Chapter 9: Ollivanders

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(Leon POV)

I contemplate if I really need the Philosopher's stone and its power but shake my head because it has no use for me. For what that I can remember, it can turn any metal into gold, which I can just summon gold out of nowhere, and create the Elixer of life, again I can just summon it. And even if I can't summon the Elixer, I don't care at all. You won't die from old age but you will still die from external force. I already copied an ability called [Reset and Restart] from UQ Holder. Basically like the game world. You create a save point in any location and when killed, they return to that location with whatever condition you have when you saved but you still have the memories from that timeline. It's the stronger version of déjà vu. (AC: Insert Initial D song here.)

We enter the Gringots bank and the goblins wearing tuxedos are just working and minding their own business. The setting was not so different from a muggle bank except it is operated by goblins. Hagrid talk to the teller and the goblin looked at Harry and ask for the key. Hagrid took out the key and ask for something else. The goblin nods and ask them to follow. I and my clone said to them that we will wait here. They went and ride to what seems to be a cart and move along at the train track.

While waiting, we exchange a lot of cash for galleon and create 2 accounts for me and my clone. I have a lot plans for the Gringots but I'll execute it when the time comes.

We are now focusing finding our wands and we went to store called "Ollivanders Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C."

Leon: [Whistle] "Since 382, B.C.? This store is very ancient."

Hagrid: "Why yes it is Leon but this also the finest wand maker store in all the magical world." [Declared]

I smiled and look at Hagrid's umbrella. Hagrid's wand has to be concealed as an umbrella due to circumstances and because of his expulsion.

Leon: 'That's right, Hagrid was expelled because of Tom Riddle accusing him that he opened the Chamber of Secrets and release a monster and killed a girl. Which was a total lie. Wait a minute. [Knowledge]. F*ck, Dumbledore you piece of shit! You already knew but you never do shits! You scheming bastard!'

I clench my hands and both me and my clone were shaking in anger.

Leon: [Tries to calm down] [Breath in and out] 'I'll revoke Hagrid's expulsion in the future. Oh Dumbledore, you already knew but did nothing. Well, I can use this as leverage and force him to do something for me.'

Hagrid and Harry didn't notice my internal monologue. Me and Harry went inside the shop and meet Ollivander. We saw Ollivander at a ladder and saw Harry and me. Well it was the same as ever in the movie. The boxes were flying, the vases exploded and Harry found the wand that he was looking for. Ollivander just monologues about great things and put a very high expectations to Harry. Yeah no pressure there, give an 11 year old boy a very heavy responsibility and the poor boy don't even know what they are talking about.

Ollivander also gave me a wand. Nothing explodes when I touch the wand. When I touch the third wand, it felt something click inside me. Like I found something that a part of me was lost. My wand is 13 inches long, made from elder wood with a dragon heartstring core. He also told me about the lore of this wand. The wood used to make this wand is given to those with natural-born talent. The wand core is the most powerful of them all and is capable of casting some of the most advanced spells.

Leon: "Harry, why don't you go outside? I have questions for Mr. Ollivander."

Harry looks at me but didn't questioned about it. He walks outside and close the door. It was only me and Mr. Ollivander inside the shop. I look at him and smiled.

Leon: "I've heard that you have a daughter. How is she?"

(Ollivander POV)

I was standing there. The room was dead silent. I look at the boy curiously and wait for him to continue.

Leon: "I've heard she has a terrible illness and as of now, nobody can cure her." [Paused] "What if I told you I have an elixir that can cure her illness?"

I kneel down to him and cried. A took his hand and desperately and shakily grip them. Afraid that he will leave. I was desperate. I've searched everywhere for the cure and nobody has that. Only disappointments I received from my searches. I prayed to God but no answers. I would even offer my soul to the devil if I could. I lost hope every single day.

Moments later, a strange feeling entering my body. It was warm. It was like I was sunbathing at the sun, calming me.

I look at him and he's smiling at me.

Leon: "Stand up Mr. Ollivander. Many will get the wrong idea if they saw us like this" [Chuckle]

He offers me a handkerchief and I wipe my eyes and snot with it. I gave it back to him but he stops me and shakes his head.

Leon: "Sorry about your daughter's situation. You really love your daughter and don't worry, all of those problem will be gone if you let her drink this"

He pulls out a crystal bottle from his pocket and gave it to me. I look at the liquid inside and it was white. I open it and smell it. It has no smell. I look at him if this was the real deal.

Leon: "Do you have anything sharp?"

I pull out my drawer and gave him my letter opener. He observes it and puts his hand at the counter and stabs it. I was shocked and he looks to be in pain. He pulls it out and his hand is bleeding.

Leon: "T...the potion"

I gave the potion immediately and he drop a little at his bleeding hand. I can see his wound closing in a rapid haste. He sighs and close and open his hand. Checking if there's any problem.

Leon: "I call it, [All Cure] potion. Please don't ask how I acquired it. Just know that this is very scarce. Keep it between us, alright?"

I took the potion. Holding it for dear life and put it on my pocket for safe keeping.

Ollivander: "How can I repay you?" [Starting to cry again]

Leon: "I was planning to open a shop and sell my products here at Diagon Alley. I would like you to find a suitable place for me to get started. If that's okay with you?"

Ollivander: "That's a simple task my friend. I would even buy it for you. Is there anything else that you would like to add?"

Leon: "Stop, that's for your family. I would buy it with my own money. Anything else I would add? None for now. Alright, close the store up and go immediately to your family. See ya." [Wave goodbye]

I saw everyone waiting outside.

Harry: "What did you guys talk about?"

I also notice he has two owls in two cages. He gave me mine. His was white as snow and mine was light brown

Leon: "Oh, something about that life is a precious thing."

Harry was confused but didn't question any further.

Harry: "You're weird."

I punch him lightly at the shoulder and chuckle.

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