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My doodle

It's been three months. I am done with my physical an mental training now nen and power. My stomach growled as I ate a green apple. These kids are gonna love bitter crap.

"Sis, she's hear."

"Killua are you okay why are you scared?"

I slightly panicked as Alluka raisers to me an grasped my shirt. Ah an I told them I was pregnant within the first month.

"She's strong very strong."

I nodded seeing the cat assassin shiver as Alluka whipped her face with a napkin. Then the door opened we looked to a tall woman with pink hair and blue skin that seeped to grey. A purple hue spreading across her face as she fixed her unusual clothing. But what surprised me were her emerald eyes that mixed into a lime green. She's a robot. Her posture screamed elegance an poise like a Queen. She then walked to me an did a small curtsy.

"Your Highness."

I raised a brow resting a hand on my stomach pulling a Alluka behind me as I stood.

"Pardon I have no royal ties."

She raised her head, she kept a full look as her aura seeped through her skin. She is very strong.

"You are a Cipher?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Every Cipher is of royal blood in fact your eldest brother was king of madness and the mind. But you are the eldest an hold the powers of Yin and Yang. We have much to cover to unlock your full potential."

I didn't speak as she motioned me to follow. Kill crept behind me as Alluka stayed behind me.

"I understand you have master you powers of mind but have you master your blood?"

"No ma'am."

"Do call me Zinx Thorn."

"How do you know my name?"

"I was sent by your mother to train you when you turn nineteen."

"I understand but why dose that woman care she left me and took the money."

"It was her last wish your highness."

"Last wish?...I understand I apologize you must have been close."

"Yes she had created me, storing her and your fathers nen."

We stopped at the training grounds.

"Kill, Alluka wait by the Sakura tree."

They mobbed and sat under it as she looked to me.

"I will ask three questions then attack you. We will repeat that until I am satisfied."

I nodded.

"One favorite color."


"Two question favorite food."

"English sandwich called Reuben."

"Third question best friend."

"Grell Sutcliff."

She then attacked I growled lowly and threw her holding my stomach.


She shivered as my words booked through the landscape as she fell to her butt and nodded. She stood up and walked over standing.

"One spouse."

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