8 | i'll do it today

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"Why are you in such a rush?" Donghyuck looked at Jeno. Jeno was frantically running around trying to organize papers and get everything right.

"Because this is due tomorrow and I have somewhere to be in a few minutes," Jeno said. Donghyuck chuckled as he looked at him run like a maniac.

"This is what you get for doing this last minute!" Donghyuck said to him. Jeno rolled his eyes.

"You know what. I'm just not going to sleep tonight," Jeno said as he placed his papers on his desk.

"It's 8 by the way. You have like a few more hours to finish it," Donghyuck said. Jeno suddenly grabbed Donghyuck's arm and dragged him out his apartment. "Hey! Where are we going!"

"You are leaving because I have to go!" Jeno said. He closed the door to his apartment and took off. Donghyuck just looked at him run away.

"He must care more about this person a lot to put his homework aside," Donghyuck mumbled.


Jeno and Jaemin were walking together at night. Jaemin suggested that they try to hang out earlier but Jeno was busy with work so instead he asked if they could meet up at night which Jaemin agreed to.

"Hey look! It's a bridge and a river," Jaemin said. They walked towards the bridge. Jaemin looked down and sees the river moving rather slow.

Jeno smiled as he looked at Jaemin looking down at the water. Jeno loved whenever Jaemin would get fascinated by anything as small and simple. Jaemin turned his head and looked at Jeno.

"You know. I've never seen a river this close in person before. I never really explored much," Jaemin said. Jeno made a surprised face.

"Really?" Jeno was surprised. Jaemin is someone who was his age, has never done such simple things such as a walk in the park and go to the beach. Jeno honestly felt bad for Jaemin. He wondered why he was never able to do such things.

"I gotta do it," Jaemin thought to himself. Jaemin had to confess to him now. He had no other choice. He couldn't wait any longer, before it's too late for him.

"You know. We've only known each other for around almost two weeks," Jaemin said. Jeno nodded his head.

"It feels like we've known each other for what seems like years," Jeno said. Jaemin chuckled and nodded his head. Jaemin looked up at the dark sky, they way the moon shined again. Just how it was shining when they were at the beach.

"In those two weeks, I feel warm, comfortable and protected by you. As if you are my soulmate. I've never felt like this with anyone before," Jaemin turned his head and looked at Jeno. He was looking at him just how he had said with warmth. He smiled at him. "Jeno, I like you. Maybe even love you."

Jeno widened his eyes. He never expected for Jaemin to suddenly confess to him. If anything Jeno wanted to confess to him first but he didn't think it was the right time. He thought that Jaemin might judge him for falling in love so fast. But now, he had to telling him back. It was the right time.

"I love you too. The first time we meet, when you turned your head and looked at me. It felt like time stopped. I looked at your sparkling eyes and almost immediately I felt butterflies in my stomach. So I guess I fallen in love with you at first sight," Jeno confessed back to him.

Jaemin softly smiled at him. They were already pretty close to each other looking over the river. They looked at each other in the eyes.

Jaemin slowly started to lean. Jeno noticed and got a bit nervous but he could feel his body get closer to Jaemin. As if he had no control over his body.

They both kept leaning in. Finally, their faces inches apart from each other. Jaemin slowly puckered his lips, closed his eyes and leaned in more.

Their lips finally touching.

It felt like a dream to Jaemin. Everything seemed so perfect and nothing was ruining the moment.

Jeno slowly placed his hands on Jaemin's cheeks. He could feel how warm Jaemin's cheeks were. He was blushing as they kissed. Jeno couldn't help but smile in their kiss.

They both let go and look at each other. Jaemin like always was the first to give him a smile. Jeno smiled back at him. Jaemin placed his forehead on Jeno's forehead. Both still smiling.

"I love you Na Jaemin," Jeno said. Jaemin chuckled.

"I love you too Lee Jeno," Jaemin said.

They look up at each other and smile.

"Does this mean we are boyfriends?" Jaemin asked him. Jeno chuckled and nodded his head.

"Will you be?" Jeno asked him. Jaemin smiled and nodded his head.

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend," Jaemin said.

"Let's go home," Jeno said as held his hand. Jaemin just followed him.

"Slowly one by one as one feels together," Jaemin thought.

This is so cuteee!

I hope you liked it!

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