Chapter 15: Oh Boy

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(Leon POV)

While Harry is training to become a good seeker, I'm just working on my gadgets. I need to make them that they can be compatible to magic so that it won't break easily. Over the past few days, I successfully converted the magical energy into electricity. The next problem is the amount of magical energy it takes to charge a gadget. The gadget will charge automatically within the magical world because it expose itself from the magic and magic is all around us. Just take out your phone and viola, it's already charge, if you're in the magical world. But when casting a spell like a simple [lumos] charm, it will short circuit or worst case scenario, it explodes. I will try to enchant it that it will only take this amount of magical energy and make it more durable. It was hard and try experiment it. I tried weak to powerful spells to test it durability. It was somewhat successful. When expose to weaker spells, it functions perfectly but when comes to powerful spells, it didn't explode but it short circuit. Probably too much magical exposure.

(AC: If you're wondering why he didn't use [Knowledge] because he's trying to make it himself without using his abilities. He likes to discover himself and tries not to rely on it too much. But I will use it when something interesting happens or an interesting character present himself/herself. Also, it's boring if you already know everything.)

Leon: "It will take a lot of time to finish this project but for now, the class is about to start."

I walk through the halls and met the 3 along the way. Harry and Ron talk about Quidditch while me and Hermione talk about the assignments, which I already done, and exchange knowledge with her. She's really an intelligent girl but only memorize in books but doesn't really understand the contents of it. And being a smartass is not helping. Can't blame her though, I was that kid just memorizing but don't care the meaning behind the words. Well she'll learn that lesson eventually.

The class starts and Professor Filius Flitwick was teaching about the levitation spell. Everyone already has an idea about the spell because I cast it and save Neville before. I easily cast it and tries to teach Harry while Hermione tries to teach Ron without hurting himself. Not all successfully cast it but some like Hermione does. One even explodes and burn his feather. I look at the burned character and was curious of him.

Leon: 'How the heck did that happened?' [Knowledge]. 'Huh, apparently he likes fire. Even though he doesn't 'try' to make the items burn or explode, but he still happens. He took quite an interested in them. Probably he's unconsciously doing it. You're an interesting character Mr. Seamus Finnigan.'

While walking through the hallways, Ron mocks Hermione for being a smartass and having no friends. Unfortunately, Hermione heard it and walks away.

Harry: "I think she heard you."

I smack Ron's back head with a book.

Ron: "OW! What was that for?"

Leon: "Are you trying to imitate Malfoy? Because you sound like him. Go apologize to her."

I smack him again.

Ron: "Alright, alright. I'll apologize later."

Leon: [Sighs heavily]

Next we were at the dining hall. I saw floating jack-o-lanterns on the ceiling and massive amount of sweets are on the table. I was still in the Gryffindor's table and I've already bargain the Ravenclaws to do what I want. Currently, I'm sitting beside Harry while facing Ron. He desperately tries to eat all the food rapidly. I shake my head for his actions.

Harry: [Looks around]. "Where's Hermione?"

Neville: "Parvati Patil says that she wouldn't come out in the girl's bathroom. She said she's been there all afternoon, crying."

Harry and I look at Ron but he just eats and just ignores it. I menacingly stare at him and he shivers from my stare.

Ron: "I will apologize later. I'm hungry."

I squeeze my nasal bridge with my right hand and mentally saying myself, 'They are just kids, they are just kids'.

The door slams open and Quirell, his name sounds like squirrel, runs to the dining hall and warns everybody that there's a troll in the dungeon. He then collapse on the ground.

I clap my hands mentally for his wondrous acting.

Leon: 'Oh it's the troll scene. Better get ready."

Everybody screams and panic but Dumbledore silence them all. The prefect guide us to our room but Harry pulls me and Ron out of the group. He reminded us that Hermione is still at the girl's bathroom. We ran through the halls and saw the Troll going to the bathroom. We heard a scream and quickly went through the door.

The stalls were shattered and Hermione was buried under the broken wood and planks. Harry shouted Hermione to move and we throw some broken planks at the troll. Hermione screams for help.

Leon: "Ron distract the troll, call him names or something. Harry stop him using our telekinesis while I'll save Hermione."

The two nods and I ran to Hermione. Ron called the troll names but it was ineffective. I ran and grab Hermione's hand but when she saw the club behind me and was about to hit us, she grabs me for a tight hug. I was stunned for a second because her action and look behind me. I saw the club was about to hit us. I look at it and did nothing.

The club was about to hit my face but he was stopped by an invisible force. I saw Harry using his wand, desperately trying to stop the troll. The club was few inches away from my face. Hermione stunned for the lack of pain and look me. She saw me facing the club. She was shock not because of the club but my face. She saw was not fear but it was full of confidence with a hint of bravery. She just stood there and only watch me.

I touch the club and change its direction away from us. Harry lost control and the troll hits the ground, missing us. While the troll was stunned, Ron used the levitation spell and smack the club right at the troll's face. The troll was dizzy and moments later, he fell down.

Leon: "Well done Harry and Ron as well."

Harry was wheezing but smiled. Ron was smug about it but felt happy for his achievement on using the spell and knocking out the troll. Hermione is still looking at me and not saying anything.

I saw her face and oh boy, I know that look. I sigh and thinking how many times did I sigh today? I shake my head and smack my hands together. This woke her up from her stupor. She turns red and saw the troll.

Hermione: "Is it dead?"

Harry: "I don't think so. I think it passed out."

The professors saw the end of the scene and demands an explanation. Harry and Ron tries to explain about what happened but I said first and took the blame. I told them I was cocky and tries to fight the ogre alone. Luckily, the trio help and save me. The trio look at me but I just wink at them and they get the message. I also notice a wound on Snape's leg and Harry saw that.

Leon: 'So far so good. The timeline hasn't been change too much except.'

I look at her Hermione and I notice she is looking right me. When she saw me looking at her, she looks away. I can still see her face turns to red.

Leon: "Oh boy."

Ron and Harry look at me with an odd expression when they heard me.

(AC: Self advertisement again.

You know the drill and I'm pretty much shameless up to this point.

Follow me at Patre and see advance chapters. It's pretty cheap to look there.)

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