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The Power of a New Start.


Reagan's POV:


The only thing I've felt since the move three weeks prior. The only thing to get me through the numbness was my dad. Getting out of the hospital was one thing, but getting better is another.

He's not all there anymore. Always mumbling words. Random words usually about fire and murder. I don't know what to do. None of us do.

We all have struggled to cope with the loss of my mother. After the move all I really had left of her was my necklace and memories.

I haven't been myself either. I'm so closed off, I don't know what I acted like before this. All my thoughts have gone to pain. Being void of all emotions. Always glaring at my next target.

My wardrobe has changed too. Way to many darling colors and tanks. Leather jackets and combat boots. I haven't even done anything to make myself look better than I am. To look presentable to the world, because why must I look good for a world that has taken everything away from me.

Asher and I have been well Asher and I. We started dating again. But we also know that if something happens we'll have to pause us.

Asher takes my mind off everything going on. He's been my rock through all of this pain. He's become really popular at the new school. I am too I guess, but I don't really express it. I don't like anyone except for like three people. And they hardly ever talk.

Cassie and River are strong as ever. They are the golden couple like always. But now they are less talkative. They don't talk to random strangers unless they have to. They've closed off. I supposed we all have really. I mean just because Asher and I are "popular" doesn't mean we'll talk to you.

Jodie has been taking the move well. She doesn't talk like me. But she's more, I'll look at you and acknowledge your existence. While I'm more, get away from me. She's as popular as us because she's, well a Murdock. I guess where ever we go. We'll always be popular. I don't like it. The attention is annoying. But I guess I'll have to live with it.

Collin and Leslie are so cute. Their relationship is so cute. Collin is still the same old bad boy and Leslie is still a spit fire. No one dares to touch us. They know we'll hurt them just by the looks on our faces.

The school has kind of alienated us. We're our own species, which is true. They've made us some kind of dream. Something that doesn't exist.

"Reags. It's time to go!" Cassie yelled from downstairs.

I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. Same blonde shoulder length wavy hair. Same icy blue eyes. The only difference is the cold stare instead of the happy go lucky spark. I was wearing a red tank, my blue necklace, black leggings, my leather jacket, and my black combat boots. I placed a black beanie on my head since it was kind of cold then grabbed my black backpack and phone and walked out.

I sighed as I walked into the kitchen. Same old atmosphere. Sadness. Loss. Broken. Thats I all I feel. Numb. Collin and Jodie were sitting on the black granite kitchen counter eating toast.

"Hey Reags!" Jodie yelled.

"Hi." I mumbled and nodded.

Her smile faltered like always. But she still stays happy some how. I have to hand it to her. She's doing amazing. Collin nodded at my existence.

Collin and I have gotten the most along through this whole ordeal. We're both the don't talk to me types. And I guess it's good having someone else other than Asher that understands me.

"Guys. Do we have to go to school today?" Leslie asked walking into the room with Asher in tow.

Asher and I connected eyes and he smiled. I gave him a small smile because it's really all I could give these days. You'll be lucky if you even get that.

Asher walked over to me and pulled me into him. The smell of woods and his colon clouded around me. I welcomed the calming smell and sighed into him. Only Asher could do this. Make me feel again.

"Yes Les. We do. Even if you could care less." I said pulling out of Asher in a monotone voice.

Asher put his arm around me and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"But…Why? Can't we just train and ignore everyone." Leslie whined.

"I'm already doing that." I smirked.

"Oh. Thats true. Okay." Leslie sighed and walked towards Collin.

"Come on guys let's go. Collin you can't afford another late slip. I mean we've been here for three weeks." Cassie said rolling her eyes.

"Well I need to get my bad boy rep. I mean Reagan is already the bad girl. Come on!" Collin said.

I laughed. Like actually laughed for once. Everyone, except Asher and Collin, looked at me shocked.

"Re-Reagan. You laughed. You actually laughed." Cassie said smiling.

I nodded, "I guess I did."

Back to monotone.

Everyone thought I didn't have emotions. Well I don't, not entirely. But I do laugh here and there, but only in front of Asher and Collin. They bring out my carefree side. The side I don't want to show. The side I always keep hidden.

"Well. Let's go." Asher said bringing everyone out of their shock.

We all nodded and Asher and I walked to my mustang. We got in and drive to the new school.

Langley Acres High School.

I rolled my eyes once I drove into the parking lot. Time for annoying stares. I grabbed my black sunglasses from the visor. I put them on and got out of the car with Asher. He put his arm around me as we walked into the school.

Another day. Another glare.

Let's see where this takes us.


It's done. This is the last chapter to Invisibility. I can't believe it's finally over. This book has take a year to write and it was worth it. It may have sucked, but it showed me I can actually finish something. Even though it could take a year.

There will be a sequel so don't panic. I know I left it off at a random spot through the story. But the sequel will not be soon. It may be a month from now or a year, but it'll come. I know I could start writing the sequel right after I write this, but I have to finish my other stories. The ones I've just started and the ones where I'm still figuring out why I started.

I can't thank you enough for reading this terrible story. I've grown as a writer and as a procrastinator. I mean it took a year to write I could've written this in 6 months tops. But it happened.

This is going to be my last sign off for this story and I can't thank you enough.

Even though this story only has like 300 Reads. I don't care. 300 people have read this story and I'm happy about that.

So again.

Thank you.

Grace x

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