Crack Chapter(Cause why not)

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-le portal opens-
Out comes
Tiny Thorn
Lile Hisoka
Tiny Illumi

What the hell, I looked down to see a blue haired Hisoka who looked to be around five gripping my leg. The other was a short haired Illumi who leaned against my other leg watching me cook. Did the boys get turned little!? I turned the burner off and picked up Illumi while Hisoka gripped my leg rubbing his face over it.


They looked to me, Hisoka did a Cheshire smirk that screamed little trouble while Illumi looked up to me an played with my hair.

"Ooo~the pretty lady knows my name~"

I was about to laugh at his cute little voice that hasn't reached puberty yet.

"You two are so stinking cute."

The ebony haired male tilted his head.

"What is cute."

"You don't know what cute is~"

I wobbled to the sofa plopping down as the blue haired boy climbed up an rested his head on my lap.

"Shoes off the furniture."

Illumi was kicking his shoes off while Hisoka grumbled an plopped them to the ground an went back to his position.

"Ma'am what is cute?"

"Call me Thorn Illumi, cute is a complement something nice you say to someone. But you only say it when you genuinely mean it."

He nodded an rested his head on my breast continuing to okay with my hair. I hummed as the adorable baby blue haired boy spoke.

"Can yeah sing? Your actually pretty strong wanna date me?"

I chuckled as he seemed a little ticked.

"Hey whatcha laughing at!"

"I'm not laughing at anything but how cute you are an how ironic that question is."

He raised a brow an turned to his stomach looking to me.

"I can sing too, do you want to hear one?"

He puffed his cheeks as Illumi drifted to sleep.

"How is that question ironic?!"

I smiled as the door opened, Hisoka raised a brow as I also looked at him in confusion. He held a ting brunette girl with crimson eyes her hands were ivory as her hair was chopped in different directions. Ah that time, I frowned as Hisoka walked to see a small hum. Illumi was behind him looking to the small him.

"Is that me!"

The blue boy asked waking the tiny Illumi. He then jumped an clutched his leg with a cat grin.

"I'm so strong~"

Hisoka raised a brow as the boy was attached to his leg.

"It's me."

Illumi spoke to his five year old self who rubbed his eyes then motioned up. I giggled and picked him up standing an handing himself over showing how to hold. I chuckled as Hisoka spoke.

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