Chapter 29: The Weasleys

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(Leon POV)

Ron: "So a house elf was keeping our letters? No wonder we keep sending to you but you didn't reply."

I sent letters to Ron and Hermione to visit our home today. Harry told them about what happened about the house elf.

Hermione: "Why won't we get our own cellular phones so that this won't happened again? Even the wizards and witches in the wizard world has their own phones nowadays."

Ron: "It's pretty expensive and not to mention, many people kept buying it all. Even if I got the chance to hold it, I have no galleons to buy it."

CH: "Well, I may have a solution for that."

Chris went to his room and took three boxes. He gave three of them with their own phones.

CH: "I was going to give these to you three on your birthdays. But just think of it as an early birthday presents." [Smiles]

He then walks to the kitchen to prepare our lunch.

Ron: "This is amazing."

Harry and Ron start fiddling with his new phone. Hermione tries to follow the instructions from the guide inside the box. I guide the three to turn it on and ask for the phone numbers. We exchange each other's phone numbers and tries to call each other. It was simple yet it was fun. I told them that the service fee will be free for about 2 years so they wouldn't be bothered by the payment.

The trio doesn't know the fee so I explain to them what about it and how much it pays. Ron just nod and doesn't really think about it.

Hermione: "If that's the case. Then, you're pretty much rich just by service fee alone." [Amaze]

Leon: "Well there are few expenses that needs to be paid but generally yeah."

When Ron heard that, he was shocked and just look at me. I ignore his gaze.

We then talk about what to do about the plot that Dobby warns us about. But I told them not to worry. If anything happens, we just do what we do best. Let Hermione do everything. Harry and Ron laugh at my comment and Hermione just play slap at my shoulder but chuckle.

Ron: "Would you guys like to meet my family this week? I'm sure everyone would like to meet you three. Especially you Harry."

Harry and me look at my clone.

CH: "Alright. I'll approve. Just be safe on your travels, alright?"

Harry and me high five at each other and to Ron as well but Hermione glooms.

Hermione: "I'm sorry, I can't go. My family will be travelling this week." [Sad]

I pat her head and show my phone.

Leon: "We still can communicate each other. We will tell all you about it through the phone." [Smile]

She smile back and nods.

(Fast Forward)

We were at the Weasley's house. It was so peaceful. The field was green and pigs in their ranch. We saw the house and it was huge but old fashion I would say. When I saw this in the movie, I can't believe it is still standing. Maybe because of magic? I don't know.

We went inside and we only saw the twins their just joking around. We examine everything. The plates are washing themselves, the clock was different, and a yarn thread was knitting itself. Everything was magical.

Ron: "Is not much, but its home."

Leon: "Coming from a muggle home, I say it's magical."

Harry: "More like brilliant."

Ron and the twins felt happy when we comment their home. We heard footsteps on the stairs and we see the Mrs.

Leon & Harry: "Good afternoon Mrs. Weasley."

Molly: "Good afternoon boys. My you've all grown up."

Leon: "You still remember us?"

Molly: "Why yes. Who could have forget those cute little boys back at the train station last year?"

She pinch me and Harry's cheek face happily. We grunted from the pain.

Molly: "Come on then, why don't we prepare some food for your bellies."

Our stomach growl and quickly touch our stomach. We look at each and laugh. Then, we heard another footsteps from the staircase and a red head girl appeared. She ask her mother where is her jumper.

When she look at the boy glasses, he didn't even use the contact lens when I gave him, her eyes grow wide. Harry look at her and smile.

Harry: "Hello."

She slowly backs away and runs back to stairs. The twins and I look at Harry and we were amuse by Ginny's reaction.

Harry ask what he had done. Ron told Harry the Ginny admires Harry and all she talked about last summer was him.

Leon: "It seems Harry has another admirer." [I grin]

Harry: "Shut up." [Roll eyes]

???: "Afternoon Weasleys"

Ron and the twins: "Morning dad."

Mr. Weasley rants about something and Harry ask what that all about. Ron explains that his father works at Ministry in the use of Muggle Artefacts Office. His father loves muggles and he fascinates them. Arthur Weasley sits down at the table and look at us.

Arthur: "Who are you?"

Harry: "Sorry sir, I'm Harry Potter."

Arthur: "Good Lord, really? Well Ron told us everything about you. Now, who is the other guest?"

Leon: "Good afternoon sir, my name is Leon Parker."

Arthur: "My word. Aren't your father is Chris Hemsworth?"

Leon: "How did you know that, sir?"

Arthur: "Well I've been dealing with muggle artefacts for years. The new artefacts that your father introduce in the magical world were astounding. It even works when magic is around. Usually, the muggle artefacts would destroy easily when it contact to magic. Because of those artefacts, the communication within the magical world is faster compare to the usual owl delivery. Plus, his a muggle. It's unbelievable."

Harry: "Actually sir. Leon made those artefacts. Oh, they are called gadgets actually. Our father just been doing business with the other wizards and witches."

Everyone was shocked by the sudden information and the Weasleys look at me with awe and curiosity. I just shrug. Arthur ask many questions about the muggle products. I chuckle when he ask about the rubber duck. I explain to him that it's for the toddlers and young kids who are afraid of waters and taking baths. The quacking noise sharpen the senses of the toddler and they will be at ease when taking baths or any fears on water.

Arthur was fascinated by explanation. It was a simple product but it has a huge impact towards toddlers and young children. Not only Arthur but also everyone else was amaze of the uses of the rubber duck and kept listening to my explanation.  

(See me at my Patre for more advance chapters)

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