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The Power of a Pool Party.


Reagans POV:

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Reagan get up we have practice!" Jodie yelled and pounded on my door.

"I'm up! I'm up." I groaned and got off the bed.

I grabbed a pair of panties and a towel since in wearing my suit. I took a quick shower and grabbed my suit. After I put that on I grabbed my boots and gloves and put all those on.

I ran downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I walked into the fighting room and saw Karen.

"Okay today we're going to do hand to hand combat." I nodded.

"You'll be with me. When the others come they'll get the rest of the parents. Now let's go." she said as she walked out.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You are going to go to your room and change into something for comfortable. And fight like. Even though your suit is pretty cool. And then you will meet me in the back yard." she said. I nodded and walked back upstairs.

Why do they always do this? Tell me what to wear before hand. Gosh!

Grumbling, I walked into my room and grabbed a purple sports bra and black shorts. I changed out of my suit and boots and put that on. Then I walked to my dresser grabbed a pair of socks and went to my closet and grabbed my black running shoes. I put everything on and put my hair into a messy bun then walked out.

I walked up the metal staircase and went downstairs. I walked out of the back sliding door and walked into the backyard. Our backyard was huge. There was a pool and on the side of that the was a large amount of grass.

Karen was waiting for me wearing a black tank and black shorts and shoes.

"Okay Reags it's just going to be us out here. Your mom specifically asked me to train you." I nodded.

"Okay first we are going to condition okay? I want to condition you for a couple days then we'll start fighting." she explained

"Okay. I understand I condition for basketball." I said nodding.

"Okay first 50 push ups. I'm doing everything with you." We got down and did the push ups. "Okay now 50 sit ups." she said

"Can we do 100? I usually do 100." I said and she nodded. We did the sit ups.

"Okay." she said breathing heavily. "Now 50 crunches."

"I'm so happy there's a pool party after this." I sighed.

She laughed as we did the crunches, "So am I."

"Now I let's do 35 back flips. I know you can do it. You were in gymnastics." I nodded and we did the back flips.

"Okay last one. Let's go and run a mile." she said while we got a drink of water.

"You're...trying...to kill...me." I said between breaths.

"No this will all pay off. We're going to do this everyday for three days then we'll start fighting. I'm going to increase everything by 50 everyday also, except for the miles. We'll just add one." I nodded and we ran through the living room and out the front door.

When we came back I sighed.


"Okay Reags we're done for the day. Go change and I'll set up for this thing." I nodded and ran to the closet.

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