Chapter 11: Hogwarts

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(Leon POV)

While Ron is still shocked of the amount of information that he heard, Harry got a box called [Chocolate Frog].

Harry: "Is this real frog?"

Ron: "It's just a spell, Harry. Besides, the card is you want. Each pack has a famous witch or wizard. I've got 500 me self."

Harry opens the box and Ron tries to warn Harry but the frog hops out of the window. I cast a spell with my wand and summon the frog back and grab it with my left hand. I gave it to Harry and he said thanks.

Ron: "What spell was that?"

Leon: "That was a summoning spell. If you can clearly imagine the object you want to summon, it will appear before you."

Ron tries to imagine and cast a summon spell but nothing happened.

Leon: [Chuckle] "Nobody can learn it on their first try. Unless, you're a genius. Just practice on your free time and I'm sure you can do it eventually." I reassure him.

While Ron tries again, Harry got the Dumbledore card. He showed it to Ron and moments later, Dumbledore disappears. Then Scabbers, Ron's pet rat, just eating there on Ron's lap.

I used my sensory magic to the rat to see if there's any magical reaction and would you know it, there is. So this is Peter Pettigrew. He's pretty much one of saddest characters in the movie. Always following the strong like a slave, always betraying, a liar and most of all, always afraid. I look at the rat menacingly.

Leon: 'You'll be punish in the future but for now.'

While he's eating something, I change the food into something very spicy and when he took a bite of it, his body turns to red and starts steaming. I stop time and shove him in a food box and trap him in there. I cast a silence spell so no one can hear him squeak.

Moments later, a bushy dark haired girl came to our room. She's looking for something. A baby face Emma Watson join the scene. Apparently, Neville lost his pet frog and Hermione offers to help him find it. I've read a lot of fan fictions about how bossy and high mighty her personality is and now, looking at it personally, they are right. She cast some spells and tries to look impressive. Well she is but her personality is not.

I cast a summon spell and summons Neville's pet frog. I gave it to her and she was impress about my spell. She was shocked as well when she learned she was with Harry Potter and Ron tries to introduce himself but his mouth was full of candies. I shake my head for his attempt and I introduce myself to her.

We've arrived at the station and Hagrid is calling out the first years. We follow Hagrid and we're ride our boat towards the castle. It was amazing. It was so breathe taking. Especially, you're personally witnessing this. We climb the staircase and saw a lady wearing her green robe and a witch hat.

Professor Mcgonagall: "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will passed through these doors and join your classmates but before you can take your things, you must sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin."

She then instructs us about the rules, regulations, points and other responsibilities. We enter to the dining hall where the other students are waiting, candles floating up in ceiling and empty plates on the table. Hermione also comment about the ceiling that she read on a book with a smug face. Wow, no joke. She really is annoying.

(AC: I re-watch the movie and man, she was annoying.)

We form in line and wait for Dumbledore's speech. His speech about the dark forest is forbidden to enter. He introduce us to Mr. Filch and about the third floor corridor is forbidden as well or and if you don't listen, you'll die in a painful death.

Leon: 'Wow. What a great intro.'

Next, we are now sorting to our group house and nothing seems to change. Hermione and Ron is Gryffindor, and Draco still Slytherin. Snape watch Harry and Harry's scar starting to hurt like the movie. When Harry's turn, everyone was quiet and only whisper can be heard but he was sorted to Gryffindor. I look at Dumbledore and oh boy, I can see his face that his plan is finally in motion. When it's my turn and the sorting hat is on my head, I pause time except me and the sorting hat.

Leon: "Hello there Mr. Hat. How you doin?"

Sorting Hat: "Very peculiar. It seems Dumbledore is not the only one who has plans for Mr. Potter and others for the future."

Leon: "And it seems you already read my mind and Dumbledore he f*cked up everyone in the future. But first let's clean you up."

I cast a cleaning spell on him.

Sorting: "Much oblige young one."

Leon: "You're welcome. If it is not too much to ask. Can you ask Dumbledore that I need to talk to him privately? In exchange, you'll get the option to change yourself into a human but only use it once in a week and no magic."

Sorting Hat: "Make it twice in a week in the weekends and I want to try your dishes. I've probe your memories and I'm curious on how delicious your meal is."

Leon: [Chuckle] "Not too greedy I see, then it's a deal."

I resume time and the sorting hat shouted louder than usual.

Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!"

Everyone applaud and congratulated me

Dumbledore: "Without further or do, let the feast begin."

Many meals pop out to our table and we ate our fill. It was good but a little too sweet for me in my taste. I tried to mix it up and ask a house elf for some spices. It pops out of nowhere and I mix the spices my dishes. The others saw me and confused. So what did I do? I offer them with my own and some were curious and some felt hunger when they smell my dish even though there are still some inside their mouth.

When they took the first bite, their pupils shrink and went to their world. I don't know what they imagine but they can't stop eating my dish. I laugh and when they heard my laugh, they woke up from their stupor and saw my plate, which were empty now. They turned red and apologize for their behavior. Some even shamelessly ask for seconds. Harry saw me and my table and laugh. He already know what happened. I became popular on the first day but only in the dining hall.

AC: If you're wondering how I am going to turn Sorting Hat into a human, it's very simple. I create [Human Transformation] and [Copy and Paste] skills and paste the [Human Transformation] to the Sorting Hat with some customization. I set the usage for 48 hours and cooldown would be 128 hours. 

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