Chapter 22: Mirror

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(Leon POV)

Ron: "I think this is the perfect time to do this. Harry"

We're in Harry's room in the middle of the night. We're discussing about going to the library and find out about Nicolas Flamel. Ron suggested that someone will have to go.

Harry: "How do we even go there? Hogwarts is miles away from here."

The two contemplate and Harry look at me.

Harry: "Any suggestions?"

Leon: "Well I do have one, but it's still in process."

Ron: "What is it?"

I went to my room and came back holding a small rock.

Ron: "A rock?"

Leon: "It's a portkey. I've enchanted it. If someone touches it, they will teleport to their destination in an instant."

Harry: "But you're touching it."

Leon: "Because it needs password to activate. It's really convenient to teleport now and again but it takes a lot of time to create this single thing."

Ron: "That's amazing!" [Looking at the rock]

Leon: "Thanks but it is still in progress. For now, this can only teleport here and the library and can be only use twice."

Harry: "But why a rock though?"

Leon: "The objects when I enchanted this will break down after two uses. I don't want anything expensive to break down do I? That is why it's still a prototype. I'm still in the process on making it teleport more than twice." 'I'm rich but I don't want to waste money. Plus, I can just teleport there but we need to follow the plot so no butterfly effect bullsh*t would happen.'

They nod and accept my reason.

I can just teleport there but I don't them abuse my ability and plus, it is annoying if they always ask me to teleport somewhere.

Leon: "So who will be going?"

Me and Ron both look at Harry.

Harry: "Me?!"

Leon: "Yes you."

Harry: "Why?!"

Leon: "Because you own the cloak plus you're a Gryffindor. Doesn't it states that they are brave and determined people?"

Harry tries to argue but to no avail. He gave up and accept his fate. He took the stone and I told him the password.

Harry: "Hogwarts library."

Leon: "By the way, hold your brea-."

He then apparated away. He will be puking when he arrives there.

Leon: "Good thing he didn't ask to go with him."

Ron: "Do you think he'll be safe?"

Leon: "Of course. His Harry Potter. Don't you remember?"

Ron thinks for a minute and shouted yeah. I roll my eyes for his naivety. After few minutes of waiting, Ron went to sleep first. This is a good opportunity to scan Ron's mind. I waited for him to sleep and all I can hear him snoring. I scan his mind if there's anything magical about it and would you know it, there's a reaction. Something green like thread was attach to his brain. I use my [knowledge] for answers because this beyond my knowledge.

[Arthur Weasley, Ron's father, was under imperius curse by Voldemort and his Death Eaters during his reign].

Could it be is that the reason why Ron was pretty much useless in the movies? Maybe.

I stop my magic and look at the poor boy. His been cursed and never knew about it. I can't pull the thread out because the mind is complicated and I'm no neurologist. I'll probably kill him if I operate him right now. He was such an idiot in the movies and plus, based on the novels and fan fictions I've read, Ron and Hermione didn't have a good relationship which each other. Well, mostly fan fictions. In the movies, there's no really indication whether they were a happy couple after marriage or not. I only saw that they have a child together and that's pretty much about it.

Harry appears in our bedroom and collapse on the floor. Ron was still snoring and didn't even faze. What a heavy sleeper. I helped Harry get up and get him sit down on the bed. I woke up Ron by squeezing his nose and he breathes in heavily. He glared at me but I just meh.

Leon: "Did you find the book?"

Harry: "No, but do have another of that portkey stone. I want to show you guys something." [Excited] [Portkey crumbles on his hand]

Leon: "Harry you know it's very hard to make those. What's so important that we have to use my last one?"

Harry: "I can't explain it. It's better to see it than to believe it, right?"

Ron and I look at each other and he nods.

Leon: "I hope it's worth it."

I took another stone from my room and we say the password. We apparated away. Ron pukes after we apparated and Harry stumbles but firmly stand.

Harry: "By the way."

He punch my right shoulder. It wasn't painful at all.

Harry: "You could have warned me about the breathing part."

Leon: "I forgot." [Pretends to forget]

Ron: [After puking] "What do you want to show us, Harry?"

We followed him through the hallways and saw a mirror. It was large, looks dusty and old. Harry said that he saw his parent's reflection through the mirror. When Ron's tries, he sees himself as a head boy and holding the Quidditch cup become successful.

I tried it and I was surprise. I saw an older version myself wielding Yamato. I was in a laido stance and I quickly slice the air and sheathe it again. It was a simple move but yet so fast and powerful. I can see that my older version slice more than a million times at the air. It seems that one of my desires is to become stronger. After few seconds, 3 figures starting to appear. My eyes bulge wide. I scratch my head and laugh weakly. The three figures were Hermione, Luna and Astoria. Apparently, I desire those three. I kind of get it about Hermione and Luna but Astoria, I don't know anything about her. The perfect song for this situation is 'my minds telling me no, but my body, my body telling me yeah!'

Harry and Ron ask what I saw. I told them about I was an adult with a badass look with an epic sword. They both was impressed and ask if there are more. But I said nothing and I force everyone to apparate home. At least I tried to but someone stop us.

???: "It seems that everyone is enjoying and interested about the mirror."

We stopped and look back. We saw Dumbledore standing behind us.

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