6 | he didn't show up

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"Please wake up!" Jaemin's mother cried. She shook Jaemin but he wouldn't budge.

"We have to take him to the hospital!" Jaemin's father said. They both lifted up Jaemin and took him to the car. They drove as fast as they could to the hospital.

"I think he might have fainted while he was getting ready to see Jeno," Jaemin's mother said. She was sitting in the back seat with Jaemin holding him with dear life.

"I was scared this was going to happen again," Jaemin's father said. They made it to the hospital. They brought in Jaemin and quickly took him in.

They took him to a different room. While Jaemin's parents had to wait. Jaemin's mother was freaking out while Jaemin's father tried to call her down.

"I just pray that he's okay," Jaemin's mother said as she teared up.


Jeno knocked on the door several times but no one answered the door.

"I guess Jaemin is already at the park and his parents are out?" Jeno mumbled to himself. He left and walked to the park where Jaemin and him were supposed to meet up.

He walked around the park and not a single sight of Jaemin. He sat down at a bench and texted Jaemin.

Jeno: Hey! I'm at the park!

Jeno waited there for bit. He checked the time. They were supposed to meet up at 4:45. It was now 5:15. Jeno knew that Jaemin had to show up. As he sat there waiting for his arrival, he looked around and saw couples going on dates together. He smiled as he looked at them.

Jeno stomach suddenly grumbled. He sighed. Still no Jaemin. He got up and walked to a convenience store. He went in and bought a bag of chips. After he bought them, he decided to head back to the park.

"He wouldn't just not show up right?" Jeno mumbled to himself. He went and sat down again. He checked the time again. It was 5:25. He continued to wait for him.


"We have a new prescription for him. We are hoping that it works. Please make sure to come back after 1 week of use so that we know if there is a change or not. Along with that please come back to the hospital if this incident ever happens again," Dr. Moon explained. Jaemin's parents nodded their heads.

Jaemin looked down at his hands. There wasn't a smile on his face. Instead he was disappointed with himself. He left Jeno waiting for him and he wasn't even able to text him or even contact him. He left his phone on his bed.

"Are you okay Jaemin?" Jaemin's mother asked him. He looked up and sees his parents and the doctor looking at him. He softly nodded his head.

"I left Jeno waiting for me. I stood him up," Jaemin mumbled. Jaemin's mother rubbed his back.

"I'm sure that he'll understand. Just make sure to take the medicine," She said. Jaemin nodded his head.

"You are free to leave. Goodbye, I will be heading out first," Dr. Moon said as he walked out.

"Mom. Dad. Can I ask Jeno to be my boyfriend?" He suddenly asks. They looked at him. They were shocked to know that Jaemin was interested in Jeno romantically.

"Are you sure?" Jaemin's father asked him. Jaemin looked up at them. He could tell just by the worried looks on their face.

"I can't wait any longer," Jaemin said. They looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"We will support you no matter what. Just make sure to tell him," Jaemin's father said. Jaemin looked at him. He didn't say anything.

They left the room. As they were walking to the hospital, Jaemin still felt bad about just leaving Jeno alone and not showing up.

"What time is it?" Jaemin asked.

"It's 6:30," Jaemin's mother said. Jaemin nodded his head.

"Do you think Jeno will still be at the park?" Jaemin asked. They looked back at him.

"We don't know but you can't go and look for him. You have to take your medicine and we don't know if anything will happen again. You need to rest," Jaemin's mother said. Jaemin nodded his head.

Jaemin was lucky enough to be given a new prescription.

"An undescribable miracle," Jaemin mumbled to himself. Right?


Jeno looked at the time again, it was 7:15. It was getting dark and there was no sign of Jaemin. Jeno sighed. He stood up and decided to leave. He never got a text back from him.

"Did I do something for him to suddenly ignore me today?" Jeno mumbled to himself. He continued to walk to his apartment but stopped once he reached to Jaemin's street.

He decided to walk to Jaemin's house. As he got there, he noticed that lights were on. They had to be inside but was Jaemin there? Jeno just looked and walked away. He headed back to his apartment.

As he reached his apartment and opened the door. He suddenly got a text message. He quickly looked at the message hoping that it was Jaemin but it was Donghyuck.

Hyuck: I finished my part of the project loser :3

Jeno sighed and put his phone back. It wasn't him like he hoped it was.

This story is moving pretty quick, if i do say so myself but that is the point of the story.

I hope you liked it!

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