4 | walk in the park

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"Do you still have some milk tea?" Jaemin asked him. Jeno nodded his head. He handed it to Jaemin but Jaemin didn't bother grabbing the cup.

He simply just took a sip while Jeno held the cup. Jeno got flustered. When Jaemin looked up at him, he noticed that he was blushing again. He just laughed at him. "You're always blushing when I do stuff like this."

"Well... uh... yeah. I don't expect you to do that," Jeno said. Jaemin chuckled.

"That place was good! I feel stuffed too. We should walk to lose the weight from the sweets," Jaemin joked.

"I don't mind taking a walk," Jeno said. Jaemin smiled.

"Let's go to a park then!" Jaemin said.

They head together to a park together. Jaemin was skipping like a little kid right in front of him while Jeno just giggled as he walked behind him.

Jeno wondered why Jaemin acted like such a child. He didn't think it was bad rather he thought it was cute.

"Look at the flowers!" Jaemin said as he pointed at them. He ran towards them and kneeled down as he looked at the flowers. Jeno reached up to him and looked at him. He took a photo of him without knowing.

"You're so cute," Jeno said. Jaemin turned his head and looked at him. It was like the first time they meet. The same pose again.

Jaemin then stood up and cupped his hands in front of Jeno as if he was holding something. "Close your eyes. Think of the kitten. Now open your eyes. I hope you imagined that the kitten was in my hands."

Jeno smiled at the younger. Jaemin smiled back at him.

"I hope that kitten is doing well," Jeno suddenly said. Jaemin nodded his head.

"If it wasn't for me. I don't know what would have happened to that poor kitten," Jaemin pouted. Jaemin chuckled.

"You saved a life," Jeno said. Jaemin looked at him and then looked down at his feet. Jeno also saved a life, right?

"Let's continue walking!" Jaemin said changing the mood. They walked next to each other enjoying each other company. Jaemin hasn't been in the park for awhile so he really loved being there.

"Do you have a job?" Jeno randomly asked. Jaemin looked at him but never said anything.

"I don't," Jaemin mumbled. Jeno raised an eyebrow.

"So how do you have house?" Jeno asked. Jaemin giggled.

"I still live with my parents dummy," Jaemin said. Jeno made an 'oh' face.

"Must be nice, they take care of you. I live in an apartment alone," Jeno said. Jaemin nodded his head.

"Yea. They actually pay everything for me. They also wanted me to stay home with them. I am their only child and I don't want them to be lonely," Jaemin said.

"You're really nice. My parents didn't care whether I moved out or not. As long as I'm working they're fine with it," Jeno said.

They continued to walk and started heading to their homes while still being in the park. Jaemin suddenly stopped walking and Jeno raised an eyebrow as he looked at Jaemin. Jaemin closed his eyes. He then opened his eyes.

Jaemin looked at Jeno. He knew that Jeno looked at him with warmth, always smiled at him and gets flustered easy. He loved that feeling, it was his first time feeling like that. Jeno made Jaemin feel special, even thought they've only hung out twice.

It was like getting comforted by him. He wanted it to last forever but he knew it wasn't going to. Jeno was that feeling that Jaemin had hoped for.

"Jeno. Do you ever feel like there this one person that makes you feel loved but they don't realize it?" Jaemin suddenly asked. Jeno looked at him and froze.

Did Jaemin already guess that he liked him? Or was Jaemin talking about someone else. He got scared with several questions going through his mind. He shook his head and looked at Jaemin again.

The wind hitting his face, the sun hitting his face. He looked like he was glowing. Jeno was deeply in love with him.

"Yes," Jeno finally spoke. Jaemin chuckled and looked down at his feet.

"Make sure to spend all your time with that person. It's a nice feeling," Jaemin said. Jeno nodded his head. He'll keep hanging out with Jaemin no matter what.

"I will and you should too," Jeno said. They looked at each other. The leaves falling and the soft breeze.

It was like everything was frozen and the only two people who weren't was Jaemin and Jeno. The sun shining on both of them. It was romantic to them and in that moment their hearts were both beating fast, butterflies in their stomach.

They were in love with each other.

"It's not a moment's illusion. Something's definitely pulling me in. I can't stop," Jaemin thought.

I kept thinking of kdrama scenes for this lol.

I hope you liked it!

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