Killia and Gon

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I hummed as the guy with black hair taught Gon an Kill the basics. Then they went to see what nen users they are. Gon is an Enchanter Kill is Transmuter. Hina is a conjurer.

"Thorn what is your nen?"

They looked to me as I shrugged an walked to the glass. It flaunted up turning a crimson red if my blood an formed a Thorned Rose. It stood an looked like water erupted from it as it froze.


The man stated as I pulled the Rose from the ice.

"Lick it."

Kill looked at me weirdly as Gon licked the ice.


I nodded as Kill spoke.

"You have one in your house.."

"Yeah it's when I first learned my nen."

Kill then licked the Rose agreeing that it tasted like strawberries.

"Go ahead, I can make one anytime."

Kill's eyes widened but nodded taking the flower.


I looked to the little boy and raised a brow as he paled slightly.

"Is something wrong?"

He quickly shook his head as the man stared at me. Hina licked the water from the glass. Her tongue got stuck. I sighed.

"Hina how did you do that?"

"Whth isth isth so cophd."

"I was raised in below freezing temperatures, do it's naturally gonna be cold."

I flicked the red water causing he tongue to be free.

"Thank you so much!"

I smiled as Kill an Gon looked to me.

"Will this melt?"



I chuckled as we later excused ourselves.

"Okay you needed to tell Hina and I something?"

I nodded as we walked to their current room so Gon can train.

"Um yeah.."

I sat in a chair as the two faced me. Gon was half paying attention.

"Well I'm dating Hisoka an Illumi.."

Hina leaked bloodlust as Kill gagged.

"Hina I'll smack you."

She quickly cleaned up her attitude.

"Anyways were all together a polymerous relationship(I think that's what it's called?)so um Hina Hisoka told me what you said to him. But you really shouldn't be mad at him um Kill are you okay with this?"

Kill sighed then smiled.

"Hey I guess will be related now eh."

A red sealed into my skin as he chuckled and did a nod of approval.


The girls voiced booned through the walls, I glared causing her to shut up. I stood an set a hand on my hip.

"Now listen hear young lady, you should be happy for your brother an not throw a tantrum! I love both of them and they love me! What is wrong with that?! We all deserve happiness!"

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