•stucky-parents• *part 4*

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*july 4, 2022*
the twins sat on their dad's bed as bucky covered his eyes. steve was taking a shower before they got ready, so bucky was playing peek-a-boo.
freddie started crying when bucky uncovered his eyes and whisper-yelled, "boo!"
freddie stopped crying and giggled instead. brooklyn clapped. bucky pushed them down lightly and tickled their bellies.
they giggled loudly. bucky was too busy watching them to notice that steve was out of the shower. he was only wearing a towel as he opened their dresser drawers.
bucky looked over and smirked, eyes trailing over steve's body. sometimes he forgot how buff steve really was now. "lookin' good, doll."
steve winked. "only for you, love." he walked over and pecked bucky's lips before kissing the twins' foreheads. they both grabbed his chin while he did so.
bucky reached for his nightstand and opened the drawer. he pulled a box out and handed it to steve. "you already own everything," he shrugged, "so i wasn't sure what to get you. either way, i hope you like it."
steve pulled his boxers on under his towel, then let it drop. bucky's gaze immediately fell downward without him realizing. he blushed and looked to steve's face once steve began chuckling.
steve grabbed the present out of bucky's hand and settled beside him on the bed. their knees touched as he crossed his legs. "you didn't have to get me anything." he gestured to the twins. "this is all i need. truly."
bucky rolled his eyes and then nudged steve's arm. "just open it." bucky wiggled his toes in front of the twins, distracting them from their previous adoration of the ceiling fan.
inside the wrapping paper was high-brand colored pencils and a personalized sketchbook. it had 'rogers-barnes' engraved in bucky's near cursive. there were three pictures of their family on the twins' half birthday photo shoot.
they had used the letters and fireplace as a background while they posed together.
(the first picture: steve and bucky with the babies in between them. steve was kissing freddie's cheek while bucky's lips were on brooklyn's temple. their eyes were opened and locked with each other's over the twins' heads.
the second picture: steve and bucky in the back with their heads together and legs spread out in front of them. freddie was sitting between bucky's feet and brooklyn was between steve's. bucky's socks said rogers and steve's said barnes, and the twins held on to their toes.
the last picture: steve and bucky sat shoulder to shoulder facing the fireplace. they held the twins up on their shoulders so they were beside each other. the twins were both smiling, making the picture perfect.)
steve smiled and kissed him again. "thank you so much, bucky. i love you so much."
"i love you, to-" his head started pounding. memories suddenly covered his mind.
his metal arm closing around their necks. their pleas as he shot them once, twice.
he closed his eyes.
he heard their screams as he punched them again. he heard their cries of the children that were forced to watch their parents die. he could feel the blood on his body. not his blood. never his blood. only theirs.
longing. his stomach lurched.
rusted. they said they fixed him.
furnace. he would be fine.
daybreak. "steve, i'm so sorry."
seventeen. "i thought i was okay again."
benign. he screamed.
nine. "brooklyn. freddie."
homecoming. "please no."
one. "i love you all so much."
freight car. "ready to comply."

steve was frozen in place. what was he supposed to do? bucky's eyes opened as he said steve's name. he apologized. for what?
he said he thought he was okay. a scream. their babies names.
steve's heart dropped as he saw the glazed look in his husband's eyes. this wasn't bucky. this was the winter soldier.
the twins were crying, so he picked them up and ran to freddie's room, which was right across the hall. he placed them in his bed and grabbed a few of their toys to put in their with him.
he heard bucky say he loved them. so he quickened his pace. he kissed them each on their head, and told them they loved them both. more than anything.
his heart shattered as he locked and shut the door despite their cries.
he didn't know what to do. he never expected this. he didn't even know what was going on. it was his birthday for god's sake. they were supposed to go watch fireworks with the other heroes tonight.
steve was back in their room and reaching for his shield when bucky said he was ready to comply. he didn't want to fight bucky. definitely not now.
but he couldn't let him get to the twins. they deserved at least one dad.
each punch steve threw at bucky's face hit his heart, too.
he kept saying bucky's name, telling him he loved. "til the end of the line, buck." he was crying now. he dodged a punch, still hearing his babies cry. "please, bucky. i know it's you in there." he grabbed the metal arm and squeezed.
bucky- no, the winter soldier looked down at it. "your name is james buchanan rogers-barnes. bucky. my bucky." steve grabbed his other arm, locking eyes with his husband's. "can't you hear them?" bucky continued trying to pull away.
"freddie joseph," his voice was raspy from the unshed tears that burned his throat. "brooklyn mae."
"i don't know what you're talking about." bucky's voice was emotionless as he finally got out of steve's grip and kicked his knees.
steve collapsed, staring at bucky. "i'm in love with you." he wanted to give up. he didn't want to do this anymore. nothing he said was helping bucky remember. he threw another punch, flipping to kick bucky's side.
he glanced at the bed and saw the sketchbook he had just opened, what felt like years ago. he grabbed it and raised it in front of him. "do you know what this is?"
"steve? bucky? are you guys okay?" they had forgotten bruce was coming over to grab the food they made.
"bruce! go help the twins!" steve tried to yell as loud as he can, which wasn't very loud considering bucky's arm was now around his throat. "grab them and run. please."
he was starting to see dots, but he slowly accepted it as he heard bruce running into the twins' room.
he was glad they had given the avengers keys to the house and twins' room, specifically.

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