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The Power of a Sisterly Love.


Reagan's POV:

You know that feeling where nothing in life seems worth it. Where you would be fine just not breathing because everything turned out badly. Well thats me right now. Staring at my fathers lifeless body hooked up to a bunch of machines is bad. But knowing why he's there is worse. My mother passed away when we got to the building. The doctors said she had died instantly and had a very traumatic experience. Well obviously, her own parents had kidnapped and killed her.

I walked towards my father's bed tears clouding my eyes.

"Hey daddy. I know you can't hear me right now, but I hope you're going to make it. I don't know what to do. Mom's gone and you're in here. There's still bad guys after us. And I don't know if I'm strong enough to do this. I know I have everyone with me, but I don't think I can pull myself to do this. This whole fighting thing is not me. I'm a basketball player and a star student. I-I'm not a fighter. I'm not a superhero. I wish you could speak so I'd know what to do. Please daddy. Wake up. Please." I cried clutching his cold hand.

"Reagan. Sweetie it's time to go." Karen said patting my back. I nodded.

"Bye daddy. See you soon." I whispered kissing his head.

Saying I'm a daddy's girl is an understatement. I would always be with him. Everyone else was mom's. But I was dad's. I would never be without him. I don't know what's going to happen, but I just hope he pulls through. I can't lose him.

I walked out with Karen feeling numb. I could still feel the wetness of tears on my cheeks.

"Hey Reagan. Ready to go?" Collin said looking concerned.

I nodded and he put his arm around my shoulders. I was still wearing my suit and I haven't slept. Once we found out he was still breathing we automatically came here. It's been two days. And we haven't heard anything. All we know is that he's in a coma and might not make it.

By the time we got home, I got out of the car and walked straight into the house. It was eerily quiet. I didn't like it. I turned invisible and walked in.

Where was everyone?

I looked around and walked into the kitchen. There were pans all over the floor and the window was broken above the sink. My eyes widened.


I ran back towards the front door.

"Collin. Someone's been inside." I whispered. Thankfully I still had my ear piece on.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Everything's been trashed." I walked out of the door and saw the gang. I turned visible again and ran towards them.

"I knew this was going to happen." I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

Jodie didn't watch grandfather like I asked. She followed me upstairs after I told her to stay. Grandfather escaped and now they know where we live.

"Jodie! Why don't you ever listen to me!?!" I yelled getting a headache. She glared at me.

"This isn't my fault. You have to go bossing people around like your all high and mighty." She said turning her nose up. I rolled my eyes.

"Jodie this is your fault." Cassie said upset. "You were put in charge of watching grandfather. Not by Reagan, but by Collin. And yet you didn't. Did you?"

Jodie eyes widened. "You think this is my fault too? Why? Oh let me guess because Reagan's the special one. No one gets mad at Reagan " she sneered looking towards me.

"NO! THATS NOT IT! Get this through your thick skull. We are a team. Mom's gone. Dad's in the hospital. This is all we have. We don't know where River and Ashers parents are. We have nothing. Get your attitude in check or else. I'm going to do something I won't regret later." I growled.

"Do what? What can you do? Absolutely nothing." She scoffed. I glared at her.

"You know what I didn't want to do this Jodie, but you've left me no choice. You're done. Don't bother coming with us. We're leaving you here." I stated monotone.

Of course we're not leaving you idiot.

"Reagan's right. If you keep going on like this we have no choice. Your parents are my best friends, but even they wouldn't want you, with you acting like this." Richard said playing along.

"Y-you wouldn't." Jodie stuttered with tears springing to her eyes.

"That depends on you. I know your mad about me getting the note. But you aren't the one thats being chosen. I would've been so happy if you got the note and not me. Truly. I wouldn't have to deal with this. Put yourself in my place Jodie. There are bad guys chasing after me. Not you. Me. You could go when you want. I can't. They want my powers. Be happy it's not you." I said sadly.

Jodie looked at me.

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve anything I threw your way. I guess I just thought I was the special one. I'm never the special one. But I just thought maybe. Maybe this one time I could be it." She said sighing and wiping her face.

"Jodie you are special. You're special to me. I wouldn't be the same if I didn't have a sister like you. I mean yeah you could be a stuck up pain in the ass. But you're still my sister. And I wouldn't change that for the world." I said hugging her.

"I'm so so sorry." She mumbled crying into my shoulder.

"I know. Now Let's figure out what we're going to do." I said putting my arm around her and looking at the gang.

"We can't stay here. They know where we live. They'll come back."

"I know. Your parent have thought of that. We have a have a safe house a couple miles away from here. The thing is. You can't go to the same school." Karen said.

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

"They know you go to school there. They left the note in your locker Reagan. You have to switch schools." Richard said.

"B-but what about basketball? I'm captain. My team needs me!" I yelled.

"I know, but Reagan. We need you. If you go back to that school and they come. What do you think is going to happen. They'll let you go. No. They're going to take you. And use you to take over the world." Collin said. I sighed.

"Okay. I understand. What about our stuff?" I asked.

"Karen's going to drive you to the new place. Asher, Jodie, Collin and I are going to get all of our stuff." Richard explained.

"But what about all of our weapons?" Cassie asked.

"We'll get those too. Just go." He said tossing the keys to Karen. We got in the car and parted ways.

Guess it's time for a new life.


One more chapter.

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Grace x

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