10 | tear stained cheeks

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"Mom. Do you know where-" Jaemin tried to speak but instead he stumbled back a bit, unable to finish his sentence. He held onto a chair and placed his other hand on his chest.

His mother noticed him and quickly ran to him. She looked at him worried.

"Jaemin. Take big deep breathes," She said to him. Jaemin did what she said but it wasn't helping him. He felt like he was slowly loosing his breathe again.

He tried to look at his mother but his vision was slowly started to fade as well. All he saw was black slowly taking over and before he knew it. He had fainted. He fell in his mother's arms.

"We have to take him to the hospital," Jaemin's father said. They took him to the car and headed to the hospital as quick as they could.

They arrived and were admitted quickly. Jaemin's parents waited for him until they were allowed inside his room.

They had to transfer him to room instead of a doctor's office. They entered the room and see Jaemin wearing an oxygen mask, a heart monitor connected to him and he had been connected to an IV drip.

Jaemin's mother started to tear up as he looked at her only son in the hospital bed. Jaemin's father patted her back as he held back tears.

"Will he be ok?" Jaemin's father asked Dr. Moon. Dr. Moon nodded his head.

"We have stabilized everything. He may take off the oxygen mask whenever he feels like he doesn't need it at the moment but unfortunately we need him to stay here again in the hospital," Dr. Moon said.

"For how long?" Jaemin's mother asked.

"A couple of days will be fine. We just need to examine some more things," Dr. Moon explained. They nodded his head at him.

"Thank you," They both said. He bowed at them.

"I'll be leaving now," He said as he walked out the room. Jaemin's parents looked at Jaemin on the bed, he was asleep. They both sat down next to him. They looked outside the window and saw the moonlight.

"Why did this have to happen?" Jaemin's mother said. He grabbed Jaemin's hand and held onto it tightly. They remained silent.

After a couple of minutes, Jaemin's eyes fluttered open. He looked around and see his parents silent looking at him.

They both were quick on their feet and went up to Jaemin.

"Are you ok?" Jaemin's mother asked him. Jaemin nodded his head. He felt something on face. He lifted up his hand and touched his face, there was an oxygen mask. He slowly lifted up his body and took of the mask.

He looked at the parents and gave them a soft smile.

"What happened?" Jaemin asked them. They sighed in relief.

They explained to him what had happened. He nodded his head.

"We have to get going. We'll be back by tomorrow morning alright," They said. He waved goodbye at his parents and they left.

Jaemin looked outside the window. He wanted to see stars outside but there wasn't any. He wasn't able to see any stars at all. He sighed as he looked down at his hands.

He already knew that there was an IV drip connected for him and they were checking his heart rate. Someone knocked on the door and walked in, Jaemin turned his head and noticed that it was Dr. Moon.

"Have your parents left?" Dr. Moon asked. Jaemin nodded his head.

"You are allowed to tell me information as well. I'm techinally an adult," Jaemin said. Dr. Moon nodded his head.

"Well I have some very unfortunate news. The medicine we have given you were not working like they were supposed to. We gave you this new one and it is seen to do something but as of right now. Your condition is getting worse," Dr. Moon said. Jaemin nodded his head.

"Thank you for telling me. I'll tell my parents once I see them," Jaemin said.

"We will have you stay here for a bit longer. So please take it easy and in a few day you will be free to go," Dr. Moon said. Jaemin nodded his head. He watched as Dr. Moon left. He saw him leave.

The minute he was out the door. A tear started falling down Jaemin's face. He looked out the window, more tears started to fall. He suddenly started to bawl out his eyes.

He placed his face on his hands as he continued to cry. He couldn't help it. He's been smiling all this time whenever he felt like crying and after bottling up for awhile, he couldn't do it any longer.

"Please. I need to stay! For Jeno!" Jaemin cried. He was heartbroken. "Please. I have to stay by his side forever."

Jaemin kept crying. His eyes getting puffy and it started to hurt for crying so much. He looked up again at the sky. No more tears were falling, but he was still hurt. Red marks were left on his cheeks from when he was crying as if they stained his cheeks.

"Stay with me I really really want. If only you were here," Jaemin mumbled.

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