14 | cotton candy

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"Just call us if you want us to pick you up," Jaemin's parents said. Jeno and Jaemin nodded their head.

"We'll be safe," Jeno told them.

"Have fun!" They said as they drove off. Jaemin watched his parents leave. He turned around and looked at the entrance.

They decided to go to a amusement park for a date. Jaemin has never been to one so this was exciting for him.

"Come on! Let's go!" Jaemin said as he grabbed Jeno's arm and dragged him to the amusement park. They both go to the booth to buy tickets. Soon enough they enter the place. Jaemin's eyes widened his eyes.

"Look at all the rides here!" Jaemin smiled. Jeno chuckled. "Let's go on that ride!"

He dragged him to a roller coaster that was pretty big. Jeno didn't mind roller coasters. What made him happy was seeing Jaemin smile so much.

They waited in line for awhile. They were lucky that the lines weren't too long since they decided to go there during the week day.

"I feel bad that I had to make you skip a class," Jaemin said. Jeno shook his head.

"It's fine. It's just one class anyways," Jeno said. Jaemin softly nodded his head.

Soon enough it was their turn to go on the ride. They sat down and they made sure they were secured tightly. Jaemin held Jeno's hand and looked at him.

"Are you scared?" Jeno asked him. Jaemin shook his head.

"I just wanted to hold your hand. If anything, I'm excited," Jaemin said.

The ride slowly started. Jaemin looked ahead of him with a smile on face.

"I love you," Jeno told him. Jaemin blew him a kiss. The ride was slowly making its way to the top. The ride stopped for a brief few seconds, soon enough the ride started moving again and they headed down.

Jaemin started to giggle and laugh as the ride was going fast. Jeno was also laughing but he couldn't help but look at Jaemin while they were riding it.

Soon after the ride ended. Jaemin and Jeno were getting off but Jaemin quickly ran to another ride. Jeno chuckled and ran after him.

"The boat ride?" Jeno asked. Jaemin nodded his head.

"It doesn't seem too scary and it looks fun," Jaemin said. They wait in line as the line was a bit long.

"Chenle! I don't want to ride this! It's too scary!" The boy in front of Jaemin and Jeno whined.

"Jisung, it's not even that scary," The boy named Chenle said.

"Yes it is! Can I leave the ride?" Jisung said. Chenle shook his head and held Jisung's arm tightly so that he wouldn't try to run away.

"Can we at least sit in the middle of the ride," Jisung said. Chenle looked at him and sighed.

"Fine but you are sitting there on your own," Chenle said. Jisung widened his eyes and looked at him.

"You're lying! You're just going to leave me! Can you at least sit in the middle with me," Jisung complained.

"If I sit in the middle with you. Will you ride a roller coaster with me?" Chenle asked him. Jisung shook his head.

"I'll die," Jisung said.

"Then I'm not sitting in the middle. I'm sitting in the back," Chenle said. Jisung tried to leave the line but Chenle was holding onto him tightly.

They were all slowly close to the ride until it was their turn. Jeno and Jaemin noticed that the kid named Jisung tried to sit in the middle but Chenle dragged him to the back of the boat.

All four of them were sitting in the back. Jaemin looked over at Jisung and noticed him holding onto the bar tightly and looking down.

"Hey! Don't worry. You're friend is next to you so you don't have to be so scared," Jaemin said as he looked at Jisung. Jisung looked up at Jaemin and slowly nodded his head.

The ride slowly started to move. Jeno, Jaemin and Chenle raised their arms while Jisung held onto the bar tightly and didn't bother looking up.


"Thank you," Jaemin said as he handed money to the cashier. He turned around and looked around and looked at Jeno.

Jaemin had bought cotton candy for both him and Jeno. Jaemin handed him cotton candy. Jaemin grabbed a small piece and ate it. His eyes shined brightly as he tasted cotton candy for the first time.

Jeno couldn't help but find Jaemin adorable. This whole day Jaemin was trying new foods and riding roller coasters. Jeno just knew that he was having fun.

"Look the sun is setting," Jeno pointed out. Jaemin nodded his head.

"Seems like it," Jaemin said. He continued to eat the cotton candy and looked at Jeno. Jeno had his phone and took a picture of him. Jaemin giggled and posed. Jeno smiled. He turned around and took a selfie with him.

"Let's continue to walk around," Jeno said. Jaemin nodded his head.

Oh look chensung popped up.

I hope you liked it!

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