Chapter 4: Adoption

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(Leon POV)

Many days have passed and I was getting used to this orphan life. There are schedules to perform like cooking, cleaning and sleeping. When it is my turn to clean, I only use my abilities when nobody is around and keep on killing insects like lice and other germs.

I also created the skill [Cook] and 'download' some recipes when it's my turn to cook. Let's just say they were pretty excited when it's my turn to prepare the meals. I even tutored the caretaker on how to cook as well and when they ask on how am I an expert on cooking, I just told them "I practice a lot" and they'll just think that I'm a genius or something.

I also check myself using a mirror and I look like the baby version of Vergil from DMC but with light blonde hair which I wished for. I look cute with the chubby baby face.

Leon: {Expand Magic}

I can feel my magic reserves increasing. My intention was to increase it until my body is capable enough to hold so much of it. There is no Magic level in Harry Potter universe so it is practically unbalance. Even a child can possibly kill an adult wizard if you're proficient enough. My magic reserves stop increasing and I wait patiently to stabilize it. Using my [knowledge], my magic is basically at the level of a 2nd year students at Hogwarts.

I kept thinking about Dumbledore's magic. When did he obtain the Elder's Wand? [Knowledge]. (In 1945, when he defeated Grindelwand). (AC: I just googled it. I will just google some information about of the histories and some other things).

So, he's the most powerful wizard in that time but didn't stop Tom Riddle aka Voldemort but a loving mother sacrificed herself for her child. Well, Dumbledore is mostly the scheming type because of "The Greater Good" and must follow the "Prophecy" he envisioned.

He didn't envisioned that the boy-who-lived was being tortured by his relatives and the worst part is, he already knew that Sirius is innocent and doesn't do anything for his freedom. Well, can't blame the guy on everything. The world needs evidence for his innocence and I got none of it. Plus, Dumbledore can't do it alone.

I have mix feelings about his mindset. Maybe I can help him and not become a senile old man. In exchange, he will help me to do some favors. But for now, I'll just plan for my adoption.

(Months Later)

Here I am, outside of the orphanage. Looking at the front door and wave everyone goodbye. They wave back and many cried. The caretakers and the kids were both happy and sad at the same time. Happy that I got adopted and sad because I will never have to cook for them. Lucky for them, I've been teaching the caretakers and others how to cook. Even though it is not tasty as mine but at least they get a decent meal even now and again.

I look at the new building. In the past, it was pretty rundown. Cracks are everywhere, weeds are spreading throughout the field and some furniture, equipment and supplies are either broken and/or depreciated.

Luckily, a mysterious donor gave them a lot of money and personally help them renovate their building. No more cracks, no more weeds, plenty of foods for the children, no more lack of supplies and the furniture are pretty brand new. The donor also given them cook books, which I created, to make many different kinds of dish for the kids.

You wondering where did they throw away the broken and depreciated furniture and others? I simply yoink them without everyone noticing it and put it in my bottomless inventory. That's right. Like the gamer, I have my own inventory. It's very fucking convenient.

Back to the orphanage. I wave them goodbye and I plan to visit them in the future. I lift my briefcase, which is empty and all of my clothes and other items are in my inventory which like I said, very fucking convenient, and gone inside the car. I let myself be comfortable and see this mysterious donor through his reflection from the rear view mirror. The mysterious donor and my future 'Father'.

My 'father' is my clone. To be specific, I use [Shadow Clone Jutsu] and make him look like Chris Hemsworth. I/him didn't change his name. I'm bad at naming and nobody has that kind of a name in this world and even if there is, nobody really cares. Everybody has the same name.

Creating this fake identity was really a pain. Many forge documents to make him legit and pay a lot of cash, which I created/summoned. Hey, it's illegal but it makes the job easier and faster.

I also created some perfume and some beauty products to sell them to the market and earn cash legally. Let me tell you, the market was booming. People keep buying my products. Whether it is a male or female, young or old, all of them are buying. Who don't want to see themselves to look prettier and more aromatic? The men want to see their love ones look more attractive. Another thing, they have no choice but to buy the products for the ladies or else, they will taste their wrath.

This is just for the muggle world and the products were created with ordinary ingredients. I can't even imagine what will happen to the market when wizards and witches discover this. They will go even crazier when I plan to release some items that not only they will look young, they also become young again with some health benefits. The wizards also has potions for immediately lose their weight just by drinking it and another became physically fit. There's also potion for ED (Erectile Dysfunction) and stamina, if you know what I mean. (AC: This is for the athletes. I know you're thinking something else. This is a Christian Channel! Shout out to MxR Channel :D and I'm just kidding. Yup, it's the same as Viagra). All of these potions are safe to consume.

So much planning and I've got plenty of time. I'm still 4 but still weak compare to the threats that Harry, Hermione, and I are about to face. About Ron, I plan to fix his mind. He's much of a spoiled brat and a coward in the movies. Hermione should find a better boyfriend/husband than Ron if you ask me.

We've arrived at my new home and call it a day.

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