15 | polaroid

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"I called my parents. They're coming in about an 1 hour," Jaemin said.

"We can head to a cafe," Jeno said. They walked to a cafe that was still in the amusement park. They entered.

They walked up to the cashier and both order iced coffee. Jeno looked at Jaemin with a strange look.

"What?" Jaemin asked him.

"You order black coffee with 4 shots of espresso?" Jeno said. Jaemin nodded his head with a soft smile on his face. "You can't be drinking that much caffeine. It's bad for you."

"This is the last time I'll order it," Jaemin said. Jeno smiled and nodded his head. They got their drinks and sat down at a table.

They looked at the cafe. There was a few people there as well. Jaemin suddenly noticed someone with a polaroid camera. He smiled.

"What are you smiling at?" Jeno asked as he turned around trying to see. Jaemin chuckled noticing that Jeno was getting jealous.

"I noticed that someone had a polaroid camera and I wanted to take a photo," Jaemin explained to him. Jeno made an 'oh' face.

"Why don't you ask them if you could take a photo," Jeno said. Jaemin nodded his head. He got up and walked to the boy that was holding the polaroid camera.

As he got closer he realized that it was the boys from the boat ride.

"I didn't think I would bump into you two again," Jaemin said as he walked up to them. They both noticed Jaemin and waved at him.

"Oh. Hello!" Jisung shyly said.

"I noticed your polaroid camera and I was wondering if you could take a photo of my boyfriend and I," Jaemin said. Jisung was surprised, before he could respond Chenle responded for him.

"Yea! That's fine. We can take the photo," Chenle said. He got up and got the camera. Jisung and Chenle followed Jaemin as they walked towards Jeno.

"I didn't know they were dating," Jisung whispered. Chenle punched him on the shoulder.

"Boys can date you know," Chenle said.

"I just thought they were best friends like us," Jisung said.

"Ji. Do yourself a favor and shut up. You're being rude," Chenle said. Jisung nodded his head. They both look at Jaemin and Jeno. They were lucky that they were talking and that they weren't paying attention to them.

"Come," Jaemin said as he grabbed Jeno's hand. They all walked towards a white wall. Both Jeno and Jaemin still had their drinks in their hands but they didn't mind.

Chenle pointed the camera at them as Jaemin and Jeno smiled.Chenle took the photo and slowly the film came out. He handed them the polaroid.

"Thank you!" Jaemin said to the two. They waved at them and walked back to their table with their stuff.

Jaemin and Jeno also walked back to their table.

"Why isn't the photo showing up faster!" Jaemin complained. Jeno chuckled.

"They slowly develop you know. You just have to wait for about 5 minutes," Jeno said. Jaemin pouted. He took a sip of his coffee and waited.

Soon enough the photo was fully developed. Jaemin looked at the photo. He smiled brightly, he loved the photo so much.

Jeno couldn't help but notice how much Jaemin loved the photo. It made him happy that he loved the photo so much.

"You can keep the photo if you want," Jeno said. Jaemin looked up at him and widened his eyes.

"Really?" Jaemin asked. Jeno nodded his head.

"You love the photo don't you," Jeno said.

"I do. I haven't even let you look at the photo!" Jaemin suddenly realized. He handed the photo to Jeno. Jeno looked at it and smiled.

"I love it too but I think you should keep it," Jeno said. Jaemin smiled. He really did love the photo but he knew that Jeno was going to eventually get the photo again.

"I'll keep it then," Jaemin smiled.

"Why don't I take a photo of it so that I can also see it," Jeno said. Jaemin slowly nodded his head but he knew that there was no point.

Jeno took a photo of it and smiled.

"I want our time to last forever," Jaemin mumbled. Jeno looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Did you say something?" Jeno asked. Jaemin widened his eyes and shook his head.

"I was just reading the menu to myself," Jaemin awkwardly chuckled.

"We should head out and wait for your parents outside," Jeno said. Jaemin nodded his head.

They both got up and walked together towards the exit. They were holding hands. Jaemin looked at Jeno and smiled at him.

I kinda just wanted to leave Chensung as the besties they are instead of a couple.
Also the Polaroid photo is the one used in the cover :)

I hope you liked it!

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