Chapter 41: Right Back at You

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(Hermione POV)

I like him. No, I don't want lie myself. I love him very much. Whenever I'm with him, my heart beats so loudly and rapidly. Whenever I see his smile, I can't help but fall in love with him again and again.

I never felt like this before. Last year when he save me from the troll, I was mesmerize by his confident demeanor. Like he knew nothing would harm us that time. Again he save us from the Fluffy when Fluffy was about to mangle us. He told us he played with Fluffy like it was a normal dog. Again and again I was impress by his knowledge and when he showed us his magic, I can't even explain how I felt. It was amazing.

I tried to hide my feelings to him and fortunately or unfortunately it worked. He doesn't even notice. I was both and happy and disappointed. When we were alone in the train, I was a nervous wreck. Whenever he pats my head, it was very nice and I want to pat him more but I don't want to be spoiled by him. He was always there for me when I'm down and always hugs me when got the chance. I was not really the hugger type but I'm slowly being one.

That time when Luna came in room, I felt like some was stabbing my chest. I don't know why I felt this. Everytime he smiles to another girl, I can't explain the pain. He ask me what's wrong but I can't tell him. I don't even know what my problem is.

I just want to be spoiled by him. Is that too much to ask?

Also, Astoria told us that polygamy is applicable in the magical world. Me and Leon was even surprise by this new information and I got mix feelings about her proposition. Leon suggested that we should take time to get to know each other more and not entirely focus on that. I was weirdly glad when I heard that.

In the room of requirement, again, I was impress by the magic. Books starts appear everywhere and he tutored us on how to control our magic. When I first saw the threads and orbs of magic, it was unbelievable. So many bright lights and so many colors. I saw Luna and Astoria's aura and I got intrigued. I was even more surprise when I saw Leon's aura. It was gigantic compare the two. I felt warm and calm whenever I saw his aura. Maybe that's the reason why I feel so warm whenever I'm with him.

I'm super happy that he confess that he like us three. I slightly sad when I'm not the only one but I can handle it. I can see that Luna and Astoria really like Leon and it seems that they don't mind sharing with him with one another. I'm still not sure about this polygamy though.

All I can ask for is just to be with him.

(Leon POV)

We're in Professor McGonagall class. Our lesson today is turning animals into water goblets. She then taps a bird three times and says [Vera Verto]. The bird turns itself into a translucent goblet. Everyone is impress and I got intrigue by this spell. Vera Verto came from the word Fera Verto and in Latin, it means 'I exchange the beast'.

Professor McGonagall would like a volunteer and she chooses Ron as one. Ron tries to change his rat but somewhat half succeeded. He manage to turn the rat into a goblet but it's hairy and has a tail. Wait a minute, isn't that Peter Petigrew? I use my magic eye and it just an ordinary rat. I thought Ron transfigured Peter Petigrew into a goblet. Huh, that's a nice idea to prank him.

I tried the spell and it is interesting to turn animals into inanimate objects. But it's cruel to magically turn animals into inanimate objects. I mean, I wouldn't to myself turn into a cup. I'll just use this for those who really deserves it. I was considering Draco but I'm on the fence for him. I mean he's a d*ck but not a bad guy. He's father in the other hand, well I have plans for him in the future.

It's the Quidditch game. Team Gryffindor and Slytherin are battling against each other. Fighting who would win today. The game is pretty intense and I still question the safety of the players and the audience. Me and Luna in the Ravenclaw side and Luna is wearing her Lion head hat. She gave me one and I don't mind wearing it. Everyone was looking at us funny but we ignore them and enjoy the game. Hermione and Ron is at the Gryffindor side and Astoria is at the Slytherin, supporting their team. I reassure her that we don't mind that she supports her team and just enjoy the game.

I also notice Lockhart at his seat. Unfortunately, his hair is good as new. He probably drink instant hair grower. I also saw Lucius Malfoy and Snape at their seat as well.

The score is 90 for Slytherin and 30 for Gryffindor and the Slytherin is on the upper hand. The only way Gryffindor is to win this game is to catch the snitch. Everyone notice one of the bludger ball is following Harry.

Hagrid: "Hey that bludger is following Harry. Someone has been tampered it."

I heard Hagrid's comment from afar. My hearing is much clearer than anyone else. I use [Knowledge] to know who tampered the ball. It was Dobby. Sometimes I don't know if he's helping Harry or killing him. 1st at the train station and now this? He really is persistent.

Harry and Draco saw the snitch and they battle to catch it. They've gone under and we don't know what is happening. Well except for me of course. I touch Luna's hand and she looks at me. I gesture my eyes to watch where Harry is. She follows and she was surprise that she can see Harry underground. I've use my x-ray vision and share it to Luna. She was amaze and looks around, forgetting about Harry.

Luna: "I hope you're not using this when we're in the bathroom. Are you?"

I immediately look at her.


I shouted and I quickly cover my mouth. Everyone looks at me and I turn red. I chuckle embarrassingly and Luna just giggle at my embarrassment. We then focus on Harry. Colin ducked and almost hit the bludger. Malfoy hit something and he comes flying without his broom and hits the ground hard.

Harry tries to reach the snitch but his hand got hit by the bludger. He use his other hand and tries again. He catch the snitch and falls down on the sand. Everyone got worried for Harry. Harry holds the snitch in his hand and the announcer declared Gryffindor wins the game. We then run towards Harry.

The bludger appears out of nowhere and tries to hit Harry. He dodges and after the 3rd attempt, Hermione destroyed the bludger using a spell. Lockharts use his opportunity to boost his ego and popularity and attempts to fix Harry's arm, which was broken because of the bludger.

I smile and secretly put a reflect charm on Harry's arm. Lockhart cast his charm and after performing it, the charm hits Harry arm but it bounce back and hit his body. He suddenly collapse. Everyone shock and tries to help him but when they touch him, they let go immediately. They look at him again and they notice that he looks deflated.

Hermione: "Are you alright, Professor Lockhart."

Lockhart tries to speak but all we heard just some gibberish slurs. Everyone is disgusted at his appearance and I keep a passive look. But mentally, I was laughing so hard that I almost break my Occlumency spell.

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