Chapter 8: Diagon Alley

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(Leon POV)

Hagrid: "Er sorry 'bout that. Yer dishes were so good. Can't believe I ate all yer food there." [Embarrassed]

CH: "It's alright my friend. I'm glad you take liking to our dishes. You can come anytime if you want to." [Chuckle]

My clone reassures him.

Hagrid: [Chuckle] "I'll take yer on that offer. Now, pack yer bags everyone. No time for wasting."

After a few minutes of packing, Hagrid guided us to the city. Currently, we're at the train station and just chatting about the school supplies and some random stuff. We also talked about dragons and I remember about the scene at the Goblet's of Fire. Those dragons are huge and fierce.

We are walking through a town. Hagrid and Harry are just chatting about what's stuff to buy, while I just keep expanding my magic reserves. I can't seem to further expand it. Probably my body is still young and can't handle the burden. I'll just focusing on stabilize it and keep on expanding in a steady rate. Even though I can just use [Knowledge], it's much more fun to be curious and finding out yourself. You'll get a sense of accomplishment when I do that.

After a few walks around town, we are now at a dark looking store. Hagrid just went inside and we just followed. The room was full of a lot of people. People are having fun, waitress and waiters serving people and music were playing all around. The design inside was like a medieval pub.

The bartender saw us and smiled.

Bartender: "Ah Hagrid. Usual I presume?"

Hagrid: "No thanks Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business. Just helping young Harry and his family here buy school supplies"

Bartender: "Blessed my soul... It's Harry Potter." [Surprised]

The room fell into silent. Even the music was stop playing and many are looking at us. It was uncomfortable. I look at Hagrid.

Leon: 'Thank you Hagrid for revealing his identity.' [I sighed].

Music starts to play again and people are now shaking his hands with Harry. Thanking him and saying welcome back. I and my clone were ignored but I was like meh.

Then a guy with a turban covered his head came and talk to us. It was Quirinus Quirrell. His features is still the same as the movies. The only difference is that, I can feel a malicious energy coming from him. Nobody has a sensory magic so nobody really bothered hiding their magic power. I wonder Dumbledore has a sensory ability? Probably not. I'm mean, if he has that, then he already stop Tom Riddle before the war started.

Or he knows but just ignores it.

Quirrell. "Harry P........Potter. Can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you"

Yup, he's excited to meet him but not in a good way. Hagrid introduce Harry to Quirrel that his a Professor Defense against the Dark arts at Hogwarts and he will be our teacher. Harry tries to shake his hand but I know he can't touch him because of Harry's mother's protection. Well he can but he will be in pain if he does that.

Leon: "Hello there Professor Quirrel. Please take care of us at Hogwarts." [Offers a handshake]

Quirrel: "L.....likewise, Mr.?" [Grabs my hand]

Leon: "Parker." [Smiles]

While he's distracted by the handshake, I put a spell on his shoes. While we're going to the back side of the bar, we heard a crash and look back what just happened. Apparently, Quirell 'slip' and hit his back head, well Voldemort's face, at the edge bar table. Everyone is helping him but no one notice that there's a small stain on his back side on his turban because the room is too dim lighted. Not unless you have a heightened vision like mine. Probably Voldemort's nose, if he has a nose, were broken. I chuckle silently.

After that scene, we are now at the back side outside of the bar.

Hagrid: "See Harry, yer famous."

Harry: "But why am I famous Hagrid? All those people back there. How is they know who I am?"

CH: "I'm sure there's a good reason for that. Isn't that right Hagrid?"

Hagrid: "That's right Chris but I'm not sure I'm exactly the right person to tell you that Harry."

Leon: "Then who's the right person to tell him that?"

Hagrid looks at me and I can tell that he really wants to tell Harry.

Hagrid: "Look. I'm sure someone will tell yer but for now, focus on buying yer school supplies." [Sighed] [Sad]

I grab Harry's shoulder.

Leon: "Harry, don't worry about it. It's a bit concerning that many people know you but at least they don't know that you're a cry baby and wetted the bed."

Harry: [Annoyed] "I'm not a cry baby!" [Shouted]

Leon: "So you admit you wetted the bed." [Chuckled]

Harry turns red and tries to hit me but I easily dodged them.

Leon: "You have long ways to go if you think that you can hit me." [Mocking him]

Harry tries to hit me but fails miserably. His movement is still sloppy but it was faster than before. He really needs to control his anger. I successfully distracted him from being famous part.

Hagrid saw us and a smile appeared on his face. He tap his umbrella on the brick wall and the bricks are removing themselves and reveals a street. The streets were crowded and many stores that we never heard or seen before appeared to us. Well some of them I recognized from the movie but some I never heard of it before. We were amazed.

Hagrid: "Welcome everyone to Diagon Alley."

I can hear the music playing inside my head but it was just me. Owls are flying, people wearing robes and wizards hat. Different varieties are selling with different shapes and sizes. It's like an Asian street market but with more bizarre items. Different variety of owls displaying, bats are out in the open. I shiver when I saw the bat. I'm not afraid of bats, I'm afraid of something else that involves with it.

(AC: Yup. It's the C virus, in case you're wondering.)

I saw Harry staring intently at the flying nimbus. Oh right, he loves flying and apparently he has a talent for it. That's one Christmas gift I would likely to buy for him. Now, we're at the Gringots for Harry's money and the Philosopher Stone.

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