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Jeno left his class. Donghyuck running behind him. Donghyuck reach him and smacked him on the shoulder.

"Ow! Why did you smack me?" Jeno asked as he looked at Donghyuck.

"I just wanted to tell you that I finally had the guts to ask out Mark," Donghyuck said.

"Really? What did he say?" Jeno asked.

"We are officially a couple!" Donghyuck said happily. Jeno widened his eyes and smiled at his friend.

"That means we can have a double date! You, Mark, Jaemin and me!" Jeno said happily. Donghyuck nodded his head.

"You really have to introduce Jaemin to me. I bet we'd be best friends," Donghyuck said. Jeno chuckled.

"Don't try stealing my boyfriend," Jeno said. Donghyuck scoffed.

"Why would I try and do that! I finally have Mark and I can't mess up now," Donghyuck said as he crossed his arms. Jeno laughed.

"I have to go! Bye!" Jeno said. He left the school and was heading the hospital. He smiled.

He placed by a flower shop. He looked inside and saw all the pretty flowers. He looked at his wallet but he didn't have any money.

"I'll buy him flowers another time," Jeno said. He looked at a flower and spotted some daffodils. He smiled as they reminded him of Jaemin.

His bright personality. His kind and sweet heart. To Jeno, they represented Jaemin.

He continued to walk to the hospital. He arrived and entered. He looked at his phone and looked at the time.

It was only 2 in the afternoon.

Everything felt so different. As if something horrible happened. All he was doing was going to Jaemin's room like always. He still stuck to that feeling.

He stopped walking and looked around him. The atmosphere felt different. What was happening?

"Patient 172 did not make the surgery. He has passed away," Jeno over heard a nurse say. He looked at them but he didn't say anything.

"We've already told the parents," A doctor said. Jeno felt bad for the parents that had lost a child. He continued to walk.

Jeno made it to Jaemin's room. He walked in and sees Jaemin's parents sobbing. He raised an eyebrow.

He looked at the bed and there was no one there. Jaemin wasn't there like he normally would be. He looked back at Jaemin's family and started to get worried.

"W-What h-happened," Jeno asked. Jaemin's parents looked up and sees Jeno standing there with a confused look on his face.

They both got up and quickly hugged Jeno. Jeno didn't move an inch. He only kept looking at the empty bed.

"Jeno... Jaemin... he passed... away," Jaemin's mother cried.

Jeno widened his eyes.

That's why the bed was empty. That's why Jaemin was in the hospital. That's why Jaemin kept telling him to always remember him and what it's like to hold onto him.

Tears started to fall down Jeno's cheeks. He slowly started to cry realizing what happened. What he heard in the halls, they weren't talking about somebody else. They were talking about Jaemin.

"Yesterday was the last time I ever got to see him," Jeno cried. Jaemin's parents hugged him tightly.

It hurt them. Having their only son pass away and seeing Jeno in pain after realizing that Jaemin was no longer alive.

"Jeno. He loved you just as much as you loved him," Jaemin's father said trying to remain calm but tears were also falling down his face.

Jeno remained silent. He didn't want to accept the fact that his boyfriend had died. The boy who he loved so dearly was gone.

He walked towards the empty hospital bed and looked at the empty space. He looked down at his feet and cried harder. He tried to wipe away the tears but they kept falling.

"I love you, Jaemin," Jeno said through his tears.

Jaemin's parents walked up to him and patted his back. Jeno turned around and looked at them. He hugged them tightly as he continued to cry.

"I love him just as much as you guys do," Jeno said.

All three of them crying. It hurt them all so much.

I'm sorry guys! It was so hard writing this chapter.

I hope you liked it!

Vote, Comment and Enjoy!

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