Chapter 7: Hagrid

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[Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlok, Supreme Mugwump, Internation Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter/Parker,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Your sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress]

(AC: I just copy paste this from google. Expect this to happen now and again)

(Harry POV)

Harry: "Witchcraft and Wizardry?" [Confused]

Is this for real? I look at Leon's letter and it was the same as mine. Apparently we're wizards.

Harry: "Do you believe this Leon?"

I'm a bit skeptical about this magic thing. I mean, I read a lot of fairy tales and get general idea about magic but it was fictional. They don't exist. Well, not to my knowledge at least.

(AC: Because Harry has received better education and read a lot of books with their permission, his logic and reasoning is improved. So he pretty much doubt the existence of magic. This will not make a huge impact of the story. Well, depends on my writing.)

Leon: "Hey, I'm just clueless as you are. But we can't deny the possibility that there is. I mean, we can move things with our mind. So, it was probably magic that we can do that."

Harry: 'Oh right, we have telekinesis. If that were the case, then this will be an exciting journey. [Excited]. Who doesn't want to learn magic?'

I picture myself wearing a cool gear and fireballs formed in my arms. [Daydreaming].

Leon: "Quit your daydreaming. We still make a letter for approval and ask for assistance to purchase these books."

Harry: "Party pooper."

I punched him but he immediately dodge it. Man his reaction time is on point. Need to train more I suppose.

He showed me the letter with things that need to buy. I read the items and other stuffs. Other than the uniform, these books and equipment are familiar to me but I don't know where to buy it.

CH: "Like Leon says, just send them a letter of assistance. I'm sure they would help us. I mean, they have no choice. We have no idea where to buy these things."

(AC: Chris Hemsworth = CH)

I nod and use my telekinesis to summon some papers and pen. I getting better on using my ability but compare to my brother, it's still not enough. But like he said, practice makes perfect. He also said to take it slow as well or I'll hurt myself.

We wrote the letters, asking for assistance and gave it to the owls. We also gave them some leftover food. Ever seen an owl with euphoric expression? Well these two did. It was interesting and understandable. I mean, even though it was leftover, it was still delicious. I can still remember the first time I ate their cooking. It was amazing. And apparently, only those two can make those dishes taste amazing. I was really lucky to be adopted by them.

The owls flew and disappear into the sky. Over the past few days, the owls come and go now and again but without the letters. Probably for the food. Not that I'm complaining. I like petting the owls. They are cute. Sometimes, they land on my shoulders but mostly on my adopted father and brother. Every time they see them, they were pretty excited and always want their food. Well that to be expected. They also teach me how to cook. There are times I botched it but they were never angry at my mistakes. Instead, they chuckle but not mockingly. It's like they expected that I will failed.


CH: [Chuckle] "Of course, you'll fail. Nobody can do it on their first try. So, I expected that this would happened." [Patting my head]

Leon: "Yeah. You have no idea what you're doing but doesn't mean you'll stop doing it."

CH: "Keep practicing. I'm sure you'll be a great cook in the future."

Leon: "Of course. His tutors are the best of the best" [Confidently]

[Flashback Ends]

Harry: 'I swear they think alike. Almost as if they were the same person. Are they sure that they are not related?' [Shakes head in denial] 'At least I can a decent meal nowadays.'

There's a knock on the door and I run to open it. I was surprise what I saw. A giant man was in front of our door. I can only see his torso because the door was too small for him. He ducks down and saw me.

???: "Happy Birthday Harry!" [Smiles]

He has a very long fuzzy hair with a fuzzy beard. His clothes looks like a robe of some sort. He carefully let himself in and took something from his luggage. A huge cake appeared. I was surprised that the cake was undamaged and can fit even a luggage.

???: "I've received yer letter and yer wants some assistance yer say?" [Happily]

Harry: "Yes! By the way, may I know your name?"

Rebues Hagrid: "Oh! I've forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Rubeus Hagrid. Just call me Hagrid" [Patting my head]

Harry: "Pleasure to meet you, Hagrid."

He smiled. I called my dad and my brother our guest. They were surprise of the height of our guest. I told them that he will help us to buy our books and stuff and guide us to the magical world. I also show them my cake.

Hagrid: "Yer must be Leon and his adoptive father. Pleasure to meet yer both." [Offers a handshake]

CH: "Likewise." [Receives the handshake]. "You must be starving from your journey. Come, let me make you some food."

Leon: "Yeah, our father makes the best dishes. You'll regret it if you deny it."

Hagrid looks at me and I nodded.

Hagrid: "Er right. I'll take yer on that offer."

We went to the kitchen and settle down. Unfortunately, Hagrid insist standing while eating. He doesn't want to destroy the table and the chairs. He was very considerate and we didn't force him.

Like me and the owls, his expression was the same as ours when we eat their dishes for the first time. Dad and my brother has to keep making dishes in order to satisfy our giant guest's stomach. I smiled. It was a good day.

(AC: If you're wondering if Leon already knows the location of Diagon Alley and why didn't he just go there, it's because he doesn't know it. He didn't use his [Knowledge] to find the location of Diagon Alley is because of a few reasons:

1. He portrays himself and his clone are muggles for Harry and only got the general idea about magic. So Harry will be easily convince that Leon doesn't know about the location and information of Diagon Alley.

2. Like I said from the previous chapter, [Knowledge] is OP but me isn't. I only use it for understanding spells, few other things and a few snippet of characters' history.


I don't remember the exact timeline and try my best to follow it. If you're a Harry Potter fanatic, expect some disappointments.]

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