Chapter 34: Girl Talk

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(Leon POV)

On that night, me and girls we're chatting through our phones and honestly, I've grown to like Astoria. She's prideful and yet compassionate. She not like those Slytherin who looks down at muggles. Maybe because her dad was in partnership with Chris, a muggle, in business so maybe she look at the muggle like equals. Or maybe she was saved by one. Who knows really?

Luna gave me one of the Quibbler magazines and I was fascinated by them. We talk about the mysterious creatures and their whereabouts through chat. I forgot to mention that she's wealthy enough to buy her own cellphone. His father really needed one because the camera on the cellphone is super useful and gave one for her daughter as a gift. I could give her the location using my [Knowledge] but she'll ask how I got that information and wouldn't believe me. I'll give her some hints and ask her if she wants to travel and find those mystical creatures.

Hermione only chatted about textbooks and lessons but I don't mind. I gave some knowledge as well and I recommend some wizard and muggle books that could complement her knowledge.

Astoria: "Have you guys heard the news? In the muggle news, more than 7 muggles have seen a flying blue car."

Hermione: "WHAT?! That's probably Ron and Harry. Did they not turn themselves invisible?"

Leon: "Apparently not. Let the Ministry of Magic handle that and you just reprimand them both when you see them."

Hermione: "What if they will be expelled?"

Leon: "Trust me Hermione, they won't. Professor Dumbledore would think of something."

Luna: "You really think so?"

Leon: "I'm sure."

We chatted a bit more and went to sleep.

(Astoria POV)

Astoria is still awake and opens her cellphone. She texted Luna about something.

Astoria: "Luna, you still awake?"

Luna: "Yes, what is it Astoria?"

Astoria: "What do you think of Leon?"

Astoria waited Luna's reply and moments later, she heard a notification.

Luna: "He seems nice and very smart. He looks very interested about me talking about the magical creatures. It's pretty amazing that he even provided me additional information about them through asking me questions about what they do and their attitude towards wizards, humans and each other. Even my dad doesn't think of that. That reminds me, I should text my father about it."

Astoria: "So you like him?"

Luna: "Yes. I like him. What about you?"

I didn't reply immediately.

Astoria: "I confess that he is likable. He is confident about everything but at the same time, he's an easy going person. Plus, he cooking skills amazing. I don't know about his business skills but I was shock that he was the one making the gadgets and potions. Also, that sandwich you share for me was the best thing I've ever tasted."

Luna shares Leon's sandwich with her at the train station and like the others was impressed.

Luna: "Well I don't mind if you like him. I like him as well and Hermione seems to like him too."

Astoria: "I think it's more than like. Did you see what she did at the dining hall? It's pretty obvious."

Luna: "Does that affect you?"

I contemplate and replied.

Astoria: "To be honest, not really."

Luna: "Then there's no problem. Like he said, we are still young and you said we have a lot of time to get to know him."

Astoria: "Seems like you really like him that much. Why so?"

Luna didn't reply immediately.

Luna: "I just felt like it."

They chatted a little bit more and went to sleep.

(Leon POV)

In the morning, we went to our Herbology class with Professor Pomona Sprout. We put on our suits. Our lesson for today is repot the mandrake. Professor Sprout ask about the mandrake and as usual, Hermione answers her questions easily. We put on our ear muffs and Professor Sprout pulls out a mandrake from the pot and it screams. Man, the screams are really high pitch and so painful. It's like baby's cry but has a higher pitch. She then put it in a pot and she covers it with dirt. Neville can't handle the pressure and just fainted.

At the dining hall, Hermione reprimand Harry and Ron about what they did and they lower their heads in shame. Me and Luna was with them but Astoria was in the Slytherin table. Harry and Ron can't They didn't even argue Hermione.

Leon: "Why didn't you guys use the portkey stone? That I gave you last year?"

Harry: "We left it at home." [Embarrassed]

I face palmed and Luna giggle beside me. We already introduce her to Harry and Ron and Hermione told them also Astoria. They were intensely surprise when they heard that she's my future bride and Hermione was annoyed when she said that. They teased about it but it didn't really affect me. After Hermione, reprimand them, Ron tries to fix his wand with tape but it was inevitable.

While we were eating something flash behind me and blinded Harry. I look behind to see this mysterious flash.

Colin: "I'm Colin Creevey and I'm Gryffindor too."

Harry: "Nice to meet you, Colin" [Rubs his eyes from the flash]

Colin look at me and was surprise and took a picture of me. The flash blinded me as well.

Colin: "Hi there, you must Leon Parker."

Leon: "Hello there, Colin"

I held out my hand for a handshake, even though I'm still blind by the flash, and he shakes it profusely. What an energetic boy.

We heard a flapping noise came from the window and Ron recognize the owl. It was Herald. He smoothly hovers towards Ron but hit his head at the pot full of chips. Ron took out the red envelope from Herald's mouth and Herald gets up and hop towards me. I gave him my food and he ate it intensely. Luna was intrigue of the bird and she pat his head. Howards wasn't bothered by it and let it happen.

When Ron got the envelope, he paled because the letter is a howler. A howler letter is a recorded message with a very loud voice and then explodes itself. Ron has a cellphone but his family doesn't have one because of lack of income. I'll give them each this Christmas as a gift.

Everyone was curious and laugh because something is about to happen. Ron opens it and his suffering begins.

We heard a loud voice of his mother from the envelope, Molly, about what he had done and his father is in big trouble because of him. The letter also congratulates Ginny for being a Gryffindor and then it explodes itself.

Ron paled and doesn't really know what to do. Harry pat his back to comfort him. I called the house elf make an Ube cake for him. When he ate it he was delighted but after the taste was gone, he was sad. He does it again and again until eventually, the cake is gone.

(AC: Want more? Check out my Patre for more 20+ Advance chapters. See yah :D)

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