21 | the past

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"Is our son ok?" Jaemin's mother cried. Dr. Moon sighed, he looked down at his papers and then back at Jaemin's parents.

"You're son has a severe type of pneumonia. We have been giving him medicine. He will be fine and if he ever gets it again please come back to the hospital," Dr. Moon explained.

"Thank you," They said.

They both then looked at their son. Jaemin was sitting on the bed with a oxygen mask on and an IV drip connected to him. Jaemin's mother placed her hand over his cheek and a tear fell down her cheek.

Jaemin was only 14 when it first happened.

He was fine after recovering for a bit.

"His heartbeat is stable. We aren't positive that he will be fine though," Dr. Moon said. Jaemin's parents looked at him.

"What is it?" Jaemin's father asked.

"Unfortunately Jaemin has developed bone marrow failure. With all the current treatments we are able to make sure he has a few more years to live," Dr. Moon said.

"He doesn't have much more time to live?" Jaemin's mother asked. Dr. Moon nodded his head.

"He's currently 14. He can live up to 19 or even much more older," Dr. Moon said.

"Please do anything to keep him alive," Jaemin's mother cried. He nodded his head.

"Smile!" The photographer said. Jaemin and his parents smiled. They were getting their photo taken.

"Thank you!" Jaemin's mother said.

"I can't believe I finally graduated!" Jaemin smiled. Jaemin's parents smiled at him. He was wearing his cap and gown.

"We are so proud of you," They said to him.

Jaemin did plan to go to college like the rest of the students in his high school. He was excited to go college.

That was until Jaemin was rushed to the hospital that night. They had to check everything, noticing that Jaemin's disease had only gotten worse and developed breathing problems that they couldn't find the cause of.

"Jaemin is going to have to go through several treatments and stay in the hospital," Dr. Moon said.

"For how long?" Jaemin's mother asked worried.

"Currently we don't know but it may take a long time," Dr. Moon said.

Jaemin had to go through several treatments. He had stayed in the hospital for awhile. To the point that Jaemin wasn't going to be able to go to college.

"I won't go. What's the point. Aren't I going to die in a couple of months. I don't want you to waste your money on school," Jaemin said.

"Jaemin. Do not talk like you are going to die so soon," Jaemin's mother said.

"But I am! I can't go to college," Jaemin said.

"Fine. We can't force to go there but please talk as if you are going to live forever," Jaemin's mother started to tear up. Jaemin noticed her starting to cry. He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm just mad that I can't go to school," Jaemin said.

"It's ok sweetie," Jaemin's mother said. She looked at him and placed her hands on his shoulder. "Just don't ever talk like that every again. You are going to live longer. I just know."

She was right.

Jaemin was close to his death but because he didn't want to leave his parents. He didn't give up.

Slowly the treatment start helping even more. That he was allowed to leave the hospital.

The day he officially left the hospital was the same day he found the kitten. Along with it being the same day that he bumped into Jeno.


"I can't believe I bumped into him the day he left the hospital," Jeno said. Jaemin's mother chuckled.

Jeno was at Jaemin's house and was talking to his mother.

"Here! Jaemin wanted me to give you this!" She said. She handed him a letter. Jeno grabbed the letter and looked at it. "Jaemin wrote it the night before his surgery."

He opened it and took out the piece of paper that was inside. He looked at it and began to read.

'Dear Jeno,

I should've told you before that I didn't have much time to live. I didn't want to worry you though. I didn't have the guts to tell you that.

I'm happy you came into my life. You made everything better. Just remember, don't let go of my hand. I hope you will forever remember me. You're my only one.

We were perfect for each other.

If only I just lived a bit longer. We reflect each other. Every moment with you was a perfect moment. You're my only one.

I love you, Jaemin'

Jeno started to tear up as he read the small letter. He looked inside envelope as he felt something inside. He took it out and widened his eyes.

It was the polaroid that Jaemin loved so much. The photo of the two of them when they went to the amusement park.

Jeno started to cry again. He held onto the photo.

It only made him realize why Jaemin never took photos on his phone. The only times he did take photos he would end up sending them to Jeno immediately.

"He wanted me to have them all because he didn't want to be the only one to see them," Jeno mumbled.

Are you crying? Cuz I am

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