16 | you can't leave

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Jaemin slowly started to hyperventilate as he stared at his food. His parents quickly stopped eating and looked at him.

"I... c-c-can't...go....to....the....hospital....a-again," Jaemin tried to say. He placed his hand over his chest and tried to control his breathing but nothing was working. He tried to stand up but he dropped down to the floor.

He widened his eyes and looked at his legs. Tears started to fall down his face. His parents stood up and quickly walked towards Jaemin.

"Jaemin. We have to take you the hospital. You don't have a choice," His father told him. Jaemin looked at his parents and started to cry. He hasn't cried in front of them in awhile.

"Why can't I walk! I couldn't I have been fine. Why!" Jaemin cried. Jaemin's mother slowly started to tear up. Jaemin's father picked him and took him to the car.

They all quickly headed to the hospital.

Jaemin couldn't help but continue to cry. It hurt both of his parents having to hear him cry like that and see him like that.

They finally arrive at the hospital and quickly they take in Jaemin.

Jaemin's parents waited for him. Jaemin's mother wiped her tears and tried to act like everything was normal.

"He's getting worse. You saw what happened," Jaemin's father said. It hurt them so much seeing their only son be in so much pain.

"I'm scared," Jaemin's mother mumbled. Jaemin's father hugged her tightly.


"Unfortunately. He is getting worse. We will continue to run tests and other treatments. Jaemin, because your condition has gotten worse we are not allowed to discharge you since it would only get worse," Dr. Moon explained.

Jaemin nodded his head as he looked at Dr. Moon. Dr. Moon could notice that Jaemin had a sorrowful look on his face.

"So I can't leave," Jaemin said. He nodded his head.

"That is correct. You can't leave," Dr. Moon said. Jaemin sighed as he looked down at his hands.

"Thank you for telling us," Jaemin's mother said. Dr. Moon smiled and bowed as he left the room.

Jaemin looked at the IV tube connected to his arm. He hated how he had to be connected to it. 

"Jaemin. Can I call Jeno and tell him to come visit you?" Jaemin's mother asked. Jaemin at first wanted to tell her no but he knew he had to see him.

"Yes," Jaemin mumbled. She proceeded to call Jeno. Jeno quickly answered and soon enough the call ended.

"He's coming," Jaemin's mother said. Jaemin nodded his head. He should be excited that Jeno was going to come and visit him but he wasn't.

He didn't want Jeno to see him in this state. He didn't want him to worry. He didn't want Jeno to change the way he acted around him. He was just as scared as he was when he first came and saw him in the hospital.

After waiting for a bit, Jeno came. He entered the room and looked around. He greeted Jaemin's parents and then quickly walked to Jaemin.

"Are you ok?" Jeno asked him. Jaemin nodded his head.

"I'm fine. I just have to stay in the hospital a bit more longer this time," Jaemin said. Jeno nodded his head. Jeno held Jaemin's hand tightly.

Jaemin could see the concerned look on Jeno's face. It worried him as well. Jaemin looked away and looked at the window. There was still a bit of sunlight outside.

"Jaemin. We have to go. We will be back soon. Bye Jeno," Jaemin's father said. They both nodded their heads.

As soon as Jaemin's parents left the room, Jaemin spoke up. "I'm sorry, you have to see me like this again." Jaemin looked down. Jeno quickly shook his head.

"No! It's fine! You don't have to worry at all. I just know that you're going to get better. All the doctors and nurses here are to help you," Jeno said. It was a lie to Jaemin. He wasn't getting better like he hoped he did.

Instead he was getting worse, his days were getting shorter and Jaemin is starting to get more scared. Just a few days ago, he was with Jeno and they were riding roller coasters.

Jaemin remained silent. He looked down at his hands. Jeno was still holding onto his hands. Jeno pulled Jaemin into a hug and held him tightly.

Tears fell down Jaemin's cheeks. He felt like he could breathe again without needing an oxygen mask.

"You're more than air. I really want because you're the one who keeps me breathing," Jaemin thought. He closed his eyes and hugged Jeno tightly back.

Did yall cry???

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