3 | fruit tarts

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Jeno bolted out the door of his apartment. He was going to arrive late. He didn't bother waiting for the bus. He simply ran. He finally arrived to his college. He stopped running. He placed his hands on his knees as he was trying to catch his breathe.

"Hey dummy! If you didn't wake up so late, you wouldn't have to come here running," Donghyuck said as he smacked Jeno's head. Jeno looked up at him and rolled his eyes at him.

"Shut up. I'm a deep sleeper," Jeno said. They walked to their class together.

Suddenly Jeno got a text message. He looked down at his phone and sees that it's from Jaemin. Donghyuck noticed that he got a message and raised an eyebrow.

"You never get text messages? Who is it!" Donghyuck said as he tried to look at his phone. Jeno moved his phone so that he wouldn't see.

"It's just a friend," Jeno said to him.

"You have another friend! You are hanging out with other friend and you don't invite me! Who is it?" Donghyuck asks him. Jeno just pushed him away.

"You don't know him," Jeno simply said. Donghyuck shrugged.

Jaemin >.<: I found a place we could go to after you are done with your classes!
Jaemin >.<: It's called dreamie's bakery!

Jeno: sure why not! i'll meet you there!

Jaemin >.<: See you there!

Jeno: I'll text you when I'm done with my classes so that you know when to go

Jaemin >.<: Thanks!

Jeno smiled as he looked up. Donghyuck looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "You never smile like that? Are you sure it's just a friend?" Jeno widened his eyes and punched Donghyuck on the shoulder.

"Yes! I'm sure it's just a friend," Jeno said. Donghyuck just shrugged.


Jaemin was standing outside the cafe. He just got there but he knew that Jeno would be arriving soon. Eventually he did, Jaemin turned his head and sees Jeno there walking towards him. Jaemin smiled and started to wave at him with excitement.

Jeno started to chuckle as he sees Jaemin waving at him. He made it up to Jaemin and waved back at him.

"How were your classes?" Jaemin asked him.

"They were fine. Let's go in," Jeno said. Jaemin nodded his head and followed Jeno. They both walked inside the bakery. They looked around and noticed how pretty it looked. Jaemin was in love with the interior design.

"It's so pretty here!" Jaemin said with joy. Jeno chuckled. They walked over to the counter. Jaemin whined his eyes at the sight of all of the desserts they had. Jeno saw his face light up when he saw all the desserts.

"Can I have just a cupcake and milk tea?" Jeno asked the cashier. They nodded their head and then both of them looked at Jaemin who was still looking at the desserts. He looked up and sees the both of them looking at him. "Are you going to order?"

"You pay first!" Jaemin said. Jeno slowly shook his head. He wanted to pay for his but also Jaemin's order. After paying, Jaemin asked the cashier if he could have not just one but several different desserts.

Jeno looked at him with a shocked face while he was ordering a bunch of desserts. After he was done, Jeno noticed that the costed was way more higher than what he just bought. It made sense since he had all those desserts.

They both sat down and got comfortable. Jeno noticed how Jaemin was smiling a lot. "Why did you order so much desserts?"

"I wanted to try all of them. I don't think I'll eat them all but I can just take them home," Jaemin said. Jeno giggled and nodded his head. Both of their orders were ready. They both stood up and headed to go and get their orders.

They arrived back to their seats. Jeno sees all the things Jaemin orders and widened his eyes, while Jaemin on the order hand was happy. He took out his phone and took a photo of all the desserts.

"You didn't even get a drink," Jeno suddenly said. Jaemin looked up at him and shrugged.

"I can get a sip from your drink," Jaemin said as he winked at him. Jeno awkwardly started to laugh as he looked away and blushed. "Look at this fruit tart! It look so good!"

"You are rather confident for someone I just meet," Jeno said. Jaemin smiled at him.

"I'd rather be confident than be shy," Jaemin said. Jeno chuckled and nodded his head.

"I guess you're right about that," Jeno said.

They continued to talk about each other so that could get to know each other more. Jeno had told everything about himself to Jaemin. Jaemin tried to tell him everything about him but couldn't tell him one thing about him.

He knew that it would hurt him somehow despite just knowing each other. He couldn't do it.

"You only finished the fruit tart," Jeno said. Jaemin awkwardly nodded his head. Jaemin had only taken a bite or two of everything else.

"The fruit tart was my favourite," Jaemin said. Jeno nodded his head. He then grabbed a piece of brownie that Jaemin couldn't finish and ate it.

"Everything you ordered was really sweet. I just got a plain cupcake," Jeno said. Jaemin laughed.

I want you guys to guess Jaemin's secret :3

I hope you liked it!

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