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She yawned an set her book away, her red and lime eyes staring blankly at my sister as she ran her hands through her short hair. Her long brunette hair was falling out of her bun. Yet she refused to let it down because she disliked strangers staring at her. Porcelain skin complimented her perfectly she did another yawn an leaned her head back. I was shuffling through my cards as she dozed off, then her head landed on my shoulder. I raised a brow then put my cards back into their case an set them in a pocket. I wrapped an arm around her waist and leaned my head on top of hers. If Hina sees this she's going to kill me....

"Hey Killua!"

Gon grabbed my arm and showed me Thorn passed out on the pervert. The pervert also asleep on her.

"What in the-"


I looked to Gon then to Thorn.

"How did that happen!?"

Gon looked to me then tilted his head.

"They weren't together?"

I shivered.

"No an how are you so calm!?"

He did a chuckle.

"No I'm uncomfortable with him, but isn't it Thorn's choice?"

I paused...dammit Gon why are you right. I sighed as he patted my back.

"Oh an Killua what is Thorn to you?"

I raised a brow at his pure curiosity.

"She's like a mom to me...even though she tells me that bad. An keeps stating on how my mother would feel if she heard that!?"

"But wouldn't she be mad, or upset?"

I sighed.

"I doubt it, it's not like my family cares."

He smiled as we chatted.

I did a yawn an rubbed my eyes. I simply sat Hina on the wall as she leaned against it and fell asleep. I stood an stretched up then walked down the hall seeing the guy with needles again. I raised a brow an walked to him.

"Excuse me why were you pushing bloodlust to me in the first exam?"

I gave a polite closed eyed smile but revealed my bloodlust for the tall male. He grabbed my arm and dragged me then threw me to an empty room. I raised a brow an glared at the man.

"What is your opinion on Kill."

He knows Kill?

"He's a good kid, he's strong an a extraordinary assassin. I'm sure since you know his nickname your close but that won't be it~"

I hummed then did a smirk.

"Your brothers."

The man paused before he had me in a chokehold against the wall, an empty glare on his face.

"Go ahead, but I can't be killed. I already tried~"

He shivered at my sadistic tone. 

"Are you not scared."


He paused then released me, I took in the air then looked to the man.

"Stop an explain yourself, or I'll pull your needles out to see who you really are."

He stopped, I kept a calm tone. 

"You won't be able too."

He began to walk again but I had him pinned to the ground a hand on his chest with my legs on either side of him.

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