Chapter 31: Meeting the Fraud

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(Leon POV)

We met up with the Weasleys at the shop and Hagrid took off somewhere. There are many ladies are lining up to something. I look at the picture frame stand and saw the face and the name. I face palmed because I know who it is. Gilderoy Lockhart the narcissistic fraud. He stole other's achievements as his own and erase their memories. I was getting furious but my Occlumency starting to do its job and calming me down.

While I contemplate on how to punish Lockhart, Mrs. Weasley saw us and she quickly hugs us both.

Molly: "Good heavens, are you two alright?"

Harry: "It's fine Mrs. Weasley. Hagrid helped us and show us the way."

(Uganda Knuckles: Do you know the way?)

Molly: "I see. Well now, we will be meeting someone very famous today."

Announcer: "Gilderoy Lockhart."

Everyone applaud on the arrival of the faker. He shown himself with his blue rob with a smug face. I really want to punch that face. A photographer took a photo of him and he smiles. I had a great idea and my face makes huge crazy grin. Harry and Ron look at me weird but I ignored them.

The fraud look at us and focus on Harry.

Lockhart: "It can't be. Harry Potter."

Everyone look at Harry and he is surprise. I face palmed again because the bandage covering his scar was removed or he forgotten to put it on.

Leon: 'We really need to put some make up to cover his scar.'

The photographer grabs Harry and drags him towards Lockhart. Lockhart pulled him and ask for a big smile. He then blabs about his books and narcissistic speech.

Ron and I look at each other with disbelief.

Leon: [Whisper] "Is he serious?"

Ron: [Whisper] "Apparently."

I look at Lockhart with disgust. Hermione just claps her hand like a fan girl. I look at her and I sighs. Even I explain it to her that he's a fake, she wouldn't believe me if I don't have any evidence to prove it which I have none. I'll just let her do as she pleases. Lockhart give his entire collection of books to Harry with no fee and we just left there. Molly stayed behind and took Harry's books for an autograph.

We were about to leave but Malfoy stop us and makes a scene. He accuse Harry for being in the spotlight and just blabs about it.

Leon: "Oh don't be jealous, Malfoy. He don't even know who he was before we enter this shop."

Malfoy just ignores me and just focus on Harry. Ginny tries to defend Harry but Malfoy mocks them both. Before he even continues his mocking, a cane was placed on Malfoy's shoulder and a tall blonde man enters the scene. He introduces himself as Lucius Malfoy and stared Harry's scar.

Lucius commented about Harry not fearing on Voldemort's name or he just being foolish. Hermione tried to act smart about fearing the name and Lucius just look at her and commented about her parents being a muggle. I stand in front of her and defend her. She looks surprise and look at my back. She doesn't why but she felt at ease.

Lucius: "Ah you must be Harry Potter's adoptive brother. Leon Parker. I must say, you and your father's name are very well known in this alley. Especially that he is a muggle."

He saw the Weaselys and guess their family name through how poor they look. Me and Harry already gave the money to the Weasleys but it seems they just want to buy what they want and just bought what they need. He took a book from Ginny's cauldron.

Arthur walks up to us and chat a little bit. Lucius saw Arthur and mocks him about his job and his lack of income. Arthur defends himself but Lucius just mocks him back. He put back the book and with another black one on the Ginny's cauldron.

I look at it and there it is. Tom Riddle's book. Lucius just leaves and Malfoy follows him.

Malfoy: "See you at school, Potter."

Leon: "See you there, daddy's boy."

Malfoy glares at me and then leaves. Everyone sighs in relief and then chuckles at me calling Malfoy a daddy's boy. I summon the diary without anyone noticing and when I touch it, some dark energy was attacking my mind. Luckily, my Occlumency is working pretty well and I covered the diary with my magic. I overpower it with my magic so that it won't influence anyone. I put it in my inventory and plan to destroy it later. I forgot to mention that whenever I put something inside my inventory, seems like time stopped. Like some other novel or games, if you put something hot or cold in the inventory and waited about more than an hour, took it out and it's still the same temperature.

After a few days, we were at the muggle train station and everyone was fast walking. Me, the twins, Percy, Molly, Arthur and Ginny went ahead through the wall. In the other side, we waited Harry and Ron to show up but they never appeared.

Molly: "Where the heavens are they? The train is about to leave."

Arthur touch the wall but it was rock solid. He taps it with his both hands trying to find anything but still the portal seems to be shut. I suspect Dobby is behind this. Even though I already told him that I keep Harry safe, he still does his own thing.

Leon: "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll find a way somehow."

Everyone thinks for a bit but the train was about to leave and we have no choice but to leave Harry and Ron behind. Molly and Arthur waves at us goodbye. Everyone finds their compartment and we settle down. James, Oliver, Ginny and Percy went to their compartment, while me and Hermione were alone. Hermione was anxious but I comfort her and pat her head which seems to relax her. We sit in the opposite side.

Hermione: "I hope they're not gonna be late to school."

Leon: "With their attitude, they for sure gonna be late."

Hermione deadpanned look at me but I just chuckle. She seems to be influence on my chuckle and she joined in.

Hermione: "You'll probably right. Those two will always get into trouble."

We chat for a bit and I offer one of my sandwiches. She was delighted and took one from me. Moments later, a wild blonde enters the scene. She was wearing her colorful glasses that looks like kaleidoscope and look at us both. Hermione doesn't know why but when she looks at her, she felt intimidated for some reason.

(AC: Want more advance chapters? Go on my Patre on @ Patre I posted about 20 advance chapters there. See yah :D)

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