1 | sparkling eyes

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"I hate Donghyuck for this!" Jeno mumbled under his breath.

He was walking home late, the sky was now dark and the streetlights were on. Jeno disliked going home when it was dark outside, made him feel unprotected.

Jeno was forced to stay after school for a bit because Donghyuck was too scared to ask Mark to be his partner in a project. Instead Jeno had to be his partner, despite the fact that Jeno wanted to work on the project all on his own.

As he continued walking clearly mad at the younger, who was too chicken to ask his crush. He suddenly bumped into someone. He turned his head and looked around to see what he bumped into. He looked down and sees someone hunched over helping a hurt kitten.

Jeno was going to open his mouth and say something but before he could. The person turned their head and looked at Jeno. Jeno widened his eyes as he looked at them.

It was like time had stopped. It was just Jeno and this guy looking directly at each other. Jeno looked at his eyes. They were sparkling. Every blink this person took, Jeno would see it in slow motion. It was weird for him. He had never felt this way before. As if it was love at first sight, heart beating rather fast and he couldn't take his eyes off of him.

It had to be. The only thing Jeno could think of. He had fallen in love with this stranger helping a hurt kitten.

"Excuse me. Could you help me with this kitten. It's hurt and I don't think I'm able to take care of it on my own. If that's fine with you," They spoke up. Jeno shook his head as he was still in the little trance.

"I-I...uh... sure," Jeno stuttered. He kneeled down and looked at the hurt kitten this person had in their hands. Jeno looked at them and saw a worried look on their face. He softly smiled at them. They were soft, kind-hearted. That's what Jeno thought at least.

"We should go to a vet," They said. Jeno nodded his head. They both stood up and started walking. Jeno looked at the person and saw a determined look on their face. Like his number one mission was to save the cat.

Jeno couldn't stand to close to the cat. The only time who could actually touch and be near cat is whenever he took his allergy medicine, which he didn't take too often. He was lucky that he always brought his medicine with him, just in case he ever had an encounter with a cat just like now.

"Hey. We never got to introduce ourselves. I'm Jaemin. What's your name?" Jaemin asked. Jeno looked at them.

"Uh... My name is Jeno," Jeno introduced himself. Jaemin turned his head and looked at Jeno and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry if I'm just dragging you with me because of this kitten," Jaemin suddenly said. Jeno quickly shook his head.

"No! It's fine! I don't mind at all. This is kind of like an unexpected adventure, they're always fun," Jeno chuckled. Jaemin smiled.

"That's good to hear. We should get to know each other more since we both are going to take care of this kitten," Jaemin said. Jeno looked down at the kitten, it kept meowing. Jeno felt bad and wanted to comfort the cat but he couldn't.

"Look! There's the vet," Jeno said. They both rushed over to the vet. They entered and looked around. Jaemin went to the front desk and told them about the kitten. The workers there took the kitten.

Jaemin and Jeno were told to wait and they would come back to inform them about the kitten.

"I'll go first! I have an allergy to cats but once I take medicine I can pet and touch them. My family also has three cats. What else?" Jeno said to Jaemin.

"You have three cats!" Jaemin widened his eyes. Jeno could tell how excited Jaemin looked. His eyes were sparkling again. Jeno chuckled and nodded his head. Jeno took out his phone and showed him. Jaemin looked at the photos and was in love with them.

"I like photography. I like to go bike riding. I can also play the guitar," Jeno said. Jaemin looked at him and smiled. He handed his phone back to him.

"I don't have any siblings. I like the sunny weather. I also like to dance. I guess you could say I'm also a free spirit," Jaemin chuckled. Jeno smiled at him.

"We'll get to know each other more once we hang out right?" Jeno said. Jaemin nodded his head. Jaemin handed Jeno his phone to him.

"Write down your phone number," Jaemin smiled at him. Jeno nodded his head. He wrote his number and then texted himself to get Jaemin's number.

"What year are you by the way?" Jaemin asked.

"2000," Jeno replied. Jaemin smiled.

"Me too," Jaemin said.

I'm going to love writing this story.

I hope you liked it!

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