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My doodle

I chuckled as Hisoka teased Illumi. I need to tell the boys of that damn turd. I hummed as Hisoka watched Illumi make an imitation of him. I laughed as he posed his arms and spoke in with his usual blank stare.

"I'm Hisoka I flirt with everything that moves, I go shwing Shwing at strong  people."

I laughed as Hisoka faked a hurt expression. After the small jokes an what not I spoke.


They looked to me and raised a brow.

"What's wrong Thorn?"

Hisoka questioned as Illumi got up and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Um my brother is coming..."

"I thought you were the last Cipher."

"I am, we just know each other that well. Like me an Kill's relationship of brother sister."

Hisoka nodded as I continued with Illumi leaning on my head.

"He wants to rake me back to Britain."

Silence then two murderous auroras. It made me shiver at the blood lust.

"Boys calm down, your going to scare the whole floor."

Then the door rammed opened showing KilluGon.

"Who's hear!"

Killl has his claws out while Gon had his fishing rod.

"Do I need to Kill someone!?"

I paused an looked to the boys as they looked around an saw nothing.

"Oi what pissed you two off!?"

Kill retorted with an annoyed look.

"Ethan wants to take me back to Britain."

Then Kill leaked bloodlust. What the hell as Gon raised a brow.

"Who's Ethan?"

"My brother though we're not blood related we just known each other that long."

He did an oh then pet Kill. I chuckled as the boy cooled off an pinched his cheeks.

"Since theirs no danger where leaving."

I sighed an did a small wave as they left. Then turned to the boys while Illumi sat next to me now.


They more demanded then asked.

"To further my training in blood, it should only take a year but I'll attempt to make it shorter."

They paused.


I smiled

"Don't worry the worst that could happen is passing out in the lawn."

They sat their then Illumi.

"Do you have too."

I gave a warm smile.

"Yes if I don't master my blood then terrible consequences will occur."

They could only nod knowing I had no choice in the matter as much as them.

"When will you leave."

"I don't know maybe after my birthday...or sooner depends on when Ethan shows up."

I then stood an gave a kiss to the boys.

"Don't worry I'll be back before you know it but promise me this, keep in touch an stay with each other. No fight or argument should break us up. You Both are amazing and I love you both so much. I need to do this for not just my safety but yours as well. So please don't let work or closing off get in the way. I won't be able to pick up all the time but I'll try. Okay Illumi Hisoka? My Sun and Moon."

They only nodded as they both gave a kiss to my cheeks and lips. Then a knock sounded.

"Thorn it's me Ethan, I'm coming in."

We parted as the two stood next to me as Ethan walked in. He wore his usual beanie grey turtle neck with torn blue jeans and convers. His like eyes staring at me then to the men besides me. He raised a brow.


I motioned him to sit he did so in a sloppy way spreading his legs an having his arm prop up against a knee holding his chin.

"These are my boyfriends."

He raised a brow then smiled.

"I see you finally moved in, I'm happy for you sis."

He chuckled then rested his long arms against his knees.

"Hello I'm Hisoka~"

I smiled as introduced himself causing Ethan to nod then turn his gaze to the ebony haired man.


He did a curt smile an a small nod.

"Nice to meet you, but I do beamy little sis as told you what is happening correct?"

He held a smile an a light hearted words but the air was thick not even a knife could cut through it better yet my scythe.

"Yes we were informed~"

"We were told."

Is small smile turned to a serious wording with a bored look.

"The latest we can stay is her birthday, after she would need to train so she didn't come to harm along with the people surrounding her. I appoloy little sis for such a preposterous time."

I gave a small smile.

"It's quite alright Ethan, have you yet to master your talents?"

"Yes I will be training with you, if you like you can take Killua and the girl I believe her name is Alluka. She stated last I spoke with her that she wants to come with us."

I nodded.

"You would have to talk to Killua and his brother is that okay with you Illumi?"

He paused but nodded after sharing a glance with Hisoka.

"Alright, I will find Killua you have three days."

He counted my birthday an left.

"How old even is he?"


"Really, he looks 19."

I sighed as I laid down with the boys an turned to Hisoka.

"I haven't seen Hina she okay?"

He gave a solemn smile.

"She left."

I blinked then nodded not pushing the situation. Illumi wrapped his arms around me an spike.

"How dose he know Kill and Alluka?"

"They met my brother the first time I left for Britain. I game back with tons of bruises and little scars."

He hummed as he laid his head to the back of my neck. Hisoka smiled at us then scooted over wrapping his arms around us both.

"One more match and I can challenge a floor master~"

I smiled at him.

"Oh~that's amazing~"

He chuckled as I did a Cheshire grin an leaned into him.

"I love you..Illumi, Hisoka."

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