Chapter 23: Hagrid Became a Mother

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(Leon POV)

Harry and Ron: "Professor Dumbledore!"

Dumbledore: "Good evening children. Admiring, like before you, of the delights of Mirror of Erised."

The Mirror of Erised. Erised which is Desire but in backwards. Those who saw the mirror will saw their deepest and desperate desire of the heart.

Dumbledore: "I trust by now you three realized what it does?"

Leon: "Based on we have seen, it shows what we want to see or what we desire. Is that right?"

Dumbledore look at me and smiled. I nod at him.

Ron: "Our desire? So the Head boy and the Quidditch cup that I saw was just my desire, not our future?"

Harry: "How can it be? My parents are dead." [Sad]

Ron: "I'm sorry, Harry."

Dumbledore walk up to us and pat Harry and Ron's head. I'm observing his every move and contemplating on what his angle. He look at me and smile again. I was annoyed.

Leon: 'Don't be so mysterious you scheming bastard.'

He just ignores me and just focus on the mirror.

Dumbledore: "Like Leon said, it only shows the desire of an individual. If a happiest man sees the mirror, it only shows himself. It only shows us nothing more or less the deepest and most desperate desire of our hearts. Now you Harry, never known your family. You see them standing beside you. Remember this Harry and also you Mr. Weasley, this mirror gives us neither knowledge nor truth. Men have wasted away in front of it. Even gone mad. That is why this week, it would be move to a new home and I must ask you, not to go looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dream and forget to live."

Ah the old reverse psychology trick. I see where this is going.

Dumbledore: "I believe it's passed your bedtime. Now, go along to your dorms now. I already arrange your dorm for you to go to sleep. Also, I would like to talk to Mr. Parker in private. If you don't mind Mr. Parker?"

I nod to him and Harry and Ron went to their dorm room.

Leon: "Aren't you going to ask how we got here?"

Again he just smile. Signaling me that he already knows. At tick appears on my forehead.

Leon: "Can you not be so mysterious? It's annoying you know. We're in the same side."

He chuckles at my remarks.

Dumbledore: "I'm sorry Mr. Parker. Old habits die hard."

I sigh and gave up.

Leon: "Reverse psychology huh. Harry would definitely would try and find this mirror."

I touch the mirror and the mirror shows my desires again.

Dumbledore: "They boy has to do this. It states in the pro-"

Leon: "Yeah yeah, the prophecy. Many will die because of your stupid prophecy you know. Luckily, I have the strength to protect them from their fate."

Dumbledore look at the mirror and show his desire. I don't what he sees but I don't want to pry it.

Leon: "By the way, have you investigate Harry's past? About the Dursleys?���

Dumbledore saddened when heard about what happened to Harry. He look at me and I can see that he regretted his actions.

Leon: "When this is over, I'll be taking Fluffy, the three-headed dog. Alright? Also, revoked Hagrid's expulsion. He's a good man and you already know that he's innocent."

Dumbledore nods and just look at the mirror. He told me I'll be sleeping at the Gryffindor and given me the password. I just left and went to Harry and Ron's dorm.

After Christmas, everyone was back to school. The four of us were at the classroom. Me, Harry, Ron and Hermione, who still a little bit shy from me, were studying and asking questions each other while Ron is playing cards. As usual, Hermione and Ron is still bickering about Ron's lack of motivation for studying and the exam is almost upon us. I grab Hermione's hand under the table while I was still studying and she became quiet. She kind of cute when she turns red and the other students are getting annoyed on their bickering.

I look at Ron and he was confuse at first. Harry suggested him to look down under the table and saw I was holding her hand. He look at me gave me a grin and a silent thank you. I just shrug at him and Harry just grins at me.

Later, we saw Neville hopping towards us and looks like he was tied up by an invisible force. Seamus offers help but Neville denied it because of the fear of explosion. Seamus was offended and leaves but we saw some burn marks on his back head. I dispel the curse on Neville and he thanks me.

After that scenario, Harry found Nicolas Flamel's name on Ron's card and dash towards the library. Everyone found out the Nicolas Flamel was the one who created the Sorcerer's Stone. I face palmed because it's called Sorcerer's Stone, not the Philosopher's Stone. I mentally called myself and idiot. That's why it's called 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone'. Too much watching anime. That's my reason for my stupidity.

The three speculate that Fluffy is guarding the 3rd floor. Under the trap door is the Sorcerer's stone whereabouts. We went to Hargrid's hut at night and told him about the sorcerer's stone. Harry speculates that Snape's is trying to steal the stone but Hagrid says that he was one of protectors of the stone and no one can pass through Fluffy. Plus, there are other enchanted traps and spells protecting the stone.

Leon: 'Which was completely useless because a bunch of 11 year olds went through those spells and enchanted spells almost easily. Or maybe the movie depict it that is easily done but when it comes in real life, it will be pretty hard.'

We heard something ticking in Hagrid's pot and he shows a giant egg. Hagrid tries to answer Harry's question about the egg but Ron interrupted and knows what kind of egg it is. It begins to hatch. We brace for impact and the egg crack and burst out of it. What we see is a dark green dragon came out of its shell looking its sourroundings.

Hermione: "Is that a dragon?"

Ron: "That's not a dragon, that's a Norwegian Ridgeback."

The dragon look at Hagrid and Hagrid was delighted that the dragon thinks that Hagrid was its mother. Hagrid give the dragon a name and it's called Norbert. Hagrid was happy and scratch Norbert's chin. We smile at their interaction until Norbert hiccups and shoots fireball at Hagrid's beard. When Hagrid tries to put out the fire, he notice that someone at the window. We all look at that someone runs away. It was Malfoy.


(AC: Want to find out next and see advance chapters? See me at my patre on/NovelAdik for more. See you there.)

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