Stay Away

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I yawned an looked to Illumi. Shit I fell asleep on him.

"Um sorry Moon didn't mean to fall asleep."

He looked down to me then smiled, why is this cute. It's not it's face it's his personality in general that's adorable. Then I felt Hisoka's blood lust. I looked to Illumi but he slits shrugged.

"He's just gonna kill someone."

"Yeah but who."

He paused he tilted his head at the question then got up an held out a hand. I tilted my head but took his hand, he pulled me up as we went to find The Sun.

What is this, it feels...weird. Her voice was beyond beautiful it seemed gorgeous how every note touched heaven an hell. It seemed to cure the world of its darkness an unravel time. How her voice dipped to a low tone then held a gorgeous high note that seemed to take my breath away. How can such a woman hold a beautiful melody. From what I can tell she seemed blunt curious and strong very strong. Her blood lust caught my interest but her past surprised me, so I was right it was the girl in the blood colored dress. The hair skin an eyes, why didn't I notice. She was warm, it filled my cold body even if it was just her hand. I felt warm in the cold body. She chatted an seemed worried about the clown. She had called me Moon, it is meant for darkness. Is that what she saw of me, if I ask would she answer.


She hummed as her large Dow eyes stared at me.

"What dose Moon mean."

She blinked then giggled.

"In general people think it means darkness. But I see it as cool calm and collected. A Moon is a calm Pearson who thinks things through an annualizes situations. Their is more to them than the surface an they tend to be cold people when you first meet them. Now then the Sun means hot blunt and sarcastic. They'll do anything in their power to get what they want, yet they still analyze like the Moon. But tend to loose temper more quickly an discard things out once they loose interest in. Those are my thoughts on the Sun and Moon."

I watched as her hair fell to her legs as she walked on how it was straight yet had an unrulyness about it. Thorn has a small face with large eyes a petite nose and large yet slim lips..I removed my eyes. How can someone so young have that much breast. She was short and thick she had large curves small hands and feet. Yet her large eyes also resembled a cats. She was muscular but slim for her size. Large hips and legs tiny waist an arms and large breast. What do her parents even look like. Then of course her eyes, left eye was a blood red while the right was a bright lime green. She wore long gloves that went to the bending in her arms. The scars.. "You can't kill me I've already tried~"Her words echoed through my Brian. Why would she want to die, is the loss of someone you love that strong. We stopped she watched as Hisoka killed some random guy. She did a hum in approval as we walked else where.


It was finally over I stretched my arms up as we all showed them our two to four badges. Hisoka had lost an Gon somehow managed to get his badge. Hina got both her target and hers me and Illumi had ours an so on. We walked to the boat then after the trip was done we got into that old guys blimp.

"Mmm Thorn~do you have any food?"

I tossed a granola bar at Hina who happily ate the food as I drank a bit more water an went to the restroom. I hummed as I walked down to see Illumi. I smiled at him as he did a curt nod. I walked up to him an took a needle from his vest.

"How do you use these..."

I spoke to myself as I looked at the yellow pin then gently stuck it back to his jacket an walked away. I sat in my seat an drew a bit Kill an Gon behind me with Oreo an Kurta in front.

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