9 | happy to be with you

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"Jaemin!" Jeno yelled. He sees him leaving his house. He ran towards him and attacked him with a hug. Jaemin stumbled back a bit and laughed.

"Hi Jeno," Jaemin said as he hugged him back.

"Are you ready?" Jeno asked him. Jaemin nodded his head.

Jaemin wanted to simply go to a park and spend some time with Jeno. For them it was their first date as a couple, but they didn't think it was their first date in general.

"Can I say hi to your parents?" Jeno asked him. Jaemin nodded his head. They walked towards the house. Jaemin opened the door and he looked inside.

"Hi! Jeno wanted to say hello to you guys," Jaemin said. Jeno stepped inside and looked at Jaemin's parents.

"Hello!" Jeno waved at them. Jaemin's parents smiled at him and waved at him.

They left and Jaemin closed the door. Jaemin suddenly grabbed Jeno's hand. He looked up at him and smiled.

"Ready to go to the park?" Jaemin asked him. Jeno smiled at him and nodded his head.

The two walked to the park holding hands. Both smiling happily, happy to be with each other, happy to be able to date.

"Jaemin? Why do you always want to head to the park?" Jeno asked him. Jaemin didn't say anything, instead he just looked down at his feet still with a smile on his face.

"I love parks. They're so pretty," Jaemin said as he looked up at him. Jeno smiled at him.

"I guess you're right about that. Parks are pretty," Jeno said. Jaemin squished Jeno's hand. Jeno jumped back a bit and looked at him. "Why'd you squish my hand like that?"

Jaemin shrugged.


The whole afternoon Jaemin and Jeno spend their time walking around the park while holding hands. Jaemin suggested that they take photos together. Jeno noticed that Jaemin never took out his phone to take photos.

Jaemin would constantly get Jeno's phone to take photos of him and of each other. Jeno thought it was strange. Jaemin doesn't have a single of photo of him on his phone.

"Jaemin. Why don't you take photos on your phone? Don't you want to keep them?" Jeno asked him. Jaemin awkwardly chuckled and nodded his head.

"I don't have much storage on my phone so I don't really take photos," Jaemin lied. Jeno nodded his head.

He placed his hand out and ask him of his phone. Jaemin just looked at him, not wanting to give him his phone. Jeno continued to wait so Jaemin finally gave up. He handed his phone to Jeno.

Jeno looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "You're acting as if you are hiding something from me." Jeno went to his camera. He took a selfie with Jaemin in the back and made it Jaemin's wallpaper.

"Is that all you're going to do?" Jaemin asked. Jeno nodded his head.

"It's cute right?" Jeno said. Jaemin looked at it and smiled.

"Yea. I'll send you this photo so you can have it as your wallpaper too," Jaemin said. He sent the photo to Jeno. Jeno quickly changed it to his wallpaper.

Jeno leaned in and gave Jaemin a peck on the lips. Jaemin blushed and smiled at him.

"Let's go to a store! Don't you want to buy some ice cream?" Jeno said to him. Jaemin widened his eyes and nodded his head.

They walked to convenience store together and walked in. They looked at all the ice cream options.

Jaemin got the fish shaped ice cream while Jeno got a melona bar. They payed it and left already eating their ice cream.

They remained silent as they ate their ice cream. They both finished and could see the sun setting. They walked slowly back to their homes. Enjoying the quiet time together.

Jaemin looked at Jeno. He smiled at him, he wanted to be with him forever. He wanted to keep having these special moments with him. He was happy to be with right there.

Jeno turned his head and looked at him. He walked towards him and gave him a hug and kissed him on the forehead. Jaemin smiled at him.

All of what Jaemin had wished and hoped to do were suddenly all possible because of Jeno. If it wasn't for him, he would have gave up. He wouldn't even be here with him.

"You're more than air I really want, because you're the one who keeps me breathing," Jaemin thought as he looked at Jeno in the eyes.

Eyes sparkling and filled with joy. They were perfect for each other.

If you guys have noticed, there are several Twice references in this story. Mostly the lyrics.

I hope you liked it!

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