Chapter 5: Saving Harry

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(Leon POV)

Over the passed 6 years, I keep on getting stronger. I am now 10 years old and my magic reserves is now at Voldemort's level. Still not the level of Dumbledore but stronger than Snape's. I'll just keep on going getting stronger on a rapid pace. I also created [Magic Manipulation]. Basically, I can control my magic perfectly. No magic leaking for this body. I also learned some charms, curses, hexes, jinxes and other spells and I can do them wordlessly and wandlessly. I don't even have a wand and I'm this powerful. Maybe I can be more powerful if I can get my wand.

About the business, I/my clone accelerated the technology in the muggle world. There are now flat screen TVs, computers, and flip phones with basic apps. I also created towers for signals and internet and make everyone understand the joy of internet. All of these gadgets are for muggles only. I plan to upgrade these gadgets when I'm in the wizard world. Magic and electric devices are not so friendly to each other. Maybe that's one of the reasons why the wizard world is medieval and doesn't progress further.

I already have the idea on upgrading the said gadgets and can easily create them. Unfortunately, I must portray my 'father' that he's a muggle and has 'no idea' about magic, wizards, witches and other magic related things.

If I receive the letter from Hogwarts that will be the reason I would seem that I told my 'father' about magic and move further for my plans. This will also be alibi for making the said gadgets for the wizard and witches. Still, I need help from Dumbledore to spread that. I mean, he's the most powerful and well known wizard. Spreading the news about my gadgets would be easily done. But for now, I'll be focusing on the muggle world.

My business runs in 3 different large stores and probably upgrade in the future when I enter the wizard world. So, pretty much I'm rich at this point. That's one of the objectives cleared out.

Currently I'm just chilling at my house and just relaxing at the couch. Just watching some Youtuber called 'Dr Joseph Cipriano DC' and his chiropractic videos from my original world. One time, I was bored and kind of missed watching videos. I was hoping that I can summon a blue screen that can connect the internet from my original world. And boy it works. Combining my [Word Soul Magic] and [Knowledge] abilities, I can now access the internet from my original world to pass the time.

[Front Door Opens]

I close my blue screen, which only I can see, and saw two figures at my door. One was Chris Hemsworth clone and a malnourished boy with a broken glasses.

Leon: 'Damn, poor boy. It's really painful to watch him like this. As much as I want to punish his relatives, I don't want him to worry them. Hopefully, I can give a good childhood memories until I give him to Sirius when he's free.'

I use my clone to threaten the Dursleys about what they did to Harry. I have already picture evidences plus video recording of them torturing him and made him sleep under a staircase. They are now sweating bullets when they saw the evidences. All the necessary documents are already filed for adoption and we are now his new guardians.

Chris Hemsworth: "Harry, this is Leon Parker. Your adoptive brother. Say hello to him." [Patting Harry's head]

Harry: "Hello" [Meekly]

Leon: "Hello Harry" [Smiles] [Offers a handshake]

Harry: [Meekly shakes Leon's hand]

CH (Chris Hemsworth): "You both must been starving. Let me cook you something. In the meantime Leon, help Harry carry his things and give him a tour of the house. Also, take him to his new bedroom." [Goes to the kitchen]

I carry Harry's luggage and gave him the tour. It's a two storey house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a garage. Mostly basic housing. We also got a backyard outside with nothing much at the moment. Even though I'm rich, I kind of like a simple house. Heck, I only want to live in a dorm in my previous life.

After the tour, I take Harry to his new bedroom. He still looks meekly but relax a little bit when he realize that we mean no harm to him. I also give a band aid to cover his scar. Although it is inevitable that many will discover his name, at least some will only recognize him when they see his scar.

Leon: "So Harry, tell me about yourself?"

At first, he was troubling to voice out his experiences with the Dursely but when I wait patiently for him to answer, he just confess all of his life and what the Dursley has done to him. Good thing I learned Occlumency or else I already killed the Dursley from blind rage.

Leon: [Sigh] "Man, sorry that you have a tough life. At least now, you are not living there anymore. Like they say 'If life gave you lemons, give them lemonade'.

Harry: "What's that mean?"

Leon: "For my understanding, it means that whether life is getting hard, just push through it. Just don't give up halfway, nothing will change if you just stop."

(AC: this is my interpretation of the quote)

Harry contemplates himself and think about on what I just said.

Leon: "Well, I'll just leave you alone for now. I'll call you when dinner is ready. The bathroom is around the hall with a labeled WC if you want to wash yourself. I'll tell about the house rules later."

I left the room and gone to the kitchen. Even though my clone can cook alone, I'll just help to make the work faster. It's fun to cook. Need some hobbies you know.

I called Harry that it's time for dinner. We set up the table and give our blessings for the food that we eat. Harry just copies on what we're doing. I'll explain to him about this later. We dig in. I and my clone eat slowly because we already get used to the taste but for Harry, he wolfed it down. He never get a proper meal from his relatives and my cooking skills are the best. A Michelin Star restaurant cannot compare to my skills and Harry was very lucky that he can eat this kind of food every day from now on.

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