Chapter 28: The Intruder

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(3rd POV)

(Time Skip)

After the Sorcerer's stone event. Many events happen after that. Harry and his brother and friends went out on the beach and have fun. Ron and Harry tries to do some magic but Hermione reprimand them both but they never listen. Leon just create an invisible barrier, without them knowing, so no one would notice the magic or anything unusual.

Hermione and Ron met Chris Hemsworth and they were amaze on his accomplishments. A muggle doing business not only in the muggle world but also in the wizard world. They even more impressed that Leon was the one who invented the gadgets and potions. Hermione really demanded a lot of beauty products from Leon which he promise to give her for her birthday. Good thing she lost her shyness over this past few months from him. She can now talk to him normally but occasionally, Leon can see her cheeks turn pink when his around.

Ron demanded a lot of dishes from him but Leon threatened that he'll put poison or make him fat if tries to demand even more. By the way, the dishes cannot make anyone fat. It only improves health and immune system to the ones who consumes his dishes.

Leon teleport back to Hogwarts and asked Dumbledore if he could take Fluffy to Hagrid. He agreed unconditionally. Hagrid saw Leon bringing fluffy to his hut. Leon let Fluffy drink a shrinking potion and Hagrid was surprise that Fluffy became small. Fluffy was the size of a normal pup. Hagrid hugs Fluffy and Fluffy licks Hagrid beard and his face. He was so happy.

Leon spend a lot of time together and their bonds were stronger than ever. Hermione still has high mighty attitude but not as severe like last year. Leon tries to talk to her about the 'know it all' personality and told her that nobody is as smart as you.

She blush when Leon told her that she's smart like no one else and consider his advice.

Romance? Leon didn't make a move or anything. He thinks this is just puppy love and Hermione's affection towards him will gradually disappear, eventually. But he didn't know that not only that it didn't disappear, it's even stronger than before. Not to the point that she's a stalker but to the point she will always be there for him. Hermione still doesn't know her feelings towards Leon. So she's still confuse and she's following him unconsciously.

Harry still doing workout and keeps expanding his magic. Leon was helping Harry and keep on workout and keeps expanding his own magic as well. Harry can telekinetically lift 100kg worth of weight. He can even simultaneously move anything from a distance. Both Leon and Harry's muscles are now firm and their height is now 5 feet.

(Present time)

(Leon POV)

I was just looking at the blue screen and read some novel called 'The Legendary Mechanic'. It's a good novel if you ask me. MC stuck in the game and exploit the hidden missions and use it on his own. While I was distracted from reading, I heard something on Harry's bedroom. Someone is laughing? I close my blue screen and went outside of my room. I knock on Harry's door.

Leon: "Harry, are you there? Is everything alright?"

I heard someone bashing into something. I got worried and open the door.

Leon: "Harry what's going o-"

I saw Harry and a house elf holding the drawers. Did he bash his head at the drawer? I look at Harry and raise an eyebrow.

Harry: "Whatever you're thinking is not it. Dobby just bash his head when I told him to sit down."

Leon: "Dobby?"

Dobby: "Greetings Leon. My name is Dobby the house elf."

Leon: "Hello there Dobby. You mind explain to me what exactly happened?"

Dobby explains what he was doing and his purpose. Dobby warns Harry that he must not come back to Hogwarts this year because that there's something going on this year and Harry will be in grave danger. Harry ask who is trying to hurt him but Dobby can't say because of the oath.

But I knew, who's behind this. I wouldn't tell them because Dobby will be in grave danger and tries to hurt himself and Harry will target Malfoy who is nothing to do with this.

Dobby tries to tell who is plotting but unable to. He then tries to bash his head with a lamp. I freeze Dobby with telekinesis.

Leon: "Alright Dobby. I now you're trying to help Harry and can't say your master's name but don't worry. Harry is not alone. He's with me and he has friends with him. We will be there for him and protect him whatever happens."

Harry look at me and smile because he knows that I'm not lying.

Harry: "What about the time you said that you're not always be there for me?"

Leon: "Well I can be there, only sometimes."

I unfreeze Dobby and crouch down and look at me. He can see that I'm not lying and he can feel the confidence radiating from me.

Dobby: "What kind of friends who doesn't write for Harry Potter."

I freeze and tried to tell him something but not until Harry said something before me.

Harry: "How did you know my friends haven't been writing to me?"

Dobby freeze and slowly backs away. He ask that Harry wouldn't be angry to Dobby and if he thinks that Harry thought that his friends has forgotten him, he will not to come back to Hogwarts. He took out a stack of letters. He took mine as well.

When Harry tries to take the letters, Dobby tries to run away but I freeze him. Dobby is magical elf can escape easily whatever binds him. Unfortunately, my magic is much more powerful than his. Plus, I'm binding him with my invisible chains. Sealing his magical abilities.

Harry took the letters and glared at Dobby. Dobby was ashamed and tries to bash his head for his failure. I freeze time and I didn't freeze Dobby. Dobby notice the time was stopped and look at me.

Leon: "Dobby, I know who's plotting for Harry."

Dobby look at me with doubt. I smile and crouch down.

Leon: "It's you-know-who and your master Lucius, Am I right?"

Dobby look at me with disbelief and ask how did I know? I pat his head and ignore his question.

Leon: "Don't worry. I already have plans with them. Just keep quiet and don't tell about me knowing it alright?"

I unseal the binding and Dobby hugs me. I was surprise and I hug him back.

Dobby: "Thank you Mr. Parker."

Leon: "Just call me Leon."

Dobby: "Oh no, sir. I would never do that."

I rub my chin and contemplate.

Leon: "Alright. You can call me whatever you desire."

Dobby: "Thank you, Mr. Parker."

I unfreeze time and Dobby apologize Harry. Harry still glares at Dobby for keeping his letters. I grab Harry on his shoulder.

Leon: "Forgive Dobby, Harry. He just do what he thinks is right and he just wants to protect you."

Harry looks at Dobby and crouch down. He accepts Dobby's apology and Dobby hugs him and cried. Harry hugs him back and pats his back. He snaps and fades away.

Leon: "It seems Hogwarts will be interesting this year." [Laugh]

Harry sighs and worried about what will happen to him this year.

(AC: You want more? I already post about 10+ advance chapters at my Patre Check it out)

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