Chapter 24: Dark Forest

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(Leon POV)

Leon: "What was Malfoy doing here?"

Harry: "I don't know but it doesn't seems to be good."

Leon: [Looks at Hagrid and Norbert] "Don't worry Hagrid. Maybe Malfoy was curios on something. If something happens, we'll think of something. For now, find a hiding place for Norbert."

Hagrid nods and we went back to the hallway. We were trying to go to our dorm but Professor McGonagall spotted us with Malfoy behind her, smirking at us. Our house points were deducted by 50 points each and also the five of us got detention. Malfoy was confused and ask why he got detention. Professor McGonagall explains that he also after bed after hours and walking through the hallways at night. We were all smirking at him. Our detention will be in the dark forest and we saw Hagrid crying about Norbert. Norbert will sending off to Romania. That would be better in my opinion.

We walk through the dark forest and Hagrid saw a pile of silver liquid. It's called a unicorn blood. Hagrid told us that last week, he saw a dead one within the forest and it's our job tonight is to find the injured unicorn. The team was split into two. The 3 of us will be Harry, Malfoy and me with an additional of Fang and the other team would be Ron and Hermione. Hermione look at me like she didn't want to be with Ron but rather spend time with me. Sorry Hermione.

Malfoy, using his catchphrase 'wait till my father hear about this', complains just about anything and Harry mocks him for being scared. I ignore them and check the surroundings. While walking through the forest, we heard a sound but nothing happens. Fang sniff something and then he growls. We saw a hooded figure sucking the blood on the unicorn's neck. Harry's forehead starting to hurt. Malfoy screams and runs away along with Fang. Me and Harry are just standing there with the hooded figure. He walks slowly in front of us and Harry stumbles back while I stood my ground. I wasn't scared because one, I'm strong enough to defend myself, two, the plot won't let Harry die this early and three, my gamer's mind won't let me feel fear.

Then a giant shadow appears above us and a centaur scares the hooded figure away. He then look at us and walk towards us. The centaur warns Harry about the danger of the forest and the curse of drinking the blood of the unicorn. You can survive from death but you'll receive a curse, the half-life curse.

The centaur looks at me and he moves his mouth but no sound came out. I saw his lip movement and I was surprised.

I stop time. I'm in the dimension where everything was halted. No sound, no movement and not even the smell but I wasn't alone. One other being was still moving and the being is the centaur.

Leon: "I forgot that your colony can see into the future, Firenze. My name is Leon Parker by the way."

Firenze: "Pleasure to meet you, child."

Leon: "You too as well. Can I ask? How did you know that I have this ability?"

Firenze silently told me while the world was not stop because his lips movement said two words. Stop time.

Firenze: "I have my ways, Parker."

Leon: "Great, another one who wants to be mysterious as well."

He chuckles at my comment.

Leon: "So, is there any problem in your colony?"

Firenze: "There will be a great war in the future but you already knew that don't you? But I will ask for your assistance about the incoming war. My elder saw a future that some of our tribesmen will be minions to Voldemort and his death eaters. I want you to not kill but detain them. Some of those tribesmen has no choice but to comply with their demands."

Leon: "Sounds easy enough. All right."

Firenze: "Confident one I see. There will be also other creatures like hags, vampires and other creatures as well. I will ask for your assistance to detain the other creatures as well. In exchange, I will offer my service and also the other creatures for the war."

He then bows before me. Signifying that he's at my mercy. I roll my eyes for this drama queen. I help him stand up and went to the injured unicorn. I created a healing elixir and pour right into the wound. The wound rapidly closing itself and I resume the time but only for the unicorn.

The unicorn slowly opens its eyes and looks its surroundings until he saw me. He slowly gets up and looks at me. I was surprise that he lower his head and wants to be petted by me. I thought that only woman can touch the unicorns. Is it because I save it or because it knows that I have no ill intention? I slowly rub his head and caress his hair. He lick my face for appreciation. I let him go and he runs away. I still look at the unicorn's direction.

Leon: "It's gonna be a big battle, isn't it?"

Firenze: "Yes."

Leon: "Many will die?"

Firenze: "Most likely."

I look at him directly in the eyes with determination.

Leon: "Bring it on."


He smiles at me

Firenze: "The future has not set in stone but I pray that we'll succeed."

I nod at we get back to our position. I resume time like our talk never happened. Hagrid saw the three of us with Malfoy and Fang. Firenze left us and wish us good luck. Harry never notice that the unicorn was gone.

(At the Gryffindor's Common Room)

We talk about what happened last night and Harry speculate that it was Voldemort who's drinking the blood of the unicorn. He still speculates that Snape wants to steal the sorcerer's stone for Voldemort to create the elixir of immortality. I can create that just with my ability but nah.

Everyone except for me was afraid of Voldemort but Hermione says that Voldemort has someone he fears and that was Dumbledore. As long as Dumbledore is around, no one can touch Harry.

Leon: 'Yeah right. God I wish I could tell them that Quirrell was Voldemort but I have to follow the story or else the butterfly effect will bite my ass.'

After few days later, Harry's scar keeps bothering him. Ron suggest to go to the nurse's office but Harry speculate that it's a warning for something terrible might happen. We saw Hagrid playing a flute. I heard the song and isn't it the main intro of the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone song?

We dash towards Hagrid and ask him who gave him the dragon egg. Hagrid explains that he didn't know the figure because his hood was on. He also told us that the figure ask what kind of creatures he has been taking care of. He told the figure about Fluffy and accidentally told us that Fluffy will went to sleep if you play a bit of a music.

Leon: 'Well mine is a bit different. Fluffy didn't fell asleep but happy when he heard me sing. Probably I use magic on my voice to keep him awake. Not that I complain.'

The three dash right away while I look at Hagrid.

Leon: "You really need to practice on how to keep a secret, Hagrid."

Hermione came back and drag me away while Hagrid contemplates on how to keep a secret. He gets up and finds a note on the ground. He pick it up and opens it.


Norbert is actually Norberta. He is a she. It's better that she remains at Romania for the time being because I heard that female Norwegian Ridgeback has a violent personality. Don't worry, I will ask Dumbledore that you will see her again in future.

Your friend,

Leon Parker]

Hagrid smiles and tears form on his eyes. Sad that he wouldn't see his baby dragon but at least he will see her again in the future.


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