Chapter 13: My 1st Weapon

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Current Skills and Abilities of our MC:

1. Word Soul Magic

2. Dimension Traveler

3. Knowledge Search Engine

4. Gamer's Mind

5. Gamer's Body

6. Occlumency (Passive)

7. Legilimency

8. Cook (Passive)

9. Inventory

10. Shadow Clone Jutsu

11. Shape shifting

12. Magic Manipulation

13. Charms

14. Hexes

15. Jinxes

16. Curses

17. Other Spells

18. Martial Arts

19. Heightened Vision

20. Reset and Restart

21. Copy and Paste

22. Customization

23. Human Transformation

(Leon POV)

In the dining hall, me, Harry, Ron and Hermione were dining together at the Gryffindor's table. The Ravenclaws won't let me sit at the Gryffindor's table but I gave them a lot of my dishes, so that they can leave me alone. While we are eating, an owl came and deliver letters and packages for us. Harry was given many letters from the orphanage and candies from my clone. Ron receives a letter and a newspaper and Neville got the Remembrall which the smoke turns to red when he touches it. Apparently, he has forgotten something but can't seem to remember what it was. I probe his mine and found the answer.

Leon: "Neville, where's your robe?"

The smoke from the Remembrall disappears.

Neville: [He looks his clothes] "Now I remember, I forgotten to bring my robe."

I roll my eyes. Harry took the newspaper from Ron and read it.

Harry: "Hey guys listen, somebody broke in the Gringots. Believed to be the work of dark wizards and witches unknown. Gringots goblin well acknowledging the breach but insist nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, have in fact been emptied earlier that very same day. That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and my family went to."

Probably the philosopher stone. Voldemort is really desperate huh. Well, not that I care about both Voldemort and the Philosopher stone. After lunch, I went to my dorm room and stop time. I use my [Word Soul Magic].

Leon: {Nen Chain}

A chain appeared out of nowhere. It wrap around my body like a snake. It attach to my back like the villain, Dr. Otto Octavious aka Dr. Octopus but nen powered and with one arm. My purpose for this chain is detain my enemies, threats and seal their magical abilities and/or movements.

I close my eyes and I can see the chain's perspective. I can look myself through the chain's eyes. My ocular vision was enlarge. In the normal vision of a human, it's feels like you have a tunnel vision but with this chain, I can see many directions except the backside. I open my eyes while the chain vision is active. It feels weird. I can see the chain but I also see myself. It's like I have dual monitors.

I move the chains in different direction and my vision changes. Another sensation permeates on my head. It's like your right eye is moving but your left eye stayed in place. It's difficult to express what I'm feeling. I can move the chains with intent. I intent the chains to be indestructible and with infinite range. Surely, this is my first strongest weapon but I only need it for only a few occasions but it is better be prepared than nothing. I resume time and gone to the next class.

At the field. We greeted the flying teacher, Professor Rolanda Hooch. I just notice she has a yellow colored eyes that looks like a feline. Weird. She instruct us how to pick up the broom with magic. I said "up" but nothing happened. Again, I said "up" but this time, I used [Though Acceleration] and use my magic. I can see the thread of energy flow out through my fingertips and went to the broom. The broom levitates and latch itself on to my hand. Harry did the same but it was luck that made the broom levitate. Hermione and the other kids are still struggling while Ron hit himself with the broom.

I mount the broom and was instructed on how to properly ride the broom. Professor Hooch blow a whistle and Neville just flew away uncontrollably. He hit the caste wall and almost hit the entire group. Professor Hooch just order Neville to get down. I look at her with a dumbfounded expression. Can't she see that Neville can't control his broom? Is she blind or something?

While I question Professor Hooch's mentality, Neville's robe was stuck on a pole and the broom flew away. He then fell and his robe snatch on to the torch. I cast [Wingardium Leviosa] charm and let him safely land. Everyone was surprised by my magic and Professor Hooch immediately check Neville.

Professor Hooch: "Only a minor bruise. I will take him to the Hospital Wing. Everyone needs to keep their foot firmly on the ground, understand? I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it would find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch."

While Professor Hooch leaves, Draco found Neville's Remembrall and mock him about the incident. Harry tries to take the Remembrall from him but Draco flew and mock Harry as well. Hermione tries to warn Harry but didn't listen to a word she said.

Harry tries to take back the ball but fails. Draco throws the ball but Harry zooms in and caught it. The group celebrated but unfortunately, Professor McGonagall caught Harry and take him somewhere. Draco laugh at Harry's misery. I turn myself invisible and smack Draco at the back of his head. He touch his back head and look behind but no one there.

Ron: "What will happen to Harry?"

Hermione: "Probably get expelled for breaking the rules. He's an idiot for not listening to me to my warnings."

Leon: "I highly doubt that. It's his first offense. Probably, give him a warning or something."

Hermione: "And how sure are you? You don't even read the school's rules and regulations."

I just shrug and didn't answer her question. She was irritated by my action.

Ron: "By the way, where did you learn how to that?"

Leon: "About what?"

Ron: "You know, when you save Neville."

Hermione: "Oh that was a levitation charm called [Wingardium Leviosa]. It levitates or float the object you want to float. But you need a lot of magic and control to do that."

Leon: "Thank you, miss dictionary." [Smiles][I teased her].

She just hmph and ignores my tease.

(AC: I'm not entirely sure if I'm making Hermione Leon's future partner and I'm not too sure on making a harem. Don't worry, there is another potential partner for Leon. There's a possibility that he has more than one partner in the future.

PS. I won't make a lemon. It's okay for me to read but weird for me to create it. The human brain is full of mysteries).

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