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"Sit down!" Jeno said to Jaemin. Jaemin shook his head, crossed his arms and pouted at him.

"I don't want to," Jaemin said in an aegyo voice. Jeno chuckled. He picked up Jaemin and sat him down on the bench. Jaemin was surprised when he did that.

"There you go! You are sitting down now!" Jeno smiled. Jaemin rolled his eyes at him.

"I've been sitting down and laying down all day. I wanted to know what it feels like to stand up," Jaemin said. Jeno looked at him and smiled.

"Let's just sit down for now," Jeno said. He sat down right next to him. "What were you doing up here anyways?"

"I wanted to look at the stars but there wasn't any," Jaemin said as he looked at Jeno.

"I'll help you look for some stars," Jeno said. Jaemin giggled and nodded his head.

They both looked up at the sky and try to find stars in the dark night sky. There wasn't a single star in the sky.

Until Jaemin suddenly sat up straight and pointed up at the sky.

"Look there's very faint stars," Jaemin said. Jeno giggled at how excited Jaemin got. Every single time he did that he loved it.

"I love you," Jeno said to Jaemin. Jaemin turned his head and looked at Jeno.

"I love you more," Jaemin said as he bopped Jeno's nose.

They both looked back up at the sky. Jaemin slowly rested his head on Jeno's shoulder. As they looked at the faint stars in the sky.

Jaemin looked down and grabbed Jeno's hand as he held it tightly. They held hands and rested their heads on each other. Jaemin could also feel Jeno's heartbeat, he noticed that it was going fast.

"You're heart is beating fast. Is it because of me?" Jaemin smiled. Jeno chuckled and nodded his head.

"You always make my heart beat faster," Jeno said. Jaemin laughed as he found it sweet.

"Don't worry. You make my heart beat faster as well," Jaemin said. Jeno chuckled.

"Jaemin. Are you ok? What are you in the hospital for?" Jeno suddenly asked him. Jaemin froze, he knew for a fact that his parents didn't tell Jeno at all.

"I just fainted and my parents just being parents freaked out and took me to the hospital. I'm fine though. I'll be out the hospital tomorrow," Jaemin lied to him.

"That's good. We can keep going on dates then," Jeno said. Jaemin chuckled and nodded his head. He wanted to keep going on dates with Jeno as well.

"I'd like that," Jaemin said.

Jeno lifted up his head and looked at Jaemin. Jaemin suddenly lifted his head up and looked at him.

"What do you want to do on our next date?" Jeno suddenly asked. Jaemin looked at him and shrugged.

"Something exciting," Jaemin said. Jaemin also didn't mind if it was the most simple thing, as long as he didn't stay in the hospital forever.

"Exciting to you is going to the park and looking at all the birds," Jeno joked around. Jaemin chuckled and nodded his head.

"It's something fun for me!" Jaemin said as he looked at him. Jeno chuckled at him.

"I guess it's fun for me too because I get to be with you," Jeno said. He gave him a peck on the cheek. Jaemin looked down and smiled. He then looked back at Jeno.

"I love you and I forever will love you," Jaemin said. Jeno placed his hand on Jaemin's cheek and softly caressed his cheek.

"I love you too. We'll grow up happy together," Jeno said. Jaemin smiled at him. He couldn't show him a sad face. He wanted to grow up with him and stay with him forever but he knew he couldn't.

"I hope so too," Jaemin said. Jeno leaned forward.

Their faces inches apart. They looked at each other and smiled. Jeno closed his eyes and leaned closer to him so that their lips touched. Jaemin closed his eyes and let Jeno kiss him.

Jeno slowly wrapped his arms around Jaemin's waist as Jaemin wrapped his arms around Jeno's neck. Jaemin smile in between their kiss.

They both let go and look at each other. Jaemin kissed him on the lips and looked at him again. Jeno chuckled.

Jaemin wanted to stay like this forever. He just wanted to stay with him forever.

Teehee cute again

I hope you liked it!

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