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A silence fell. It was cold an quiet as if a knife could never slice through the silence.


A tear then two they fell an touched the ground. The blood seeped into the tile as it fell down the mans face. For the girl he loved stood in front of him void of emotions.


She questioned herself. True the man had looked much different from her memories. His shaggy black hair was pinned back with the blue green beanie holding the remained hair back. But what threw her off was his once golden hair was tainted with a rich coal black that seeped into an ash filled smoke. Then those Amethyst eyes were replaced with a striking lime green a scar placed over his left eye as blood soaked tears dropped down staining his white shirt and the tile floor. The man had did a nod then her eyes widened. She quickly went to the man giving him a hug as tears fell from her face.

"I've missed you Mi amor."

She smiled an buried her face into his neck as his arms twined around her waist. The other smiled an watched as Ethan peppered the girls with kisses as golden tears ran down her cheeks. The death like silence had left filling it with a light cool air that calmed everyone in the room.


"Hello I'm Thorn, I believe your name is Lime correct?"

The blueberry nodded an gave a small smile.

" do you have anything I could wear? It's uncomfortable in this."

The girl wore a blood red hoodie with male pants an sneakers. Thorn only nodded an held out her hand.

"Come in I'll show you around that is after you get changed."

She nodded as the girls went to Thorns room. The walls were tall an had a grey tint. Large bay windows decorated the room with a blood colored bed in the middle. Purple sheets mixed with the red pillows as a purple rug laid underneath holding the deep wooden floors. A black book shelf an computer in the room as well. A antique clock hung above the bed.

"We're the same."

It caught Thorn off guard. She turned from rummaging through her drawers. She didn't respond for what seemed like hours but we're minutes.

"Do you know what we are?"

Lime tilted her head confused at the question.

"You don't know?"

Thorn shook her head an handed her a red sweater with a black skirt an heels. She turned around allowing Lime to change.

"No I don't, I only found out a few hours prior to when you came."

"I see you can look."

Thorn turned an smiled before sitting her down.

"I'll braid it, can you explain further?"

"Alright well to put it bluntly we're legends."

Thorn raised a brow pulling a brush off her dressier an a few black ties.

"A legend? But didn't they die a long time ago?"

"Yes but apparently their being reborn as well us. Anyone with the black markings are legends."

Thorn nodded gently brushing through the long hair.

"How tall are you an can you pass it on by hitting someone?"

"I'm 6ft an yes and no. It depends on who they are. If they can't be a legend then it doesn't effect them. So if we do bite someone it's a 50-50 chance of them becoming one."

"I see."

"I believe your pregnant correct?"

"Yes I think it's twins but not entirely sure."

"Yin and yang?"

"Yes...we were.."

"Your twin perished?"


"Then you hold both Yin and Yang and that means your children will definitely be twins and hold the Yin & Yang of legends."

"Will they be okay?"

Thorn finished the first braid an started on the second.

"Yes they'll be exceptionally strong."

"I see then how do I turn back?"

"The marks are permanent, but wing an tail, horns can be hidden."

"Alright,but how?"

"How did you transform?"

"Zinx got me mad an I sang."

"...well this is going to be difficult..."


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