when I'm using my power, but they don't really glow they turn a stormy blue that kind of glows. I guess it has to do with my power. My brother and sisters eyes turn neon green and glow because of their powers and their eye colors. My little sisters eyes turn red which was scary the first time, but we've gotten used to it because her eyes are hazel and her power. My moms eyes are like the twins and my dad's eyes don't glow for some reason." I explained.

He nodded. "Okay, so what happens now? You know, now that I know." he asked.

"Well you can either not tell a soul like River and Leslie or Cassie can make you forget. But just saying please don't tell. It's not that hard to not tell." I said.

Asher looked at me and said "I won't tell a soul. You have my word. I wouldn't let my cousin down like that." I nodded taking in his answer.

His blue eyes stared into my ice blue ones. "I promise." he whispered.

Asher's head moved closer to mine so we were only centimeters apart. I gasped when I could feel his minty breath on my lips. Looking into his darkened blue eyes I realized how close we were. My eyes widened and I leaned back putting some space between us.

"Well if that's it I guess we should go find the others." I coughed awkwardly and looked away.

Asher got out of the trance and nodded awkwardly "Yeah..." he said pulling me up from the bleachers.

Awkwardly we walked out of the gym to find the others. I found the group waiting around.

"Geez, I love how much you guys fuçking try." I said smirking.

"Reagan! There you are. And you found that guy." Collin exclaimed.

I nodded, "Asher this is my older brother Collin, Collin Asher."

"Nice to meet you." he said politly, then all of a sudden as if a switch clicked he gowled, "Don't talk to my sister."

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "Awe look at little Colly-wolly acting all protective." I said pinching his cheeks.

He slapped my hands away.

"But seriously don't. I don't need a protector Collin. You of all people know that." I stared at him.

"But -"

"No buts. Don't even try it." I cut him off glaring.

"Fine. Dude, you're lucky I'm fuçking scared of her." Collin grumbled glaring at Asher.

"You better be." I smirked.

"So guys. Sixth period is about to end. And Reagan you have practice. Go to your locker we'll wait here since, were not going anywhere." Cassie said smiling.

I nodded, "Wait doesn't Jodie have practice?"

"Oh yeah! Silly me, forgot." Jodie said hitting her head.

"I'm serious. You have the memory of a 90 year old." I deadpanned.

"Yeah yeah, I know." She said and ran out of the door.

I shook my head and followed her out. It's going to be a long practice.


Hey peoples. :) finished another revision.

Yay for effort. Anyways I hope you read it. I changed some things.

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Scarlett Johansson: Cassie Murdock.

Grace x

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