13 | be as one

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"You are all set to leave! Make sure to take care of yourself ok!" Dr. Moon looked at him. Jaemin smiled and nodded his head.

Dr. Moon waved at him and left the room.

"Why are you in such a rush? You heard what Dr. Moon said. Take care of yourself," Jaemin's mother said. Jaemin looked at her and nodded his head.

"I know but I told Jeno that I would meet up with him. I have a date," Jaemin said. She smiled at her son.

"But please be careful," Jaemin said. Jaemin nodded his head.

They all left the hospital room together. As they were walking to the entrance of the hospital they both see Jeno sitting down in the waiting area.

"Jeno!" Jaemin yelled. He ran towards and sat right to him. Jaemin's mother followed him so that she could greet Jeno.

"Hi Jeno! I have to get going since I have to work but please take care of Jaemin for me," She said. Jeno smiled and nodded at her.

"Don't worry! Jaemin will be safe with me," Jeno said as he stood up. She smiled at him.

"Well I have to get going! Have fun you two," Jaemin's mother said as she waved at them leave. Jeno bowed and waved at her as well.

Jeno turned and looked down at Jaemin who was sitting down looking at him.

"Are you ready?" Jeno asked him. Jaemin smiled and nodded his head.

They left the hospital and held hands as they were walking to a restaurant. It wasn't too far from the hospital. Only took them about 10 minutes to get there.

As they arrived, Jaemin's eyes widened. He looked at all the posters they had for the food they were selling. Jeno noticed his look and chuckled.

"You seem excited," Jeno said. Jaemin turned his head and looked at him.

"Of course! Don't you see all the food they have. I want to try everything," Jaemin said. It reminded Jeno of when Jaemin had bought almost everything at the bakery when they meet up for the first time.

"Don't order too much food at least," Jeno said. Jaemin chuckled.

"I won't order as much food as I did last time," Jaemin said.

They both entered the restaurant together and got seated. Jaemin was smiling as he looked at the menu. Jeno didn't understand why the smallest things made him so happy.

Eventually after looking at the menu for awhile. They were allowed to order. Jeno order and then it was Jaemin's turn.

To Jeno's surprise, Jaemin only ordered two things. The waiter smiled at them and left.

"I thought you were going to order way more," Jeno asked him. Jaemin shook his head.

"I don't think I'd be able to finish three full plates of food on my own," Jaemin said. Jeno nodded his head.


"Can I come to your apartment?" Jaemin asked him. Jeno looked at him.

"Are you sure? My room is a mess," Jeno awkwardly chuckled. Jaemin nodded his head.

"It's fine. I can text my parents that I'm staying with you tonight," Jaemin said.

"You're cute. You know that," Jeno said.

"So are you," Jaemin replied back.

They both arrived at Jeno's apartment. Jeno opened the door a bit hesitant but Jaemin pushed it and walked straight in. As he looked around he noticed that it wasn't too messy.

"I thought you said your apartment was a mess?" Jaemin asked him. Jeno shook his head.

"I said room," Jeno said. Jaemin made an 'oh' face.

Jaemin walked over and sat down on the couch and looked outside the window. He noticed that the sun was gone already. Jeno quick took the chance to go to his room and quickly clean up the place.

Jaemin turned around and saw that Jeno was gone. He looked back outside one last time and can see the moon rising.

He walked down the hall. He opened the door to one of the rooms and finds Jeno there shoving clothes into a closet. Jaemin looked at him and didn't say anything.

Jeno suddenly turned around and looked at each other. He awkwardly chuckled as he looked at Jaemin.

Jaemin stepped into the room, closing the door behind him and walked closer to Jeno. He placed his hand on his cheek and leaned closer to him. He kissed him on the lips. Jeno smiled and kissed him back.

The two kept kissing. Slowly Jeno wrapping his arms around Jaemin's waist. They looked at each other.

"It's more than a dream. It's paradise," Jaemin thought to himself.

He leaned into Jeno again kissing him.

As the moon shined outside, the room was dark.

No clothes. Just the two of them on the bed, making love.

I'm not writing smut because I want this story to be pure but this suddenly popped into my head so yeaaaa.

I hope you liked it!

Vote, Comment and Enjoy!

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