I think this is Chapter 14?

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I yawned an looked to the coal haired male and giggled. His face was buried into my breast once again an he was snoring lightly. What time is it? I looked to the big clock seeing it was a little past eight. He's so cute..I don't want to wake him up. I hummed suddenly really needing to pee. Thank you bladder I would murder you if I could. Readers bladders suck but we need them is this chapter 14? I wanna meet Alluka wait crap. I'm not suppose to know about her yet. Whoopsy Author Chan gonna Kill me. Then Illumi stirred an looked to me.


"Morning Illumi."

He got up pinning me down then gave a soft kiss as he began to get up. I giggled an used the restroom. I took a shower with Illumi then grabbed some shorts and a green tee.

"Thorn no."

I raised a brow as he tossed me some red.

"You like green.."

He smiled as I slipped on a black lace bra an a red t shirt.

"Green just didn't suit you."

I blinked.

"I know."

He kissed my cheek. Then I realized this was one of his shirts. I giggled an took his hand as we went to eat breakfast which was calm with few conversations then decided to go to Hisoka.


I hummed a quiet tune as Illumi listened. We were almost to me room.

"E-excuse me."

I raised a brow an turned to the receptionist.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Mister Morrows March is less than an hour an no one as seen him. Since you two...know...each other I believed you would know his location."

"Did you check his room?"

"Yes he wasn't in their."

I smiled.

"Don't worry I know where he is, I'll inform him on his absence."

She only nodded as me an Illumi walked to my room. I unlocked the door than chuckled as I looked to Illumi who did a small smile an shook his head.

"Wanna surprise him?"

I whispered as he did a curt nod. We walked quietly concealing our presence then slipped into the bed wrapping our arms around him. He grumbled then opened his eyes. He blinked than looked to both sides seeing us. He than smirked and wrapped his arms around us.


I giggled knowing it was the afternoon, he raised a brow then eyed Illumi who did a small smile.

"It's almost 12:36."

He choked on air.

"How late did you stay up? Your never asleep this late."

He paused in thought we shrugged.

"Never mind you don't have to ans-"

We were both toppled by a somewhat horny Hisoka.

"You have a match in less than an hour."

He chuckled at Illumi's statement.

"Then let's make it quick~"

"Hisoka theirs no condoms."

He smirked as my eyes widened, Illumi then agreed with him. Do I get a say in this? A red sealed into my skin as the boys had a heavy make out session than switched to me. Illumi in back with Hisoka in front. Illumi stripped my shirt as Hisoka devoured my mouth.


A moan fell as Hisoka got dressed with Illumi on top. He stopped as Hisoka told us he was going to his match. Illumi finished what he was doing then laid besides me. I huffed an wrapped my arms around him.


I blinked an looked up at Illumi an tilted my head. Red sealed into my skin as he gave a chase kiss then leaned into my shoulder drifting to sleep. I hummed an ran a hand through his hair before my phone by
buzzed. I raised a brow an looked to the message.

It's time to come home

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