2 | stick by your side

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"Excuse me. Are you two boys waiting for the kitten?" A nurse asked. Jaemin looked at her and nodded his head.

"Is the kitten alright?" Jaemin asked concerned. The nurse chuckled and nodded her head.

"It was neglected by it's mother but don't worry we will take care of it," The nurse said. Jaemin sighed in relief.

"Thank you so much for helping the kitten. I can't take care of it so I had no choice but to bring it here," Jaemin said. She nodded her head. The nurse waved goodbye at the boys.

"That's a relief. We should be heading home now," Jeno said. Jaemin looked at him and nodded his head. He stepped out of the vet.

Jaemin sighed and looked up at the sky. He smiled. Jeno looked at him and sees him smiling looking up. Again, Jeno couldn't help but just stare at his face, he looked so handsome. Jaemin looked at Jeno and sees him looking at him. Jeno suddenly widened his eyes.

"Where do you live?" Jaemin asked. Jeno blushed and looked away, while Jaemin just chuckled at his actions.

"I don't live too far from here," Jeno said. Jaemin smiled brightly.

"Really? So do I! We can walk home together," Jaemin said. Jeno turned his head and looked at Jaemin. He looked so happy.

They started to walk the same direction, after realizing they lived one block away from each other.

While they walked together, Jaemin would point at several things and made Jeno laugh. It's the sillyness that made Jeno love Jaemin even more.

Jaemin suddenly stopped. Jeno raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Do you live here?" Jaemin nodded his head.

"Do you want to meet up tomorrow? Get to know each a bit more?" Jaemin asked. Jeno nodded his head.

"What time?" Jeno asked. Jaemin shrugged.

"Whatever time is good for you," Jaemin said.

"I forgot to ask you but what college do you go to?" Jeno asked. Jaemin bright smile slowly faded and now was only a soft one.

"I don't go to college," Jaemin said as he looked down at his feet. Jeno nodded his head.

"Well I guess after my classes tomorrow we can hang out, right?" Jeno said. Jaemin nodded his head.

"I'll text you the details tomorrow," Jaemin smiled.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow," Jeno said. They both waved at each other. Jaemin turned around and looked at his house. He walked in the door and greeted his parents.

They asked if he was ok and if anything bad had happened. Asking him several questions and Jaemin couldn't help but laugh. He felt like a little kid again, being asked if he was alright.

"I promise you guys that I'm fine," Jaemin smiled. He saw the look on his parents face. They gave him a pained smiled. "I'm doing whatever makes me happy right now alright. I know you worry about me but trust me if anything happens. I'll call you."

"We love you," Jaemin's mother said. Jaemin nodded his head.

After talking with his parents for a bit he went up to his room. He walked in and sat down on his bed. He started to think about Jeno.

When he turned his head and looked up at him. All he could think was that he's the person who we will stay with for a long time. He had to figure out a way of getting to know him but he cared about the kitten.

So all he could think was that he should ask him to help him with the kitten. He got lucky that he did.

All Jaemin thought while being with Jeno was that he should stick with him, hoping that he would make the rest of his life exciting. He just had that feeling. It's better to do things with someone instead of doing it all alone. Jeno was that someone.

"I'm following you're breath without realizing it. A feeling that never existed before," Jaemin mumbled. He looked outside the window and smiled.


Jeno couldn't help but keep thinking about Jaemin. Every time he smiled, he felt butterflies in his stomach. He smiled just with a single thought of Jaemin.

"Yup. Love at first sight," Jeno said as he giggled to himself. He made it to his apartment. He opened the door and walked inside.

He placed down his bag and walked into his room. He walked over to his desk and sat down. He suddenly started to think about Jaemin again. He told him he doesn't attend college.

"If he doesn't go to college. He must have a job right?" Jeno asked himself. He didn't think much of it, he grabbed a notebook and started to work on his homework.

As he was writing, Jaemin popped up on his mind again. He chuckled. He was excited to go on a date with Jaemin tomorrow, well to him it was a date. He shook his head and powered through his homework. He wanted to go to sleep for it to be the next day already.

What did you guys think! Nomin already got feelings for each other teehee

I hope you liked it!

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