22 | rather than air

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It's been a year since Jaemin had passed away.

Jeno had gotten depressed the first three months. Constantly crying and never having the energy to go to class. He just want to stay in bed all day.

It was rather serious. To the point that Jeno was willing to take his own life to be with Jaemin again.

Jeno was standing over a cliff as he went out for a walk for the first time. He looked down and saw how it was several feet down. Jeno stood over it for a bit but before he could even take a step. He stopped himself.

"I have to continue living for Jaemin. He wanted to live for me. So.... I have to do it... for him," Jeno cried. He wiped his tears away.

Slowly Jeno started to think of Jaemin in a positive way. A way to motivate him.

Jeno has never stopped thinking about him. Jeno would often visit the places they went on dates. The park, the beach and every other place he could think of.

Jeno framed the photo of him and Jaemin. He kept it on his desk. He never wanted to forget about him.

He often looked up at the sky, remembering that Jaemin would look at the stars.

He would even visit Jaemin's parents to remind them he never forgot about him.

"Jeno!" Someone said as the shook him. Jeno looked up and saw his new boyfriend.

"Oh sorry Renjun. I was just spacing out," Jeno said. Renjun chuckled and shook his head.

They had met when they were assigned as class partners. Renjun started to get interest in him. Jeno liked him as well but was too scared to ask him out since he never want to forget Jaemin.

But slowly he started to think that Jaemin would rather see him happy then upset crying over him so he did ask him out.

"It's fine. Ready for our date!" Renjun smiled at him. Jeno looked at his phone. He noticed that it was the anniversary of Jaemin's death.

"Actually. Can we do something else first?" Jeno asked. Renjun looked at him and nodded his head. Jeno stood up and they left the classroom.

"Where are we going?" Renjun asked.

"To go see Jaemin," Jeno said. He looked directly headed of him.

Renjun knew about Jaemin. He knew that Jaemin was Jeno's boyfriend and that he had passed away. Jeno would often talk about Jaemin to Renjun. At first Renjun would get jealous not realizing that he wasn't alive.

Until Jeno mentioned it. "I loved him so much. I wish I had meet him before so I could have been with him a bit longer. Unfortunately he had to pass away." Hearing that made Renjun feel bad for him. Having to lose a loved one.

They continued to walk to the columbarium. They entered the building and walked to where they had Jaemin. As they got closer Jeno could see Jaemin's parents there.

They saw him and bowed. Jeno bowed back as well. All four of them stood in front and looked at Jaemin's photo there.

As Jeno looked at the photo of Jaemin. He slowly started to smile but tears were falling down his face.

As if Jeno could feel his presence.

"I'll hug you whenever you remember me and think about me," Is what Jeno could hear. Never forgetting that Jaemin had told him that.

Jeno felt a cold breeze behind him but he didn't mind it at all.

Although Jeno couldn't see him. Jaemin could. Jaemin's ghost was behind him and hugging him tightly.

He looked at the photo of Jaemin one last time and smiled. He looked at the note inside next to his photo.

'Rather than air, it's you I really really really really want.'

"I'll forever think of you because I was your oxygen and hope," Jeno spoke through his tears. Renjun softly patted Jeno's back as he comforted him.

He looked at Jaemin's parents and gave them a hug.

"Wait!" Jaemin said. He grabbed a pen and paper. He wrote the small sentence and gave it to his parents. "Put this next to my photo if I die. Jeno will understand." Jaemin smiled as they were about to take him to surgery. His parent nodded their heads.

"I love you," Jeno said.

This is so sad! I cannot believe I had this mind. This is the end of the story.

I hope you enjoyed!

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