Chapter 43: Plans for the House Elf

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(Leon POV)

We were at the hospital wing and Harry is in bed. Everyone, including Ginny, is with him. Malfoy just pathetically howling from the pain and he's being a drama queen.

Lockhart is in another bed but he's still in flat-looking state, mumbling about something. Nobody really understands him.

(AC: Picture him like Peter Griffin wishing that he has no bones episode.)

I decided to ignore Dobby's 'protection' to Harry. Besides, even though the plot has change, Harry is the main protagonist of this world. He will not die by Dobby's 'protection'.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey dash to Harry and gave a potion called Skele-gro potion to him. I heard that it has a terrible taste.

Leon: "Why don't you gave it to Malfoy and Professor Lockhart, Madam? I think they need it the most. I already have a potion for him that I would like to test. Don't worry, it's safe to consume it but I would like to test it to Harry."

Madam Pomfrey looks at me and looks at Malfoy and Lockhart. She nods at me and walks away.

Leon: [Whisper] "Here Harry, I heard that Skele-gro potion has a dreadful taste. This is my all cure potion and it can cure mostly anything."

Harry nods and drinks my potion. He can feel his hand repairing itself and not even 1 minute has passed, the arm is healed. Harry touch his arm and confirms that the potion works. He said thanks and just rest on the bed. Everybody already knew that our father sells potions so it wasn't surprise that I have one in me.

We heard something nasty. We look back and we saw Malfoy spitting the Skele-Gro potion. Madam Pomfrey reprimand him for spitting and force him to drink it again. After that, she walks up to Lockhart. I can see Lockhart shaking in fear when he saw Madam Pomfrey holding the potion. She force open his mouth without any resistance and drink the potion. He rolled his eyes back and collapse on how disgusting the taste is. Ron and I snicker at him.

We chatted after sometime until Madam Pomfrey force us to leave the ward.

In the morning, Me, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Astoria and Ginny are in the library. Ginny is not nervous when she's with Harry like the original. She can speak to him normally and giggle sometimes with him. Harry told us about what happened last night. Dobby appeared before him and told about his situation.

Hermione: "That's terrible. Who would do such a thing to a house elf?"

Hermione, Luna, Astoria and Ginny are sad when they heard Dobby's situation. Especially Luna who love anything that magical and the creatures.

Ron: "Apparently, Dobby's master probably thinks that he's so important than anyone else, arrogant and bullies the weak."

I look at Ron and he remembers Malfoy.

Leon: "Are you alone in the hospital wing when this happened?"

Harry: "Yes. Just me and Dobby. Malfoy and Lockhart already were out before the night came. So probably me and Dobby were the only one in the ward."

While everyone is contemplating what to do, I pull out a black book that looks like Tom Riddle's diary.

Harry: "Isn't that Tom Riddle's Diary?"

Ron: "I thought you destroyed it while we were at the Room of Requirements?"

Leon: "This is just a copy that I made. Harry, what do you think of Dobby?"

Harry: "Well I don't really know him very well. He even tries to kill me. But I know he tries his best to protect me from his master."

Leon: "Do he truly deserves to be freed from his master's clutches?"

Harry looks at me and thinks carefully. He genuinely think that Dobby wasn't a bad house elf. He is sincere and he understands that it is wrong to bully the weak. He experience that himself. He looks at me with determination.

Harry: "Yes."

I smile and nod.

Leon: "Good, I will tell Professor Dumbledore about this diary and the original, which was destroyed. He will do something about it. When he calls you Harry, you'll know who the owner of this diary is."

Ron: "I thought you-know-who is owner of the Diary."

Leon: "Well originally but I saw this on Ginny's cauldron the other day and don't know how it did end up there. We didn't saw Voldemort there."

Ginny got surprise that the diary was in her cauldron and shivers that she didn't notice it.

Leon: "I assume that Professor Dumbledore knows the owner of this diary, so let's relax for now and wait for his call."

Everyone nods and goes back to their studies. I also told Harry the plan about putting a sock or any clothing inside the diary. He gets it and accepts my plan.

Few hours later, I'm in the girl's bathroom, looking for as certain someone. I ask Professor Dumbledore about this certain someone and ask for permission to go into the girl's bathroom.


Dumbledore: "What do you want from that person you're looking for, Leon?"

Leon: "It's kind of sad that she just stuck there alone and no one to talk to. And my conscience would not let me ignore her. So I would like to help her, if possible."

Dumbledore: "That's kind of you, Leon. Alright. I'll permit you to meet her and use the girl's laboratory. Try not to anger her. She's very sensitive."

Leon: "Have you even tried to help her in some way like I don't know, let her rest?"

Dumbledore: [Silent]

Leon: "You never tried, did you?"

Dumbledore was ashamed and I got annoyed but I what can you do? Blame him? Nope. There will be no progress if I just blame him for his negligence. I pull out a less strong elixir induce euphoria but in candy form and gave it to him.

Leon: "I won't blame you."

I got up and leave the premises. Dumbledore looks down in shame and looks at the candy. He picks it up, opens the wrapper and eats it. He forgets his misery and becomes happy just for a moment.

(End of Flashback)

I went inside the bathroom and all I can hear is silence. No one is using this room because everyone is too afraid to use it. I heard a noise from one of the toilet bowls and it suddenly burst itself. An apparition presents herself before me. Floating looks at me with moping expression. I present my signature smile at her.

Leon: "Hello there, Myrtle Warren or do you prefer I call your other name, Moaning Myrtle?"

(AC: In the past, I don't really cared about her name but now, its sounds so wrong when everyone calls her Moaning Myrtle. Or is it just me? Probably it's only me.

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