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The Power of a Note.


Reagans POV:

"Reagan. Hey. Wake up." someone whispered pushing me.

I opened my eyes and saw Asher sleeping and Collin sitting in front of me.

"Come on Reags we still have school." he said sighing.

"What time is it?" I asked groaning and cuddling back into Asher.

"7:13." he said my eyes widened.

"Wait for it…wait for it…"


Collin laughed. He freaking laughed.

"What the fuck wrong with you?" I growled.

"I just wanted to see your reaction. Now get up!" He yelled and walked out.

"Jackass!" I yelled.

I ran upstairs and looked at my outfit from last night.

Eh I'll change.

I ran to my dresser and grabbed a pair of blue undergarments and a towel and ran to take a quick shower. I got out and ran to my closet I grabbed a white thin strap tank, light blue ripped jeans, a light blue sweater, and white ankle lace up boots. I put everything on and ran to my dresser. I put on mascara and ChapStick and I got my gym bag and put my practice uniform inside.

I got my bags and phone and ran out.

"I'm here! I'm here." I sighed as I got into Collins car. He laughed.

Fucking asshole.

"That was entertaining. Did you really think I would leave you?" He asked smirking.

"By that look on your face. Definitely." I said.

"It's just going to be us today. The rest of them have practice." I nodded.

"Why just us? Even if they have practice."

"Because we need at least two people going and Karen picked us." He explained.

"Oh. Well that's lame." I said and he nodded.

"Hey. Think of it this way. It means we're the most advanced." Collin said chuckling.

"Aye. I like your thinking." I said smirking.

We got to school and got out of the car. Collin walked with me to my locker since he already had what he needed for his first class. I opened my locker and put everything inside. I grabbed my chem stuff and we walked to class.

"Meet me at the table." Collin said giving me a hug.

"Well duh." I said rolling my eyes. "Bye Colls."


After five tremulous classes three things were certain. One, I failed my math test. Two, I have a headache. And three, people need to shut the fuck up.

Like really they are so loud. I walked to my locker and grabbed my French book. A note fell out of my locker. I picked it up and my eyes widened.


I closed my locker and bolted to the cafeteria.

"Collin!" I yelled once I got to the table.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked. I showed him the note and the picture.

"Reagan say hi to your little mommy. This may be the last you see of her. If you don't come to 1575 Jefferson Terrence, this will be the last you see of her. See you Friday at 5pm. Oh and say hi to the family for me. Grandfather."

His eyes widened while he read it outloud.

"We need to go home. Now." He said and we ran out of the cafeteria to his car.

We got home and ran to our parents room. I pulled the hanger and we ran down the staircase. We ran to the fighting room and saw everyone training.

"Guys! Mom needs us." I said when they saw us.

"Why are you here? You're supposed to be at school." Karen said.

"I got a note in my locker. It was from grandfather." I said with no emotion.

I am done with this. I'm going to fight and train and finally free my parents. I showed them the note and picture.

"You can't go." Cassie said.

"What do you mean I can't go? Mom will fucking die. You know grandfather is crazy. He will kill her. I don't want to lose a mother." I said glaring.

"I'm not ready to lose my mom. She's supposed to watch me get married. Watch me have my first child. Cassie I can't lose mom." I whispered tears leaking out of my eye.

Cassie's eyes widened, "Okay. Here's what we're going to do."



They have to do this.

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Grace x

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